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      Veterinary MedicinePakistanIndiaBiological Sciences
Pulsed-®eld gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and random ampli®ed polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis were used to compare 21 Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains and ®ve M. imitans strains. Each strain of M. gallisepticum typed by PFGE and RAPD methods... more
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesPOULTRY DISEASES
Since Þrst discovered in the New York City area in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) has become established over much of the continental United States and has been responsible for Ͼ10,000 cases of severe disease and 400 human fatalities, as... more
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      Medical EntomologyBiological SciencesNew York CityUnited States
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence of pathogenic mycoplasma species in the turkey population of Turkey. Tracheal samples randomly collected from a total of 624 apparently healthy meat-type turkeys at a... more
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      TurkeyPhylogenyPolymerase Chain ReactionPOULTRY DISEASES
Marek's disease virus (MDV) isolated from poultry flocks in three states of India was monitored for the virus occurrence in the field. The MDV genome was isolated from feather follicles, spleen, and liver of the chicken (173 samples).... more
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      MicrobiologyFlow CytometryMedical MicrobiologyApoptosis
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      AgingPakistanAnimal ProductionAnimal Husbandry
Our objective was to assess the association of managerial practices, general hygiene and Salmonella infection in Senegalese broiler flocks. Seventy broilers farms were studied from January 2000 to December 2001 around Dakar. A... more
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      FranceFood MicrobiologySenegalAnimal Husbandry
During the period from July 2002 to June 2003, infectious bursal disease (IBD) was suspected in 101 commercial flocks of broiler chickens on the basis of clinical and post mortem findings in some districts of the Haryana state, India.... more
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      MicrobiologyZoologyPoultry ScienceAfrica
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      Biological SciencesMarek DiseaseField ExperimentVaccine
In the current study with broiler chickens, the objective was to assess whether a mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) preparation would have anticoccidial activity. One-day-old birds were given a single, mild coccidiosis infection with a mixture... more
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      Poultry ScienceAnimal ProductionElectromagnetic FieldsPOULTRY DISEASES
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      MicrobiologyZoologyMutationGene transfer techniques
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An infectious bursal disease (IBD) outbreak occurred in the east region of Spain in the spring of 2002 and rapidly spread thorough the whole country, although proper vaccination programs were applied. In this report, 33 infectious bursal... more
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In the present study, we describe the development of a DNA vaccine against chicken anemia virus. The VP1 and VP2 genes of CAV were amplified and cloned into pBudCE4.1 to construct two DNA vaccines, namely, pBudVP1 and pBudVP2-VP1. In... more
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      CytokinesBiological SciencesSpleenCell line
Colibacillosis accounts for significant losses to the poultry industry, and control efforts are hampered by limited understanding of the mechanisms used by avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) to cause disease. We have found that the... more
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      MicrobiologyZoologyImmune responseEscherichia coli
Sodium butyrate is a sodium salt of a volatile short-chain fatty acid (butyric acid) used to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis infection in birds. Three groups of fifty 1-d-old broilers each were fed the following diets: T0 = standard... more
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      Poultry ScienceDietAnimal ProductionSalmonella enteritidis
A 2-year-old, 3.8-kg male Rhode Island red rooster was examined for lameness and progressive swelling of the right foot of several month's duration. Radiographs of the right foot demonstrated soft tissue swelling and a smoothly marginated... more
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      Anti-Bacterial AgentsPOULTRY DISEASESChickensVeterinary Sciences
The prevalence of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from faecal samples from 117 poultry industry workers, 100 patients and119 healthy chicken were compared. Resistance of E. coli chicken isolates to ampicillin,... more
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      Tropical MedicineSaudi ArabiaTropical medicine (Health Sciences)Antibiotic Resistance
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Eighty isolates of Riemerella anatipestifer representing 71 outbreaks of riemerellosis in Thailand between 1994 and 1999 were serotyped using the gel diffusion precipitin test. Based on the precipitation patterns, 25 serological profiles... more
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      MicrobiologyThailandDisease OutbreaksAvian Pathology
In 2004/05, all European Union member states were required to carry out standardised prevalence surveys to establish the baseline prevalence of Salmonella in commercial laying flocks. As part of the survey in Great Britain, additional... more
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      Environmental microbiologyVeterinaryAnimal HusbandryPopulation Density
The objective of this study was to develop a real-time PCR assay for rapid identification of Campylobacter jejuni and to apply the method in analyzing samples from poultry processing. A C. jejuni-specific primer set targeting a portion of... more
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      Poultry ScienceAnimal ProductionFood MicrobiologyMeat
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      MicrobiologyPrimary CareMedical MicrobiologyChina
From 2006 to 2008, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (HPAI) virus of the H5N1 subtype occurred among poultry in Nigeria. We described the spatio-temporal patterns of the HPAI H5N1 outbreaks in Nigeria. Data of suspected and... more
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      DemographySpatial AnalysisVeterinary EpidemiologySpatial Statistics
Although in¯uenza viruses can infect a wide variety of birds and mammals, the natural host of the virus is wild waterfowl, shorebirds, and gulls. When other species of animals, including chickens, turkeys, swine, horses, and humans, are... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyMolecular EvolutionAdaptation
ABSTRACT Guava (Psidium guajava) fruit is vulnerable to postharvest diseases, such as anthracnose. In the present study, molecular characterisation and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum associated with antharcnose disease of guava fruit... more
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      MicrobiologyZoologyMolecular EvolutionPlant Biology
Avian influenza virus (AIV) causes great economic losses for the poultry industry worldwide and threatens the human population with a pandemic. The conventional detection method for AIV involves sample preparation of viral RNA extraction... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyLab On A ChipSample Preparation
Fifty eight (58) samples of cereals for human consumption (20 corn flour, 17 wheat flour) and poultry feeds (n = 21) purchased from popular markets of Rabat in Morocco were analyzed for aflatoxins (AF) by HPLC with immunoaffinity column... more
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      MicrobiologyMoroccoIndustrial BiotechnologyFood Microbiology
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      GeneticsProteomicsMultidisciplinaryTime-of-flight mass spectrometry
Background: The laying hen model of spontaneous epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is unique in that it is the only model that enables observations of early events in disease progression and is therefore also uniquely suited for... more
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      TranscriptomeBiological SciencesAnimal FeedChemoprevention
Escherichia coli Vacuolating Factor (ECVF) is a heat-labile, vacuolating cytotoxin produced by avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) isolated from avian cellulitis lesions. In this report, we intend to demonstrate that purified ECVF induces the... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyBacterial ToxinsEscherichia coli
Successful detection of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) by culture and PCR from samples collected in the environment of experimentally infected chickens and turkeys, or under ®eld conditions, is described. Results showed that in the experimental... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyCultureFood Microbiology
Background and Aim: Since 2017, there have been epidemics with respiratory disorders in the laying hen farms in Algeria, as signs and lesions, respiratory difficulties, and hemorrhagic tracheitis, which closely like laryngotracheitis.... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseasePOULTRY DISEASES
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      ZoologyVietnamDisease susceptibilityDNA
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 3 diet formulations containing different protein sources (animal, plant, and a combination of animal and plant) on the colonization of Campylobacter jejuni in the gastrointestinal... more
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      CanadianIntestinesPOULTRY DISEASESChickens
Transmissible viral proventriculitis (TVP) was experimentally reproduced in 2-wk-old specific-pathogen-free chickens and commercial broiler chickens by eyedrop inoculation of adenovirus-like virus (AdLV), isolate R11/3. No clinical signs... more
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      MicrobiologyZoologyPOULTRY DISEASESChickens
A recent European Union Directive required member states to put monitoring and control programmes in place, of which vaccination is a central component. Live Salmonella vaccines generally confer better protection than killed vaccines,... more
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      Innate immunityVaccinationPoultrySalmonella
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      Poultry ScienceAnimal ProductionNetherlandsRisk factors
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      EgyptRisk assessmentAnimal HusbandryPreventive Veterinary Medicine
In 1995 research was conducted in Trinidad and Tobago with the aim of collecting knowledge on ethnoveterinary medicines in order to lay a foundation for further scientific study and validation. This paper describes only the... more
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      Veterinary MedicineParticipatory ResearchVeterinary EducationFolk Medicine
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      Disease OutbreaksGreat BritainPOULTRY DISEASESChickens
In humans, metabolic complaints may be associated with a failure in one of the body hormone or enzyme systems, a storage disease related to lack of metabolism of secretory products because of the lack of production of a specific enzyme,... more
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      BreedingAnimal HusbandryBiological SciencesMetabolic diseases
In vitro and in ovo virus neutralization assays were conducted to assess the role of different host systems in infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) antigenic and immunogenic variation. Four different strains, two variant (1084 E and... more
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      MicrobiologyCell CultureHigh FrequencyVirulence
A pulley-block system for elevating sentinel chicken coops was designed to conduct mosquito-borne virus surveillance in the forest canopy. This modified design allows traditional captive sentinel bird cages to be hoisted easily to the... more
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      ZoologyTreesPOULTRY DISEASESChickens
I am very pleased to send our revisions for the manuscript entitled "Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Isolated from chicken carcasses and environment at slaughter in Reunion Island: prevalence, genetic characterization and antibiotic... more
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      ReunionPrevalencePOULTRY DISEASESChickens
Clinical, pathoanatomical, histological, and bacteriological studies were performed on broiler chickens, growing broiler parents, and growing egg layers, in three different poultry farms, after an outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyTendon and Ligament injuriesAnimal ProductionPOULTRY DISEASES
Egg production systems have become subject to heightened levels of scrutiny. Multiple factors such as disease, skeletal and foot health, pest and parasite load, behavior, stress, affective states, nutrition, and genetics influence the... more
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      Poultry ScienceAnimal WelfareAnimal ProductionEggs
Official post-mortem inspection records of poultry in 11 industrial poultry abattoirs in the Fars province, southern Iran, between 20 March 2002 and 19 March 2006 were used to investigate the character and prevalence of poultry loss... more
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      Linear modelsIranPreventive Veterinary MedicineSepsis
Abbreviation Key: AET = apparent equivalent temperature; BVA = British Veterinary Association; CK = creatine kinase; DOA = dead on arrival; GAS = General Adaptation Syndrome; H:L = heterophil: lymphocyte ratio; HPA =... more
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      Poultry ScienceTransportationAnimal WelfareAnimal Production