Recent papers in OBE
Luke, D. P. (2012). Psychoactive substances and paranormal phenomena: A comprehensive review. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 31, 97-156. This paper investigates the relationship between psychoactive substances and... more
Physically, reality is all, known and unknown, that exists within a system. It ‘is the totality of all things, structures (actual and conceptual), events (past and present) and phenomena, whether observable or not. The author has explored... more
The study aimed to determine the status of implementation in terms of practices and environment as well as its usefulness in terms of academics, attitudes and instructions of OBE for Customs Administration Students of Lyceum of the... more
The study aimed to determine the status of implementation in terms of practices and environment as well as its usefulness in terms of academics, attitudes and instructions of OBE for Customs Administration Students of Lyceum of the... more
This study aimed to provide a clear direction for successful implementation of the K to 12 in the Philippines using the Quadrant Model of Teaching (QMT). The following objectives were raised in order to answer the main problem: (1)... more
002@ABACATE ALASCA 2 abacates, 3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga, 2 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo, 2 1/3 xícaras de leite, 3 ovos, sal, pimenta-do-reino, 100 g de queijo prato ralado, manteiga para untar a fôrma.
The occurrence of transpersonal experiences with psychedelic substances is well attested, and several surveys have consistently found a small relationship between paranormal experiences and the use of such drugs in general. Isolated... more
Konsep pengajaran Pendidikan Berasaskan Hasil (OBE) mula diamalkan di Fakulti Kejuruteraan UKM bermula tahun 2005. Melalui pendekatan ini, setiap program perlu menggubal objektif pendidikan program dan hasil program setelah mengambil kira... more
The teaching concept based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering, UKM beginning in 2005. Through this approach, each programme is required todevelop programme educational objectives and... more
In the new South Africa, the major challenge has been to dismantle apartheid education. For the purposes of this article, from the initial process of introducing the first OBE in South Africa up to the recent strengthening of the NCS by... more
Abstract The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering (JKAS), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, has prescribed program outcomes (POs) that include environmental and sustainable development components (ASPL) to meet the... more
The past decade has seen many exciting new developments in neurobiology. Three particularly paradigm-rattling revelations reviewed in this report include; first, the elucidations of 'functional receptivity,' which expand multi-fold the... more
ABSTRACT Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) has introduced eleven outcomes for engineering programs in Malaysia. Some of these outcomes are easily achievable and some are difficult to achieve through the traditional curriculum based... more
The teaching concept based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering, UKM beginning in 2005. Through this approach, each programme is required todevelop programme educational objectives and... more
Student Outcomes are assertions that inarguably state that depicts skills, abilities as well as knowledge the learners gained by complying with the course accordingly. This study aimed to assess the Student Outcomes as Perceived by BS... more
Student Outcomes are assertions that inarguably state that depicts skills, abilities as well as knowledge the learners gained by complying with the course accordingly. This study aimed to assess the Student Outcomes as Perceived by BS... more
The teaching concept based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering, UKM beginning in 2005. Through this approach, each programme is required todevelop programme educational objectives and... more
Spontaneous combustion occurs when an object self-ignites. The cause may be chemical, as when lithium oxidises explosively in water, or biological, as when a haystack catches fire due to heat generated from bacterial fermentation. There... more
The rapid and intricate changes in the labour industry in the global community in the last decades such as technological adavancements have brought about significant challenges and novel responsibilities especially to the field of... more
The study aimed to determine the status of implementation in terms of practices and environment as well as its usefulness in terms of academics, attitudes and instructions of OBE for Customs Administration Students of Lyceum of the... more
A Prehistoric Mural in Spain Depicting Neurotropic Psilocybe Mushrooms? The Selva Pascuala mural, a work of post-Paleolithic rock art in Spain, contains fungoid figures herein hypothesized to depict neurotropic fungi, especially Psilocybe... more
The teaching concept based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering, UKM beginning in 2005. Through this approach, each programme is required todevelop programme educational objectives and... more
The core of OBE educational concept is to design and implement teaching based on learning results. This paper will analyze from the following questions: what are the learning outcomes to be achieved by students, why should students... more
ABSTRACT Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) has introduced eleven outcomes for engineering programs in Malaysia. Some of these outcomes are easily achievable and some are difficult to achieve through the traditional curriculum based... more
The teaching concept based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) has been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering, UKM beginning in 2005. Through this approach, each programme is required todevelop programme educational objectives and... more
This study aimed to provide a clear direction for successful implementation of the K to 12 in the Philippines using the Quadrant Model of Teaching (QMT). The following objectives were raised in order to answer the main problem: (1)... more
The study determined the essential elements of an Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) component of an Outcomes-based Education (OBE) cycle. It sought to answer these objectives: (1) extrapolate notable teaching attributes based on... more
A Prehistoric Mural in Spain Depicting Neurotropic Psilocybe Mushrooms? The Selva Pascuala mural, a work of post-Paleolithic rock art in Spain, contains fungoid figures herein hypothesized to depict neurotropic fungi, especially Psilocybe... more
After having demonstrated that it is possible to control an OBE (Out of Body Experience) by means of hypnotic suggestions, we furthered our knowledge of this type of experience by carrying out many OBEs with different subjects, all of... more
After having demonstrated that it is possible to control an OBE (Out of Body Experience) by means of hypnotic suggestions, we furthered our knowledge of this type of experience by carrying out many OBEs with different subjects, all of... more
The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering (JKAS), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, has prescribed program outcomes (POs) that include environmental and sustainable development components (ASPL) to meet the requirements... more
During the beginning of the course, an articulation matrix specifying the number of hours for each course outcome and the evaluation scheme for all outcomes were specified. Based on the marks obtained by students in first and second... more
The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering (JKAS), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, has prescribed program outcomes (POs) that include environmental and sustainable development components (ASPL) to meet the requirements... more