Vladimir Lossky
Recent papers in Vladimir Lossky
""Since the latest XIX century one of the main interests of the Russian philosophy became theological questions. Even though such a questioning was violently suppressed in Russia, due to the well known historical reasons, the... more
Juin 1940. Demain je serai enfin soldat. J’aurai ma place modeste, mais définie, précise, nette, dans l’ensemble de ceux qui doivent résister. J’aurai mon matricule sans nom, « soldat inconnu » parmi tant d’autres. Je ne serai plus en... more
Ofrecemos el índice del libro "Pensar a Dios alabándole. Teología y doxología en diálogo con Vladimir N. Lossky", publicado por la Editorial Secretariado Trinitario en Salamanca (España) el 17 de febrero de 2020.
The recently released, 2011 Palme d'Or winner The Tree of Life is nothing short of an ambitious cosmic epic and a hymn to life in which we recall the life of a small town family, from innocence to lostness, through the fractured memories... more
La partecipazione dell’uomo alla vita divina non è premio da conquistare ma svelamento di ciò che già siamo, del nostro essere profondo, di quella particella del divino che è in noi sin dalla creazione. Solo celata dalla opacità della... more
The words we determine for God; form the God determined by words: Dare we speak of God? The possibility and potency of this question, lies not only in what can be said of God, but how it can be spoken; whether through positive terms of... more
This article examines ideas about human personhood, the Church, and ecumenicism in the thought of the Romanian theologian Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993). It argues that Stăniloae developed his thinking on these issues during two different... more
In "Theosis/deification: Christian Doctrines of Divinization East and West", ed. J. Arblaster & R. Faesen, Leuven, Peeters, BETL 294, p. 49-63.
This article addresses the Orthodox Christian representation of reality, or doctrine of creation, and the possible need to rephrase and communicate its meaning within the parameters of contemporary scientific culture. To redraft the... more
This Master’s thesis will explicate, analyse and discuss the Orthodox doctrine of the essence/energies distinction in three prominent 20th century theologians, namely, Vladimir Lossky, Kallistos Ware and Dumitru Staniloae. This is urgent... more
This essay outlines the key stages in the study of Dionysius in twentieth-century Greek Orthodox theology and scholarship. After an introductory overview of this topic, the complexities of the Greek scene are presented since there is... more
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
Vladimir Lossky (1903–58) and Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) are normally taken as polar opposites in modern Orthodox theology. Lossky's theology is portrayed as being based on a close exegesis of the Greek Fathers with an emphasis on... more
The theological polemics of the late-fourteenth century, which arose out of the confrontation between certain followers of Gregorios Palamas and the brothers Prochoros and Demetrios Kydones, found a certain echo in the fifteenth century.... more
Throughout this essay I will make an effort to expound on four key objectives.
The CD has made an indelible mark on the development of the Byzantine Orthodox tradition and the overall tenor of Orthodox theology. Although much in the CD could justifiably provoke controversy, the incorporation of the CD into the canon... more
This article examines the literary appearance of a theological trope across three scholars in Francophone texts written at approximately the same time: Hans Urs von Balthasar, Jean Daniélou, and Vladimir Lossky. The trope is that Gregory... more
John Henry Newman spearheaded one of the first modern retrievals of the Christian doctrine of the Christian doctrine of deification. This article argues that, precisely because of the early date of Newman’s rehabilitation, his treatment... more
The chapter argues that the twentieth-century neopatristic theologies were not purely historical exercises, but theologically motivated enterprises. More specifically, Georges Florovsky's 'neopatristic synthesis' was a response to his... more
A paper delivered at the conference entitled, “Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Identity and the Challenges of Pluralism and Sexual Diversity in a Secular Age,” in Oxford, England on August 17, 2019. The paper explores Vladimir Lossky's... more
I compare the role of the Bible in the thought of two prominent negative theologians, Dionysius the Areopagite and Vladimir Lossky. I attempt to discover why, if Lossky views Dionysius as the paradigm of good negative theology, Lossky... more
Φιλοσοφεῖν: ἐπιστήμη, εὔνοια, παρρησία Ιανουάριος 2017 (15) 1 Βλ. Ν. Russell, «Christos Yannaras», Key Theological Thinkers: From Modern to Postmodern, edited by S.J. Kristiansen and S. Rise (Αldershot; Farnham, VT: Ashgate, 2013), 726 κ.... more
This article explores how the Hesychast practices of prayer expand the notion of lex orandi as well as bringing lex orandi and lex credendi into an equal relationship of mutual exchange. It concentrates on the contributions of two... more
Vladimir Lossky's theology has been extensively studied by scholars but his commitment to ecumenism still remains an insufficiently researched domain. This article fills this lacuna by shedding light on an important chapter of Lossky's... more
The postmetaphysical context of the contemporary philosophy emphasizes the sustained refusal of metaphysics, pointing to the lack of legitimacy for modernity’s meta-narrations. The reason loses its power, allowing the development of new... more
It has become an unfortunately typical Orthodox strategy, following the surge of "neo-Palamite" theology in the twentieth century, to pit Aquinas and Palamas polemically against each other as opposed archetypes of Western and Eastern... more
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of some of the key ideas ofG. Florovsky and A. Schmemann. The article calls into question P. Gavrilyuk's assertion that the liturgical theology of Father A. Schmemann is a kind of... more
The article, in Romanian, begins by highlighting some of the issues pertaining to modern anthropocentrism and secular naturalism, like the dissolution of the inner life and of society. It then explores the main elements of ecclesial... more
The paper argues that Sergej Bulgakov’s sophiology was an attempt, via antinomism or the philosophy of antinomies, to overcome the rationalism, monism, and determinism (in a word, “pantheism”) of Vladimir Solov’ëv’s philosophy of the... more
The article examines two complementary critical voices to Anselm’s theology of redemption. It focuses on the need to recover the Trinitarian foundations and to avoid legitimizing sacrificial violence.
Within two years of each other, Hans von Balthasar (1942), Jean Danielou (1944), and Vladimir Lossky (1944) each published books on the subject of a "theologie mystique" which focused on Gregory of Nyssa as an exemplar of this proposed... more
“The De Trinitate of St. Boethius and the Structure of St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae,” a paper for the International Congress of Boethian Studies held in Pavia, Italy, October 1980; published in Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Studi... more
This paper will consider the concept of participation as an ethical concept that can be deployed in a western, Lutheran context. First, this paper traces the historical, theological roots of the Trinitarian concept of participation, and... more
This brief study presents the life and thought of the Russian intellectual Myrrha Lot-Borodine (1882-1957), who lived and worked as a writer in Paris, examining some of the aspects of her writings on Greek patristics that are of... more
In this essay we discuss Williams’s notion of the self as a social mediation. The argument is made that from early on Williams was influenced by different streams of thought that directed him to analogous conclusions regarding language... more