Ethics of Care
Recent papers in Ethics of Care
Nursing Ethics has published several pleas for care ethics and/or relationality as the most promising ethical foundation for midwifery philosophy and practice. In this article, we stand by these calls, contributing to them with the... more
in Sophie Bourgeault and Julie Perreault (dir.), Le care : éthique féministe actuelle, Montréal, Édition du remue-ménage, 2015, p.117-136)
Inspired by classic feminist scholarship as well as the more recent developments in critical theory, this essay explores the limits of fictional depictions of female characters deemed ‘mad’ or ‘crazy’, who resist the oppressive systems of... more
This article explores the temporal entanglements of care and precarity in Vietnam by unpacking the condition of “hectic slowness” experienced by mothers who sell food on Facebook against the widespread fear of dietary intoxication. Unlike... more
Abstract As John Stephens asserts in “Retelling stories across time and cultures”, few retellings are a simple replica of the previous textual layer on which they rely. Shaped by well-known stories, her social and feminist preoccupations... more
This paper examines the feminist ethics of care as an emergent ethical theory that casts ethical dispositions in a different way to the deontological focus on duties and rules and consequentialist-utilitarian focus on minimising harm. It... more
La référence à la personne vulnérable s’inscrit dans l’évolution conceptuelle du droit international à partir des deux guerres mondiales sur la place de l’individu et sa protection. L’issue de la guerre froide permet une réflexion... more
For more than two decades Islamic veils, niqabs, and burkinis have been the object of intense public scrutiny and legal regulations in many Western countries, especially in Europe, and feminists have been actively engaged on both sides of... more
E se la singolarità prendesse forma nel trasgredire, nel deviare, nel trascendere, nell’esprimersi? E se all’origine ci fosse la necessità di far fronte all’imprevisto, all’esperienza di una crisi radicale che porta a uscire al di fuori... more
Delphine Moreau, « De qui se soucie-t-on ? Le care comme perspective politique », in La Revue Internationale des Livres et des Idées, 14/09/2009, url: Les théories du care portent l'attention... more
In a time when the “palimpsest” of ecocriticism is being constantly enriched, and that a “third wave” (Slovic, Adamson) is largely consolidating, it is more and more compelling to re-address the question about the human. “Human” is... more
In an age where issues like climate change and the unintended consequences of technological innovation are high on the ethical and political agenda, questions about the nature and extent of our responsibilities to future generations have... more
By proposing the “dramaturgy of caring” as a philosophical framework, this essay elaborates on how dramaturgy and care ethics mutually inform each other, especially in regards to Performance Philosophy and criticism. To speak of caring as... more
This paper addresses the persistent philosophical problem posed by the amoralist-one who eschews moral values-by drawing on complementary resources within phenomenology and care ethics. How is it that the amoralist can reject ethical... more
L’étude se propose d’examiner l’apport de la pensée du care à la question environnementale. Les enjeux environnementaux contemporains sont devenus globaux et suggèrent sur le plan éthique un mode de vie délibérément plus sobre. Une... more
The issue of ethics is gaining increasing attention in both academic and public debates. For instance, ethics is at the core of the discussions of multiple crises the world is facing; academics are more and more concerned of ethics and... more
Le terme de management présente cette particularité d’apparaître aux francophones que nous sommes comme un anglicisme, alors qu’en réalité, il tire son origine de la langue française. Parti du français vers l’anglais, il nous est revenu... more
Ce texte est pour l'essentiel la traduction d'un article paru en juillet 2013 dans DEP -Deportati, esuli e profughe, revue en ligne de l'Université Ca' Foscari de Venise, sous le titre « Allevamento di animali domestici ed etica del care... more
Building on insights from political theory, social epistemology, and feminist and critical race theory, Mihai argues that a double erasure often structures hegemonic narratives of complex violence: of widespread, heterogeneous complicity... more
Two key themes structure the work of French philosopher of science Gilbert Simondon: the processes of individuation and the nature of technical objects. Moreover, these two themes are also at the heart of contemporary debates within... more
In this article, I engage the recent debate on transcendence/the transcendental within the anthropology of ethics with the claim that 'How is it between us?' is the most fundamental of all ethical questions. In doing so, I contrast... more
Exploring Judith Butler’s question on whose lives are not publicly mourned and Édouard Glissant’s critique on the “duality of self-perception,” this paper focuses on why the mass deaths in the Mediterranean have not caused a public outcry... more
Because families disrupt fair patterns of distribution and, in particular, equality of opportunity, egalitarians believe that the institution of the family needs to be defended at the bar of justice. In their recent book, Harry Brighouse... more
Inclusive leadership represents a conceptual shift to diversity leadership that is in a position to account for the basic needs for belongingness and uniqueness of all stakeholders involved in organizational processes. Interestingly,... more
There is a paucity of South African literature that uses feminist critical approaches as a conceptual tool to examine intersections of social justice and citizenship. This article aims to address this gap by examining the potential of... more
For 5 years, we have taught an interdisciplinary experiential environ- mental philosophy—field philosophy—course in Isle Royale National Park. We crafted this class with a pedagogy and curriculum guided by the ethic of care (Goralnik et... more
Esta investigación busca comprender cómo dialoga el saber disciplinar de la psicología con el saber comunitario durante un proceso de formación en herramientas terapéuticas con víctimas del conflicto armado en Quibdó y Buenaventura... more
From the "It Is What It Isn't" blog (April 7, 2016). This is an expanded version of a presentation for the 2016 Spring Equinox Celebration at La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology.
«مراقبت» گرچه مفهومی قدیمی و آشنا در اندیشههای دینی و اخلاقی بشر است، اما تا چند دهه پیش به طور مستقل مورد توجه نبوده و به آن پرداخته نشده بود. کتاب درباره مراقبت، که این یادداشت قصد بررسی آن را دارد، نوشته میلتونمیرآف، منتشر شده به سال... more
The ideal of distributive justice as a means of ensuring fair distribution of social opportunities is a cornerstone of contemporary feminist theory. Feminists from various disciplines have developed arguments to support the redistribution... more
Pluralism and diversity have been extensively discussed in political theory and philosophy, from the literature on minority rights, multiculturalism and identity politics to debates about the normativity and legitimacy of authority and... more
The authors of the exchange now reunite to offer some concluding remarks. Our comments arise from a few issues that in the words of one of us “have been left hanging” and thus call out for some expatiation as a way to conclude our story... more
En este artículo proponemos una relación complementaria entre la vulnerabilidad como categoría ontológica y el despliegue de una ética del cuidado. En primer lugar, presentamos una conceptualización de la vulnerabilidad a partir de los... more
In recent years, the issue of effective corporate governance has attracted much attention, especially to promote an ethical business environment to ensure corporate accountability and integrity. In the academic sphere, the mainstream... more
A partire da questo fascicolo, la Rubrica "Recensioni & Segnalazioni" ha un nuovo curatore. La Rivista si è purtroppo ritrovata senza una delle sue collaboratrici storiche, la Dott.ssa Maria Addolorata Mangione, fine studiosa di Bioetica... more