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This is a narrative inquiry about the implementation of creativity, creative risk taking and productive failure in six international contexts. There are many insights offered for the implemntatiojn fo creatvity, risk taking and productive... more
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesCreativityCreative Problem SolvingRisk Taking
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsHigher EducationWeb search
This professional learning module is designed to lead educators through the process of successfully developing and implementing effective student-led conferences to improve student ownership in their learning and to increase family... more
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      EducationEmpowermentCurriculum and InstructionOpen Educational Resources
We discuss a collaboration between Health Partners International, HEART and the Open University to develop a short open access course for the purpose of improving policy making and practice in healthcare technology in developing countries.
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      Open Educational ResourcesOpenLearnUK Open UniversityHealthcare Technology Management
Student as Producer Student as producer and open educational resources: enhancing learning through digital scholarship Sue Watling Sue Watling, Centre for Research and Development, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln... more
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      Digital LiteraciesOpen Educational ResourcesDigital scholarship21st Century Digital Literacies
This conceptual article explores self-directed localized open educational practices for a decolonized South African higher education curriculum. From the historical context, language demography and especially due to student protests... more
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      Translation StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeLocalizationSelf-directed learning
This paper looks at e-learning initiatives in education in Samoa, focusing on developments at the National University of Samoa (NUS) and the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture (MESC). The main aims of these developments are the... more
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      Digital DivideOpen Source SoftwareDisaster ManagementOpen Educational Resources
This book is a project of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges (SACC) and our parent organization, the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Please refer to the website for a complete... more
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      AnthropologySubsistence systems (Archaeology)Open Educational ResourcesIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology
In a trajectory that did not simply begin from MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW), via Open Educational Resources (OER), and latterly arrive at a promised land of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), a plethora of institutions, organisations and... more
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      Open InnovationOpen EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOpen Educational Resources (Education)
Diversos estudios han concluido que los alumnos y alumnas comprenden mejor los textos que leen cuando son capaces de hacer diferentes tipos de conexiones: con sus propios conocimientos y/o experiencias, con otros textos que han leído, y... more
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    • Open Educational Resources
„OER“ hat sich in den letzten Jahren, auch im deutschsprachigen Raum, als Abkürzung für „Open Educational Resources“ (engl. für offene Bildungsressourcen) etabliert. OER-Schulbücher bieten unter anderem die Möglichkeit der rechtssicheren... more
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      Technology Enhanced LearningSecondary EducationOpen EducationOpen Educational Resources
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationDistance EducationDidactics
Open and Distance learning (ODL) programs are generally designed to serve an off campus population. These programs provide access to higher education for students who cannot attend traditional courses due to employment, marital status,... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationAlternative EducationTeacher Education
Organizadoras: Elena Maria Mallmann, Juliana Sales Jacques, Andrea Ad Reginatto, Taís Fim Alberti O livro “REA: teoria e prática” é composto por um fio condutor que enlaça temas como Educação Aberta, Práticas Educacionais Abertas,... more
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      EducationPedagogyTeachingOpen Educational Resources
O foco central é analisar o potencial da integração de Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) no design pedagógico em cursos de formação inicial e continuada na modalidade online enquanto expressão didático-pedagógica inovadora. REA e... more
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      Open EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOpen Distance Learning
Open education and open educational resources movement as a recent trend in higher education focuses on providing free access to a wide range of educational resources and online courses. However, such a narrow approach fails to... more
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      Open Educational ResourcesMultiple Case StudyPedagogical Design
Multiliteracies can support student open access and communal success in the context of multimodaling and multilanguaging and ultimately in the process foster self-directed learning. From academic literature the concerns regarding literacy... more
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      Digital DivideMultilingualismOpen AccessCommunal Constructivism
""This report synthesizes the findings of the "OER4Adults study", a study conducted in 2012-13 by a team from the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, under a contract with the European Commission Joint Research Centre IPTS,... more
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningAdult Continuing and Professional EducationVocational Education
These guidelines aim to support institutions and governments in the development of open education policies promoting the adoption of open educational practices and resources, and the fostering of collaborations amongst social-educational... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunicationEducationEducational Technology
In the context of the decolonisation of the curriculum, it is essential to incorporate student voices in order to situate learning in an appropriate milieu. To this end, this chapter explores the affordances of open educational resources... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationTeacher TrainingDecolonialization
This book focuses on issues related to mathematics teaching and learning resources, including mathematics textbooks, teacher guides, student learning and assessment materials, and online resources. The book highlights various theoretical... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationDigital Learning ResourcesOpen Educational Resources
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      Adult EducationLifelong LearningAdult Continuing and Professional EducationVocational Education
In this article, Professors Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi Miyoung Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, and Thomas H. Reynolds discuss the events that led to their recently edited book on “MOOCs and Open Education Around the World” as well as a special journal... more
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      Instructional Systems TechnologyInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learning
In this study, the opinions of teachers working at education application schools are collected in order to evaluate the educational program of Education Application school which has been in progress since 2002. The study is a qualitative... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationE-learningHigher Education
Introductory primer on Open Educational Resources (OER)structured as three lessons. Lesson 1 defines the concept, identifies benefits, outlines the history and development of OER and also identifies some of the challenges facing users... more
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      Copyright HistoryCreative CommonsCopyrightOpen Education
Although several studies have been conducted to summarize the progress of open educational resources (OER) in specific regions, only a limited number of studies summarize OER in Africa. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic... more
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      Open EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOpen Educational Resources (Education)Systematic Literature Review
The initiative "Open Education Austria Advanced'' develops infrastructures for open educational resources (OER) in higher education. One part is the development of certification procedures to point out OER competencies of teachers in... more
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      EducationHigher EducationTechnology Enhanced LearningOpen Education
Author Biographies All three authors are affiliated with the Instructional Psychology and Technology department at Brigham Young University and are instructors for the preservice instructional technology course that is the subject of this... more
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      Open Educational ResourcesTechnology Integration in SchoolsTechnology integration for PreService TeachersOpen Badges
This conceptual article explores self-directed localized open educational practices for a decolonized South African higher education curriculum. From the historical context, language demography and especially due to student protests... more
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      Translation StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeLocalizationSelf-Directed Learning (Education)
Educational technology is a wide field. It can be considered either as a design science or as a collection of different research interests related to fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization. This paper aims at... more
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningEducationTechnology
Today we are living in a society which suffers through the outbreak of COVID-19. It made a huge impact throughout the world in terms of infection and death rate. Due to this, our whole country (India) is under lockdown from March 24,... more
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      Open Educational ResourcesEngagementDigital EducationTeaching-Learning Process
Over the last years, the growing ubiquity of Social Media, the emerging mobile technologies and the augmented reality become more deeply integrated into the teaching-learning process and also create new opportunities for reinventing the... more
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      Social MediaOpen Educational ResourcesMassive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
The project has re-purposed several thousand hours of learning materials selected from the university's course provision into freely available units of study on a pair of twin sites, the LearningSpace (aimed primarily at learners) and the... more
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      Design educationOpen Educational ResourcesOerTeaching of Ethics
The 2019 UNESCO recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER) encourages member states to monitor policies and mechanisms in OER across the world. In higher education, there are many initiatives and policies around OER. This... more
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      Higher EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOpen and Distance Education
At the heart of the open educational resources (OER) movement is the intention to provide affordable access to culturally relevant education to all. This imperative could be described as a desire to provide education in a manner... more
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      Higher EducationSocial JusticeGlobal SouthOpen Educational Resources
Students are usually given research outputs to learn about their subjects, but these have traditionally been journal articles and books, perhaps videos and eBooks when the resources exist and licensing and access are not an issue. In many... more
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      Open AccessOpen InnovationOpen DataOpen Education
Canada’s important areas of expertise in open educational resources (OER) are beginning to be built upon or replicated more broadly in all education and training sectors. This paper provides an overview of the state of the art in OER... more
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      PolicyOpen Educational ResourcesCanadaOer
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a recent addition to the range of online learning options. Since 2008, MOOCs have been run by a variety of public and elite universities, especially in North America. Many academics have taken... more
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      Educational TechnologyICT in EducationOnline and Distance EducationInovations in Distance Education
Edmodo is basically a web application that is similar to Facebook but provides educational tools instead of a social media platform. Edmodo also reinforces classroom activities. Another benefit of Edmodo is that it allows teachers to... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationE-learningLearning and Teaching
This paper looks at the reflective learning experiences of primary school teachers, who were encouraged to engage in reflective activities as a way of improving their pedagogical practice during the use of Open Educational Resources... more
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      Teachers' professional developmentOpen Educational ResourcesReflective TeachingProfessional Practice
La gran diversidad de recursos de información disponibles en la Web en la actualidad, su heterogeneidad y desagregación imponen retos importantes para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de recuperación del conocimiento. Sin embargo, existen... more
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      Open Educational ResourcesOntologiesOAI-PMH
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      Open EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOerOEP
The past few years have seen increasingly rapid development and use of open educational resources (OER) in higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing countries. These resources are believed to be able to widen access, reduce the... more
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      E-learningHigher EducationTanzaniaOpen Educational Resources
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      MidwiferyOpen Educational ResourcesMalawiNursing and midwifery
Gruber, M. R. (2011). Social Software and Web2.0 in Teacher Education and Teacher Training. Research Report for Share.TEC Pilot. Heerlen, The Netherlands: Open Universiteit in the Netherlands.
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      PsychologyTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingSocial Media
MOOCs have been seen as holding promise for advancing Open Education. While the pedagogical design of the first MOOCs grew out of the Open Education Movement, the current trend has MOOCs exhibiting fewer of the original openness goals... more
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      Distance EducationOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOnline Instruction
MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) is a web-based open resource designed primarily for faculty and students in higher education. The resources in MERLOT include over 8,000 learning materials and... more
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      Computer ScienceTeaching and LearningHigher EducationPeer Review
A requirement for sustainable development is quality education, which – according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 – relates to education that is inclusive, equitable and promotes lifelong learning opportunities. Such... more
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      Lifelong LearningSustainable DevelopmentIndigenous KnowledgeSelf-directed learning
The research presented here focuses on understanding the obstacles, opportunities and practices associated with Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption at three South African universities. It addresses the question: Why do South African... more
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      EducationOpen EducationOpen Educational ResourcesOpen Educational Resources (Education)