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      Military VeteransPolitical ScienceSouth African Politics and SocietySouth African history
The Nigerian federalism has from the inception of managing the allocation of revenue among its component parts met with virulent protestation that has degenerated into perennial crisis. The locus of contention has always been the... more
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      Political EconomyCorporate GovernanceInternational MigrationPublic Policy Analysis
This chapter explores the influence that military service and associated experiences had on ex-servicemen who played a prominent role in parliamentary and extra-parliamentary opposition politics after the Second World War ended in 1945.... more
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      Military VeteransSouth African Politics and SocietySouth African historySecond World War (History)
Why would a large incumbent party, that can alone muster over 45 per cent of electoral support, add seven insignificant political parties to its electoral list, thus providing them with a free ticket into the Assembly, state-sponsored... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePoliticsDemocracy
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      EthnicityZambiaCampaigns and ElectionsPOLITICAL PARTIES OPPOSITION POLITICS
À l’automne 2004, comme en 2013-2014, l’Ukraine a connu des mouvements de contestation des pouvoirs publics sans précédent. Ils ont chacun fait émerger des formes nouvelles de résistances et de contestations, tout en opérant des ruptures... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsProtest MovementsPolitical Oppositions
Lindsay J. Benstead. 2019. “Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD), Algeria.” In Conflict in the Modern Middle East: An Encyclopedia of Civil War, Revolutions, and Regime Change. Broomfield, CO: ABC-CLIO.
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      Political PartiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesLegislative Politics
O slogan "a luta continua", embora seja, hoje, utilizado por pessoas de várias tendências políticas, e em várias circunstâncias da vida é, originariamente, património dos regimes filocomunistas. No caso de Moçambique, ele é associado ao... more
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      African StudiesPolitical PartiesDemocratizationMozambique
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      Military VeteransPolitical ScienceSouth African Politics and SocietySouth African history
Keine Dauerreden mehr: Die Demokraten haben im US-Senat die Filibuster-Regel gelockert. Doch wie schaffte es die Lizenz zum Labern überhaupt in die Verfassung?
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      American PoliticsRhetoricCongress (American Politics)Presidency (American Politics)