Recent papers in Phenomenolgy
Was tun wir mit den Sinnen, was tun die Sinne mit uns? Ein häufiger Zugang kehrt die Rolle der fünf Sinne als Erfahrungskonstituens hervor, akzentuiert die historische, kulturelle und soziale Bedingtheit, erforscht soziale Bewertung,... more
The paper takes as its starting point some cues present in the last book by Marco De Natale (“Per una teoria dell’Ascolto musicale. Tra soglie vegetative e immaginario eccentrico”, Mimesis, 2015), by recruiting it in a theoretical profile... more
Attraverso una breve e veloce premessa storico-critica e storico-filosofica il testo proposto fa emergere il tema del rapporto problematico sussistente fra l'attuale ideologia che sorregge il fenomeno economico, sociale e politico della... more
This essay attempts to clarify the ambiguities attached to the term 'the life-world' and 'a priori of the life-world' in the phenomenological sense. It sketches the phenomenology of the life-world with respect to everyday pre-scientific... more
El texto expresa inicialmente un agradecimiento personal al profesor García-Baró, poniendo asimismo de relieve su estima por el fenomenólogo francés Michel Henry. Luego se proponen algunos líneamientos acotados, que invitan a pensar... more
This paper takes its starting point from the idea put forward, among others, by Dewey who argues that, whilst the distinction between psychology and philosophy may be useful for some purposes, it may not be for others. Inquiries into and... more
EXTENDED ABSTRACT Disclaimer: I wanted to declare my privilege when it comes to discussing different kinds of sensation, and diverse bodies and bodily experiences -Intersectionally I have some invisible disabilities, and am bisexual and... more
Is there any difference between the widely discussed ‘pictorial turn’ and the emerging ‘iconic turn’? If so, does it matter? The answers to these questions are positive if we look at the problem from a cultural sociological point of view.... more
This essay attempts to clarify the ambiguities attached to the term ‘the life-world’ and ‘a priori of the life-world’ in the phenomenological sense. It sketches the phenomenology of the life-world with respect to everyday pre-scientific... more
Je voy que les callibistrys des femmes de ce pays sont à meilleur marché que les pierres. Diceulx fauldroit bastir les murailles...' Rabelais (Pantagruel XV)1 • Introduction The subject of this paper is the practice of tàijí and the way... more
1. In the Dzogchen tantric teachings, the view is the purity of all phenomena. The pure view is the all-encompassing purity of every creature and every thing. The pure view is of the inherent nature of purity of being. Primordially pure,... more