Obligations to Future Generations
Recent papers in Obligations to Future Generations
This contribution discusses the emergent field of Intergenerational Justice (IJ) with an aim to drawing new light upon issues in conservation. Several key issues in IJ are discussed that allow heritage conservation to be contextualised.... more
Der Mensch ist im Zeitalter des Anthropozän mit seiner globalen Wirkkraft zu einem dominanten Einflussfaktor auf den Planeten geworden. Industrialisierung und der darauffolgende Klimawandel, Atomenergie und -waffen mit den damit... more
The author examines the problem of motivation about future generations. He argues that though many philosophers think that direct motivations are problematic for future generations only, they are not unproblematic for the current... more
Future generations, wildlife, and natural resources – collectively referred to as “the voiceless” in this book – are the most vulnerable and least equipped populations to protect themselves from the impacts of global climate change.... more
Vertical farming is the urban farming of fruits, vegetables, and grains, inside a building in a city or urban centre, in which floors are designed to accommodate certain crops. These heights will acts as the future farms land and as... more
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change in general is considered as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. The public intellectual, Yuval Noah Harari, has termed this challenge an ‘existential threat’ that can lead to... more
L'architettura è un campo in cui l’intervento umano sul mondo provoca conseguenze rilevanti e durature, spesso materialmente persistenti per centinaia e centinaia di anni. Sarebbe quindi naturale aspettarsi che gli architetti riflettano... more
Derek Parfit originally formulated the Repugnant Conclusion as follows: " For any possible population of at least ten billion people, all with a very high quality of life, there must be some much larger imaginable population whose... more
This paper explores the case for system change as theorised by the idealist/humanist tradition in International Relations theory with the most explicit example of Alexander Wendt’s constructivism, as the difficult to accomplish, yet... more
Arrhenius, G. 2000: Future Generations: A Challenge for Moral Theory. viii+234#? pp. Uppsala.
This chapter claims that the notion of human dignity provides an overarching normative framework for assessing the ethical and legal acceptability of emerging life sciences technologies. After depicting the increasing duality that... more
The proliferation of harmful incidents affecting humanity’s future calls for increased effectiveness in international law. Events causing real or hypothetical harm, also trans-generational harm, constitute new realities which must be... more
Multiple anthropogenic environmental crises present themselves as morally problematic. Views of intergenerational ethics typically attempt to give account of to whom we owe obligations, what we owe them, and how we should act to satisfy... more
Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines, which relate to the present and... more
La crise sanitaire et ses conséquences réactualisent la question des générations telle que Karl Mannheim l’avait formulée au tournant des années 30 : les périodes de déstabilisation sociale peuvent créer selon lui une « condition de... more
This article examines the view that the interests of future generations should be taken into consideration in decisions likely to affect them. In particular, it has been argued that the interests of future generations should be... more
This chapter explores the possibility of extending Sen’s and Nussbaum’s capability approach to the question of ecological obligations to future generations. It is argued that we can extend capability protection to future generations, but... more
In a situation of climate injustice, where those who have contributed the least to climate change are facing its most dire consequences, litigation is sometimes the only effective means of enhancing transparency and ensuring... more
Existing institutions do not seem well-designed to address paradigmatically global, intergenerational and ecological problems, such as climate change. In particular, they tend to crowd out intergenerational concern, and thereby facilitate... more
Climate change raises a number of questions of intergenerational equity. One – and the one that attracts the most attention – is the question of what obligations people have to future generations not to engage in activities that will... more
This essay presupposes no prior knowledge of social contract theory and clearly outlines the contracterian position at the outset. The paper then evaluates the strength and weakness of social contract theory in a 'broken world'; where... more
The political representation of future generations would change the relationship between public decisions and the members of democratic political systems. In this paper we examine the implication of these changes on the responsibility of... more
There is a tension between democracy and sustainable development: While democracies are jurisdictionally limited by national borders and are committed to the current interests of voters, the concept of sustainable development transcends... more
Questions about the current generation's moral duties to future generations are increasingly relevant. Many contemporary environmental problems like nuclear waste storage, climate change and species extinction are projected to have... more
This paper discusses the handicapped child case and some other variants of Derek Parfit's non-identity problem. The case is widely held to show that there is harmless wrongdoing, and that a moral system which tries to reduce wrongdoing... more
An article I wrote at 20 to imitate analytic philosophers' argumentative style. It was funny to write and perhaps you'll find something useful in it.
In recent years there has been significant attention accorded to the right of children to a healthy environment, including in litigation. Frequently cited in these efforts is the principle of intergenerational equity devised by Brown... more
Environmental ethics has a palette of theories concerning values involved in the relationship between humans, future humans and the non-human world. We shall examine some of these and find many of them flawed. In the process we shall... more
Politikwissenschaftliche Analyse demokratischer Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen für zukünftige Generationen | Political science analysis of democratic sustainability innovations for future generations | Purchase the book as softcover or... more
Is the self-determination of future generations impeded by lasting constitutions, as Thomas Jefferson suggests? In this article it is not only argued that the opposite is true, but also that the question misses the point. It is... more
Michael Rose’s Zukünftige Generationen in der heutigen Demokratie: Theorie und Praxis der Proxy-Repräsentation (Future Generations in Today’s Democracy: Theory and Practice of Proxy Representation) is an ambitious and fascinating work. It... more
Role of Lala Har Dayal in the Ghadar Movement has not been property analyzed and determined. Some historians simply state that he was the founder of the Movement while others suggest it otherwise, but none of these was conclusively... more
In recent years, scholars have deployed fiduciary concepts to explain or illuminate a dizzying array of public law regimes and institutions. To name but a few, this array includes constitutional law, administrative law, common law... more
Proti generacizmu. Oris pojmovanja pravičnosti do prihodnjih generacij. Povzetek Človeštvo se nahaja v globalni ekološki krizi v povezavi s podnebnimi spremembami, kar izziva ustaljene oblike političnega mišljenja in delovanja. Razpravo o... more