Orthodoxy in Western Europe
Recent papers in Orthodoxy in Western Europe
A review on a book about English literature stereotypes of the Balkans and the Balkan people, based on Edward Said's Orientalism, though it does not attempt to examine the influence of the literary works that it mentions in the British... more
Though Eastern Christians generally regard the Western part of the Church to have split from Orthodoxy permanently in 1054, there have been calls by some to modify the date of this as regards the Anglo-Saxon Church. These Orthodox lay... more
An Account of the Norman Conquest of England (1043-1086) from an Orthodox Christian point of view, arguing that the Conquest was not only a political but also a spiritual event, being the destruction of Orthodox Christianity in England... more
While the Latin West remained an integral part of the Orthodox Church (i.e., until the tragic schism between the Western and Eastern Churches in the eleventh century), it produced a number of outstanding Church Fathers and theologians.... more
This is an English version of the article “L’avenir de la « diaspora » orthodoxe”, Contacts 65:243 (Julliet-Septembre 2013), 477-497. The study examines the grounds and the challenges for the future of Orthodoxy in the West after the... more
A Brief Account of How the Visigoths of Spain were Converted to Orthodox Christianity
LE PATRIARCAT OECUMÉNIQUE DE CONSTANTINOPLE (y co m p ris la P o lite ia m o n astiq u e du M ont A th DANS L EUROPE UNIE (A pproche nom ocan on iq u e)
This article investigates how the practice of hesychasm, especially Jesus Prayer meved beyond Orthodox circles, and how it enriched bot Orthodox and other theologies.
Cet article examine l'avenir de l'orthodoxie en Occident après la chute du communisme et à la face du partage des compétences et de la tension.
Βιβλιοκρισία για το βιβλίο της Βέσνα Goldsworthy για τα στερεότυπα της αγγλικής λογοτεχνίας για τα Βαλκάνια και τους ανθρώπους τους, που γράφθηκε πάνω στη λογική του Οριενταλισμού του Εντουαρντ Σαΐντ, αλλά δεν ασχολείται με την επιρροή... more
For many, Western Rite Orthodoxy is something of an enigma. The juxtaposition of the name “Western Rite” and “Orthodoxy” sounds familiar and exotic, known and unknown simultaneously. And yet, despite the familiar ring inherent, few people... more