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Naqsh exhaustively explores and documents the art of wood carving in the traditional architecture of Gujarat. Traversing from the history and evolution of wood carving of India, the book investigates the tools and techniques applied by... more
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      ArchitectureDesign PatternsTraditional CraftsCraft Knowledge
The Watts Towers (WT), an iconic Los Angeles artwork created by Sabato Rodia in 1921–1954, is covered with mosaics whose elements include thousands of mollusk shells. Little is known about the diversity or sources of these shells. Here,... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritageConservationPublic Art
ORNAMENTATION AND THE CONSTRUCT OF ORNAMENTED WOMAN Supervisor: Associate Prof. Zuhal BAYSAR BOERESCU Author: Meral KELEŞOĞLU ABSTRACT The phenomenon of ornamentation, with its function serving impulsive and sensory area, is a crafting... more
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      EthnomusicologyModalityFolk MusicGreek Music
Since the admission of Islam onto the Malay World in 16 th century, the Malay culture began to grow in line with the teachings of Islam as a guide of life. Mosque become a symbol of Muslim communities, as well as the cultural values that... more
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      DesignArchitectureSymbolismIslamic Studies
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      DesignArchitectureArchitectural HistoryTheory of ornament
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Sabremos bordar es una tesis de grado de Diseño Textil que, como el nombre lo sugiere, procura conjugar desde esta disciplina -el Diseño- dos temáticas: el bordado a mano y la identidad nacional. Al inicio de este proyecto nos dedicamos... more
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      DesignTextilesHistory of TextilesHybridization
Toraja people are distinguished for sophisticated funeral rites, burial sites carved into rocky cliffs, massive peaked-roof traditional houses, and colourful wood carvings. As the Toraja language is oral and no writing system exists,... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageSymbolismOrnamentation
Ornamentation is a part of mosque components, considered as the essence of mosques all over the world. Ornament plays a role in Islamic spirituality, as a symbol of tawheed, reminder to Allah the Almighty. The Prophet (pbuh) did not... more
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      AestheticsOrnamentationMosque ArchitectureContemporary Mosque Architecture
Background:In the historical process, ornamentation made with aesthetic concerns has emerged in a dimension that is identified with the concepts of being noticed, distinguished, symbolizing, enrichment, and it has been the quality that... more
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      DesignArchitectureOrnamentationInterior Architecture
Acanthus is a Mediterranean plant with spiny leaves, and its conventionalised representation has decorated on Corinthian capitals since Greco-Roman times. Despite its aesthetic function, it signified immortality, pain, sin, and punishment... more
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      Cultural HeritageMediterranean StudiesOrnamentationAcanthus
In the historical process, ornamentation made with aesthetic concerns has emerged in a dimension that is identified with the concepts of being noticed, distinguished, symbolizing, enrichment, and it has been the quality that determines... more
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      TechnologyDesignArchitectureDesign Patterns
The materials of 25 burials of the burial ground “Kuzinskie hutora” located on the left bank of the Vetluga (Kostroma region, Sharya district) are represented in the paper. This archaeological site was opened in 2013 by V.V. Nikitin and... more
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      ArchaeologyOrnamentationMiddle AgesTools
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      EthnomusicologyViolin PedagogyViolinOrnamentation
Türk tarihinin erken devirlerinden itibaren ortaya konmuş her türlü eserin bitkisel motifler, geometrik şekiller, çeşitli hatlar, figürlerle tezyin edildiği günümüze ulaşan örneklerden anlaşılmaktadır. Bu süslemeler arasında yer alan ve... more
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      Decorative ArtsOrnamentationPerdeMotif
More than a complex architectural element, an in depth study, re-emergence, a social, cultural, and economic study of ornamentation will be discussed. Contrary to traditional understandings, ornamentation in contemporary architecture is... more
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      ArchitectureBiocompositesOrnamentationInterior Architecture
Some 90 trifoliate leaves of various sizes were randomly selected from six 70-day old seedlings of late vegetative stage of Medicago sativa L. (fifteen leaves from each seedling) raised in Karachi (Pakistan) from seeds obtained from New... more
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      PakistanOrnamentationLeaf ArchitectureLeaf Area
Some 90 trifoliate leaves of various sizes were randomly selected from six 70-day old seedlings of late vegetative stage of Medicago sativa L. (fifteen leaves from each seedling) raised in Karachi (Pakistan) from seeds obtained from New... more
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      OrnamentationLeaf ArchitectureLeaf AreaMedicago sativa
The development of floral ornamentation training at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona from the origins to Art Nouveau The main purpose of this article is to survey the floral ornamentation training provided by the School of Fine Arts... more
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      Art NouveauBarcelonaOrnamentationModernismo
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      ImprovisationBaroque Music16th Century CounterpointRenaissance music
Despite the great interest in the Botai culture spread across the north Kazakhstan steppe and considered by some to be the first horse-herders, the ceramic vessels associated with the culture have been poorly studied. Ceramic complexes of... more
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If architecture be “frozen music”, then music is fluid architecture. The unfolding of time is what much of music is all about. It is born through time and in time. Music lies in the making of music. It designs time by dividing it into... more
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16th century, the Malay culture began to grow in line with the teachings of Islam as a guide of life. Mosque become a symbol of Muslim communities, as well as the cultural values that have been adapted represent the maturity and readiness... more
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The article features the results of a study of archaeological complexes dating back to the late Bronze and Early Iron Ages located at Igim site. The materials of the Late Bronze Age reflect several settlement stages of the site. The... more
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      OrnamentationEarly Iron AgeCeramicsLate Bronze Age
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      Art HistoryPublic ArtOutsider ArtLos Angeles
Викладено результати та окреслено перспективи подальших досліджень міжнародного міждисциплінарного проєкту "Орнаментика етнографічного текстилю Західної України та Литви: універсальні й унікальні параметри", метою якого було... more
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The Bolós pharmacy opened to the public on 11 January 1902 and the contemporary press made much of its originality. The architects commissioned as decorators were the Falguera Sivilla brothers, Josep Maria and Antoni, friends of the... more
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      Art NouveauBarcelonaOrnamentationFlowers