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The paper is devoted to Ludwik Christians, a Polish lawyer, president of the Polish Red Cross, a deputy of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (from 1934), and a member of the National Party. Ludwik Christians was committed to preserving... more
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      Polish Historyhistory of PolandRed CrossPCK
A partir de la didáctica de las ciencias, la línea sobre el conocimiento didáctico del contenido o CDC hace aportes importantes para analizar la formación del profesorado y la mejora profesional. En este sentido, se realizó una... more
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      PCKDIDÁCTICA DE LA QUÍMICAEnseñanza de las cienciasConocimiento Didáctico del Contenido
This study explores how teachers of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) faced with a major National Curriculum change were able to teach the new elements of the programmes of study. A multiple case study involving nine... more
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      PedagogyComputingPCKTeaching resources
The teacher knowledge of students’ understanding of mathematics refers to the knowledge teacher must have about students in order to help them develop specific knowledge. This component of pedagogical content knowledge includes two... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationTeacher TrainingPreservice Teacher Education
The great ideas on biodiversity and the Content Representation of a studentteacher. Visit of a professor of Universidad Surcolombiana) This paper presents the research results to search for, develop, document and portray the most... more
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Se presenta el póster de la investigación doctoral en educación de Héctor Alexander Afanador Castañeda. En este documento se presenta el problema de la investigación y el desarrollo del objetivo específico, a partir de la revisión... more
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Once the revisions for my master's thesis are done it will be posted in this section. I am upgrading to a PhD, therefore the study will continue.
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      Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)PCK
RESUMO: O tema conhecimento didático do conteúdo (CDC) é campo de estudo que contribui para a formação de professores e a melhoria da qualidade educacional. Assim, objetivou-se caracterizar o CDC de professores de ciências da natureza e... more
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      PCKFORMACION DE PROFESORESConocimiento Didáctico del ContenidoEducación en ciencias
Cells are sensitive to a variety of signals in their environment, which they respond to and integrate. Signal transduction at the cellular level refers to the movement of signals from outside the cell to inside. A "cross-talk",... more
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      ChemistryKey wordsMAP kinasesROS
The study determined the essential elements of an Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) component of an Outcomes-based Education (OBE) cycle. It sought to answer these objectives: (1) extrapolate notable teaching attributes based on... more
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      Chemistry EducationRepresentationsLearningPedagogical Content Knowledge
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    • PCK