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This study explores common ground and affinities between Christian Orthodoxy and Pentecostalism in theology, spirituality, cosmology, anthropology and the understanding of rites and sacraments. The focus is on the understanding and... more
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      History of ReligionSpiritualityOrthodox TheologyPneumatology
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      Ancient monasticismGreek PatristicsOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
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      Arabic-Speaking Orthodox ChristianityOrthodox ChristianityEastern OrthodoxyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
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      Romanian StudiesHesychasmRomanian Orthodox ChurchOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityMonasticismMJO
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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityByzantine monasticismOrthodox Christianity
This text concentrates on Metropolitan Kallistos’s way of translating the Philokalic tradition into language accessible to the Christians living in current Western world. Themes like the relationship to the spiritual guide, watchfulness... more
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      TheologySpiritualityOrthodox TheologyHesychasm
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      Canon LawTheologyMissiologyLiturgy
In questo breve studio mi propongo di mostrare i legami esistenti tra la vita di Francesco d'Assisi e la tradizione ascetica ortodossa e presentare, attraverso ciò, le basi principali della stessa Ortodossia. La mia analisi non è nuova 1... more
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      Orthodox TheologyFranciscan StudiesFrancescanesimoOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Address given at Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Second Annual Meyendorff Lecture), September 14, 2014.
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      Orthodox TheologyMysticismVisionary LiteratureByzantine monasticism
In this volume of Essays in Ecumenical Theology Ivana Noble engages in conversations with Orthodox theologians and spiritual writers on diverse themes. These include the discovery of the human heart, what illumination by divine light... more
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyChristian SpiritualityOrthodox Church
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      Dogmatic theologyDeificationCyril of AlexandriaOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political migrations of Orthodox believers from many other European and Middle Eastern countries,... more
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      ReligionChristianityModern HistoryEuropean Studies
Anul IX (XLVIII), serie nouă, nr. 7-9
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      PrayerMonasticismHesychasmSymeon of Thessanonika
A kötet "a legnagyobb bizánci misztikusként" számon tartott Új Teológus Szent Simeon (949-1022) fennaradt himnuszkötetének magyar fordítását tartalmazza, magyarázatokkal és utószóval. Simeon himnuszait tanítványa, a később a latin-görög... more
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      Orthodox TheologyByzantine StudiesSpirituality & MysticismOrthodox Christianity
La “perfezione” (teleiótes) fin dai tempi del NT e soprattutto dal tempo della vita terrena di Gesù Cristo è stato l’imperativo e l’obiettivo principale dei membri della chiesa, una chiesa che nei primi secoli ha vissuto e praticato i... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
This article explores how the Hesychast practices of prayer expand the notion of lex orandi as well as bringing lex orandi and lex credendi into an equal relationship of mutual exchange. It concentrates on the contributions of two... more
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      OrthodonticsTheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
This article looks at the starets-disciple relationship as presented by Mother Maria Gysi (1912-1977), a Swiss intellectual, later an Orthodox nun who in the mid-1960s started a small monastery in England. The first part of the article... more
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      MentoringContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualitySpiritual Leadership
The article analyses two ways in which the symbol of Jacob’s ladder is used for understanding a spiritual journey of a Christian, one from the Sinai desert, the other from the Communist Romania. Článek zkoumá způsoby, jakými se symbol... more
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      AnthropologyAsceticismContemporary SpiritualitySpirituality
The chapter examines how illumination and freedom interact in the theology of the Uncreated Light, foundational for Orthodox spirituality, and it explores a possible contribution of that theology to a current search for political... more
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      Orthodox TheologyBiblical StudiesPolitical TheologyChristian Spirituality
A translation of the Letters by Elder Païsios from Greek to Russian
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      Mount Athos StudiesOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Presentazione della vita e del pensiero di Gregorio Palamas nei suoi aspetti fondamentali.
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      Orthodox TheologyTeologíaStoria bizantinaOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Παρεξηγημένος στην εποχή του, ως φορέας μιας «νέας θεολογίας», ο Συμεών ο Νέος Θεολόγος επηρέασε με το έργο του κορυφαίους κατοπινούς νηπτικούς και έγινε αντικείμενο επισταμένης μελέτης. Ωστόσο, η ακροβατική διαλεκτική που διαπερνά τη... more
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      Orthodox TheologyMysticismPatristic TheologyEastern Orthodox Theology
This third installment in Romanity Press's “Breaks and Links” series is an answer to Greek theologian Pantelis Kalaitzidis's critique of Father John Romanides and Christos Yannaras in his 2013 article “The Image of the West in... more
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      Race and RacismOrthodox TheologyRussian OrthodoxyGreek Orthodoxy
Written for St. Mary’s (Malankara) Syrian Orthodox Church in Detroit, Michigan on the occasion of their Silver Jubilee Celebration August 2004. This article was originally published in their celebration souvenir book in 2004.
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      Early ChristianityOrthodox TheologyMariologyOrthodox Christianity
The chapter offers a comparison of an Orthodox and a Roman Catholic approach to the foundations of sacramental theology. With each theologian the author analyses an underlying epistemology, a type of relational and symbolic understanding... more
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      ChristianityTheologyLiturgical StudiesCatholic Studies
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      Christian MysticismMonastic StudiesAngelologySyriac Studies
Kniha zkoumá metody a témata pravoslavné teologie, jak se rozvinuly ve 20. století na Západě. Soustředí se na novopatristickou syntézu, hesychasmus, slavjanofilství a soviální angažmá, na sofiologii. Odkrývá pluralitu pravoslavných hlasů... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodoxy19th and 20th Century Theology
Almost one millennium has passed since Saint Symeon the new theologian has reposed and yet we marvel whenever we muse over his writings. Saint Symeon left us a steeped legacy in orthodox teaching, the renewal of the spiritual life and... more
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      Christian MysticismOrthodox TheologySpirituality & MysticismChristian Spirituality
Der erste von zwei Bänden des historischen Romans, der die Teile I bis III vollständig in überarbeiteter Fassung enthält, ist jetzt erhältlich unter ISBN 9783754911785.
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      Slavic LanguagesByzantine HistorySlavic StudiesSouth Slavic Medieval history
Vladimir Lossky (1903-1958) About Tradition and Traditions. News of his Thought in the Context of Contemporary Theological Vladimir Lossky (1903-1958) is an outstanding theologian of the Russian diaspora and, also, one of the most... more
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      TraditionVladimir LosskyEastern Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
This article investigates how the practice of hesychasm, especially Jesus Prayer meved beyond Orthodox circles, and how it enriched bot Orthodox and other theologies.
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      ChristianitySpiritualityChristian MysticismOrthodox Theology
As in the case of the christology of the other non-Chalcedonian Oriental Orthodox Churches, Ethiopian christology is usually nicknamed as monophysite christology. Disproving such a pejorative designation, this thesis contends that the... more
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      Ecological TheologyEastern LiturgiesOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
A review of the classic work of liturgical theology, Hymn of Entry.
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      Liturgical StudiesOrthodox TheologyMount Athos StudiesByzantine Liturgy
Pr. Dr. Vasile Gafton, Omul în lume, icoană a Chipului lui Dumnezeu sau iluzie a propriilor gânduri, prefaţă de IPS Dr. Laurenţiu Streza, Ed. Andreiana, Sibiu, 2017, 200 p., ISBN 978-606-989-013-4 Credinţa autentică este întotdeauna la... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Publicata in ”Hai cu noi”, publicație a Parohiei ortodoxe ”Sf. Voievozi” Săvinești, an 2015, ianuarie, nr. 29, pregatita pentru sustinere publica (mici modificari) pe 19 ianuarie, cu prilejul Sedintei administrative cu preotii... more
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      PsychologySpiritualityOrthodox TheologyYouth Work
Článek zkoumá, v čem východní ikonopis a západní umění mohou obohatit vztah člověka k prostoru a k transcendenci. Soustředí se na pojetí ikon u Leonida Ouspenského, Pavla Florenského a Paula Evdokimova. Vyzdvihuje jejich participační... more
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Through the cross we know that God loves us but do we love God? This is a question that needed to be answered individually. Do I love God? How do I know I really love God? This is a hard question that we cannot be well versed without... more
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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
This is the abstract of our dissertation titled: Reliving Nostra Aetate through Mircea Eliade's concept of Archaic Religions: Towards a Third Millennium Spirituality for the Catholic Diocese of Mthatha, South Africa
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    • Orthodox Theology and Spirituality
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      DeathWomen saintsSaintsOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Humility in liturgical life", in Humility [To become one 2], Athens; Akritas 2001, p. 53-98. Republishe in Hagios Spyridon 4 (2014) 2-9, 5 (2014) 2-11, 6 (2014) 2-12 «Ἡ ταπείνωση στὴ λειτουργικὴ ζωή», στὸ Ἡ ταπείνωση, [Ἵνα ὦσιν ἕν 2],... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
The article focuses on the hermeneutics of an Orthodox theologian Fr John Breck and raises three questions: First, whether the often exaggerated conflict between allegory and typology could be overcome by an expansion of the... more
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      ChristianityTheologySystematic TheologyTypology
Sydney: AIOCS Press, 2020, 77 p.;
ISBN 978-0-6484401-2-3 (paperback);
SBN 978-0-6484401-3-0 (electronic edition).
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      Orthodox Theology and SpiritualityEastern Orthodox Spirituality
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
La “perfezione” (teleiótes) fin dai tempi del NT e soprattutto dal tempo della vita terrena di Gesù Cristo è stato l’imperativo e l’obiettivo principale dei membri della chiesa, una chiesa che nei primi secoli ha vissuto e praticato i... more
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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
Исцељење у теолошком речнику не односи се искључиво на излечење од какве физичке или психичке болести, већ описује однос човека са Богом. Због тога се Црква назива лечилиштем јер је она уједно и простор и догађај у коме се тај однос... more
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      PietismSpiritual HealingOrthodox Theology and Spirituality
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      Romanian HistoryRomanian StudiesHesychasmRomanian Orthodox Church
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      PrayerAscetical TheologyIsaac of NinevehRomanian Orthodox Theology
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      Christian SpiritualityOrthodox Theology and SpiritualityEastern Orthodox Spirituality