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Estratto dal quarto capitolo della tesi in Diritto Penitenziario
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      EducationPedagogia generale e socialeDiritto PenitenziarioPedagogía Penitenciaria
School is the most embedded formal educational agency into society. Therefore, the more society evolves fast, the more school arranges to change itself, shaping new operative borders. So, what happens, instead, when school is located... more
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      Prison EducationPedagogiaScuolaFormazione
Review of the book  by Pirè, V. (2014). Carcere e potere. Interrogativi pedagogici. Roma: Aracne.
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      Criminal JusticePrison EducationCritical Prison StudiesPrisons
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      Formación y desarrollo profesionalEstrategias De AfrontamientoiPedagogía Penitenciaria
Transicións profesionais. O caso dos educadores do Complexo Penitenciario de Islas Marías/ Neste artigo relátase a experiencia vivida po- los educadores do Complejo Penitenciario de Islas Marías (México) tipificada como “una transición... more
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      Formación y desarrollo profesionalEstrategias De AfrontamientoiPedagogía Penitenciaria