Pedology (Soil)
Recent papers in Pedology (Soil)
Twenty two soil samples from four pedons representing some established soil series namely Jaonia, Halti, Taras and Digli from the Chalan beel area of Bangladesh were studied in the field as well as in the laboratory for their pedogenesis... more
le sol est constitué d'une fraction minérale et organique , il faudra donc connaitre ces propriétés physico-chimique pour l'ameliorer
The Cerrado soil is under constant modification, especially because of the use of agricultural systems, which affect soil carbon (C) and phosphorus (P) functioning. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the C and P dynamics... more
Evaluation of individual soil horizons and sequences of soil horizons in archaeological studies is critical to the correct and meaningful interpretation of archaeological context. We focus on the evaluation of soils in the stratigraphic... more
Není to tak dlouho, co jsme skoro všichni byli zemědělci. Vždyť ještě v roce 1900 žilo na venkově kolem 90 % evropského obyvatelstva. Možná proto se nás dotýká zastavování úrodné zemědělské půdy a s tíživým pocitem prožíváme sucho na... more
Our knowledge of plant and animal growth and development is far superior to that of the evolution of soil, yet soil plays a fundamental role in natural ecosystems. To understand the complexity of soil systems we need to explore processes... more
Digital soil morphometrics is defined as the application of tools and techniques for measuring and quantifying soil profile attributes and deriving continuous depth functions. This paper reviews how proximal soil sensing and other tools... more
Initially a coastal archaeological survey was conducted in both Accomack and Northampton counties, Virginia in 1999 and 2001. After a 15-16 year hiatus, the entire 1,289 linear miles of shoreline were re-examined to understand how the... more
Properties of five soils developed on different positions of a Legon hill catena in the Accra Plains, Ghana, were studied. Nyigbenya, Toje, Adenta, Haatso and Alajo series were located on the higher upperslope, lower upperslope, middle... more
Tanah dengan muatan variabel merupakan tanah dengan sifat morfologi, mineralogi, kimia, fisika, biologi dan genesis dengan rentang yang lebar. Akan tetapi mereka mempunyai kesamaan dalam hal tanda serta besar muatan yang sangat... more
Each geomorphic hazard involves a degree of risk which incorporates quantification of the probability that a hazard will be harmful. At present, the categorization of sub-watersheds into erosion risk is considered as the fundamental... more
Pedology is the study of soils as they occur on the landscape. A central goal of pedological research is improve holistic understanding of soils as real systems within agronomic, ecological and environmental contexts. Attaining such... more
The morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils under different land uses in Hunkuyi Northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria was assessed with their suitability for maize crop production. Three major agricultural land uses... more
authors: T. Reimann, M. van Meer, T. Schunke, H. von Suchodoletz
Apesar da grande quantidade de registros arqueológicos do início do Holoceno presente em abrigos rochosos, muito pouco foi detectado a céu aberto. Poucos sítios detectados fora das áreas abrigadas podem ser considerados potencialmente... more
Abstract: A soil pedologist is a soil scientist who specializes in a branch of soil science that is concerned with identification, formation, and distribution of soils, which covers soil classification, soil genesis and survey as well as... more
The Brazil nut effect (BNE) is a physical phenomenon by which large granular particles (i.e., archaeological artifacts) in a bed of small disturbed particles (i.e., soil), rise to the top surfaces. This paper examines the physical forces... more
The soil is differently defined by different soil scientists and its definition has changed over time. This paper reviews how the definition of the soil has changed since the early 1800s by selecting and listing 81 definitions given in a... more
U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja pedogeografskih karakteristika teritorija grada Tuzla. Izvršena je detaljna analiza zastupljenosti pojedinih vrsta tala, njihovog stanja te je prikazan način korištenja, stepen degradacije,... more
Durante las excavaciones en la temporada 2017, una parte de las operaciones se enfocó a la identificación de las áreas agrícolas prehispánicas de Uaxactún y sus alrededores. Dentro de las excavaciones se tomaron 2 muestras del suelo de... more
Nowadays, the city area of Toruń is dominated by anthropogenic and technogenic soils – developed by humans or significantly altered, mainly disturbed in terms of morphology and chemical and physical properties. This study is a... more
Delo opisuje osnovne pedološke značilnosti na območju kraja Ronek (Izola), kjer je bil izveden pedološki horizontalni izkop prsti, hkrati pa so bile določene osnovne fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti prsti. Na območju izkopa je bilo... more
A Cikolai-vízrendszer vízgyűjtőterületén folytatott régészeti topográfiai kutatás célja a táj-és területhasználat alapvető strukturális változásainak felvázolása a régé-szeti és a településtörténeti adatok tükrében. A térség első intenzív... more
Characterization of spatial variability of some physiochemical soil properties of some soil series from Mid- Mesopotamian plain . By Rahal ,Nadhum Shamkhi Kut technical Institute-Middle Technical University/ lraq Nadhum [email protected] Kut... more
This study was conducted to evaluate the soil fertility status of an undulating topography of a young rubber plantation located at Ikot-Ukpora, Biase Local Government Area of Cross Rivers State and its implication for rubber cultivation.... more
The study was carried to determine the mineralogy of soils of different geomorphic units for providing the more detailed information needed to improve agricultural production in north-eastern part of Haryana. The soils of the study area... more
The use of intensive chemistry in the agricultural field was a first cause of pollution in the agricultural field. In order to move towards sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture, farmers took into account the use of... more
Los estudios referidos al cambio climático global se han desarrollado desde mediados del siglo pasado, produciéndose un vacío en el análisis de sus impactos potenciales sobre la pedogénesis en general y la de los espacios áridos y... more
Palaeoclimate models suggest enhanced evaporation rates in subtropical regions (15–30° latitude) during greenhouse-world conditions, however, there are no empirical data to support these estimates. Laboratory evaporation experiments have... more
Perception of soil's history is an essential in addressing the imperious issues related to the sustainable agricultural development and land degradation in the hyper arid and arid regions. Therefore, the current work was undertaken to... more
Among other important factors, vegetation cover strongly affects the hydrological processes in mountain catchments. In this paper, we present the results of field infiltration measurements at the location of various vegetation covers,... more
T HE STUDY is undertaken on thirteen profiles representing the main four dry valleys which lie on the eastern side of the Nile valley between Ghamaza El-Kobra and Kafr-Halawa, Giza. The obtained results indicate that opaque minerals,... more
This article has been elaborated from the publication of 2003: I suoli di Roma: due passi sulle terre della città (Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, Carta dei Suoli del Comune di Roma in scala 1:50.000 con Note Illustrative, with abstract in... more
The Brazilian Amazonia is a region covered by an extensive mosaic of tropical forests conditioned by different topographical and hydro-edaphic features. Although studies relating environmental determinants of structure and floristic... more