Orthodoxy in Western Europe
Recent papers in Orthodoxy in Western Europe
Die Rumänische Orthodoxe Metropolie von Deutschland, Zentral- und Nordeuropa ist seit ihrer Gründung 1994 eine zentrale Institution in der spirituellen, kulturellen und sozialen Unterstützung der rumänischen Diaspora. Sie vereint... more
Persecutions from Decius to Diocletian 15. Christian Martyrdom 61 16. Scientific Attacks upon the Church by the Pagan Polemic Writers. 17. Defence of the Christian Religion by the Apologists B. HISTORY OF THE INTERIOR CONDITION OF THE... more
of various Periphyseon passages. For this I have used the Sheldon-Williams-O'Meara volume as an overall starting-point, but I often depart from it so as to bring out the connection with my analysis of Eriugena's discourse. This means that... more
In this paper our aim is to analyze the social and economic changes the Japanese society is experiencing after the ‘economic bubble’ by studying certain anthropological and sociological aspects concerning Japanese women and their role in... more
The following is a modern English prose version, more a paraphrase in fact, of part of a poem written about the beginning of the 16th cent and published for the first time in 1520. 1 The poem is called the Lyfe of Joseph of Arimathie, and... more
Exploring why the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain was given the title of Thyateira? Does it link to the ancient Church of Thyateira in Asia Minor, which is recorded in the Book of the Apocalypse? Or are there other reasons for... more
Citation: Alastair Ian Wright, “Ford Madox Brown's The Body of Harold: Representing England at Mid-Century,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 6, no. 2 (Autumn 2007), http://www.... more
Demonstrating how the Eastern and Western Orthodox Church has continuously maintained that the Sabbath of God is to be observed on Saturday. "The Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church" by Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. Brunswick Primace, Orthodox... more
The paper describes two European encounters with the Church of the East members. Separated by multiple centuries, these meetings served as ingredients added to a potent stew in which anonymous chefs cooked Prester John's legend for its... more
Johannes (c.800-c.877), known as 'the Irishman' (Scottus), who signed one manuscript with 'Eriugena' , was a Christian Neoplatonist philosopher and theologian of great originality, and an infl uential transmitter of Greek Christian... more
- by Dermot Moran
Penal Sanctions in the Church (CCEO, Title 27, ch.2) – Penalties for Individual Delicts
The first people lived in England about 450,000 BC. At that time England was much warmer than it is today. Animals like elephants, lions and rhinoceros lived in England alongside deer, horses, bear and wolves. The humans made simple stone... more
- by Erica Last
During the period of confusion and turbulence in Europe, which followed the crash of Rome under the onset of the barbarians, and before the disintegrated empire had been reconstructed by the strong grasp of Charles the Great, the monks... more
LE PATRIARCAT OECUMÉNIQUE DE CONSTANTINOPLE (y co m p ris la P o lite ia m o n astiq u e du M ont A th DANS L EUROPE UNIE (A pproche nom ocan on iq u e)
An Examination of the Nature and Significance of the Anglo-Saxon Autocracy from its Origins to its Fall during the Norman Conquest
The published observations on the American Book of Common Prayer (1892) by a special commission of the Patriarchate of Moscow made in 1904 at the request of (Saint) Tikhon, the Russian bishop responsible at the time for the Church in... more
Egbert was the first monarch to establish a stable and extensive rule over all of Anglo-Saxon England. After returning from exile at the court of Charlemagne in 802, he regained his kingdom of Wessex. Following his conquest of Mercia in... more
An Account of the Translation of the Relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov on July, 1903, and its Significance in the History of the Russian Empire
A Brief Account of How the Visigoths of Spain were Converted to Orthodox Christianity
Though Eastern Christians generally regard the Western part of the Church to have split from Orthodoxy permanently in 1054, there have been calls by some to modify the date of this as regards the Anglo-Saxon Church. These Orthodox lay... more
An Account of the Norman Conquest of England (1043-1086) from an Orthodox Christian point of view, arguing that the Conquest was not only a political but also a spiritual event, being the destruction of Orthodox Christianity in England... more
Η σημασία της Ορθοδοξίας για τον ευρωπαϊκό κόσμο υπό το ερμηνευτικό πρίσμα ενός σημαντικού δογματολόγου της νεοελληνικης θεολογίας
While the Latin West remained an integral part of the Orthodox Church (i.e., until the tragic schism between the Western and Eastern Churches in the eleventh century), it produced a number of outstanding Church Fathers and theologians.... more
To be used for teaching purposes only. Please do not cite or reproduce without permission] Cf. the shaded sections with the text of the Divisio regnorum (806), ed. Alfred Boretius, MGH Capit. 1
Βιβλιοκρισία για το βιβλίο της Βέσνα Goldsworthy για τα στερεότυπα της αγγλικής λογοτεχνίας για τα Βαλκάνια και τους ανθρώπους τους, που γράφθηκε πάνω στη λογική του Οριενταλισμού του Εντουαρντ Σαΐντ, αλλά δεν ασχολείται με την επιρροή... more
A review on a book about English literature stereotypes of the Balkans and the Balkan people, based on Edward Said's Orientalism, though it does not attempt to examine the influence of the literary works that it mentions in the British... more
This is an English version of the article “L’avenir de la « diaspora » orthodoxe”, Contacts 65:243 (Julliet-Septembre 2013), 477-497. The study examines the grounds and the challenges for the future of Orthodoxy in the West after the... more
Cet article examine l'avenir de l'orthodoxie en Occident après la chute du communisme et à la face du partage des compétences et de la tension.
This article investigates how the practice of hesychasm, especially Jesus Prayer meved beyond Orthodox circles, and how it enriched bot Orthodox and other theologies.
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Ce cours est un tour d'horizon des grandes dates, des grands personnages, des moments fondateurs, des batailles et des guerres qui ont changé le cours de l'histoire, des différentes dynasties, des grandes inventions, mais aussi d'un... more