Books by Ferdinando Menga
Etica intergenerazionale, 2021
SAGGINA_Menga_imp.qxp_saggine 2016 23/03/21 11:07 Pagina iv Indice V p. 3 13 20 24 29 36 42 45 47... more SAGGINA_Menga_imp.qxp_saggine 2016 23/03/21 11:07 Pagina iv Indice V p. 3 13 20 24 29 36 42 45 47 52 55
In the aftermath of the publication of the Black Notebooks, the debate on „Heidegger and Politics... more In the aftermath of the publication of the Black Notebooks, the debate on „Heidegger and Politics“ seems, more than ever, to be colonized by the sole question regarding the connection between his thought and his involvement with Nazism and its anti-Semitic ideology. Far from relativizing the importance of such a debate, the book opens up a different approach to the political implications of Heidegger’s philosophy: his early work devoted to a phenomenology of life in all its facticity. This early work has a genuine, although implicit, political character, which – as Ferdinando Menga argues – can be made explicit and developed in a way that yields inspiring material for a true and proper theory of democracy.
Reviews to the book:
Edited Volumes by Ferdinando Menga
Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto / Review of Legal Philosophy, 2021
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, 2019
Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, Dec 2014
exigency of human rights and to the vision of a livable existence permeating them. And accordingl... more exigency of human rights and to the vision of a livable existence permeating them. And accordingly, for Liebsch, the mechanisms of their realization and implementation similarly cannot originate in the domains of axiology and legality, but rather only in the realm of a genuine political practice. 10 In his view, such a practice takes the peculiar form of a politics of attestation and witnessing, namely a politics of responsiveness to the demands emerging from the other as violable other. 11 In the wake of such a vision, respect of human dignity and human rights, according to the author, are ultimately matter of a promise that raises not so much questions of ethical substantiation or legal applicability, but rather an eminent need of political credibility.
Papers by Ferdinando Menga
Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy Special edition Responsibility and Justice for Future Generations in Dialogue with Phenomenology, 2017
Eugenics could never be an anarchist program but it emerged in Spain in the 1920s and 30s as an ... more Eugenics could never be an anarchist program but it emerged in Spain in the 1920s and 30s as an effect of the sexual struggle that is fundamental to anarchism, and brought the movement face to face with the quandary of its self-perpetuation. Power for anarchism is not always a constraining and oppressive force but the power to procreate and create, empowering us to forge a freedom to judge according to the principles we make, love according to our desires and re-create the world.
Books by Ferdinando Menga
Reviews to the book:
Edited Volumes by Ferdinando Menga
Papers by Ferdinando Menga
Reviews to the book:
the modern political paradigm. I also show, diverging from her account, that Mouffe's defense of a radical democratic project based on pluralism and agonism would have been better served by a critical reception of Arendt's thinking rather than that of Schmitt. The relevance of this alternative strategy - so I argue - lies in the fact that it delivers an apt design for an institutional order which permits true and proper conflicts, on the one hand, while simultaneously allowing that they be dealt with democratically, on the other.
Ajustándose a este supuesto básico, a través de un preciso análisis comparativo con la destacada teoría política de Chantal Mouffe, sostendré que una forma apropiada de contingencia democrática radical –así como de conflicto y de desafío– no puede entenderse en su concepción agonística de la política basada en la apropiación del modelo absolutista de antagonismo de Carl Schmitt, sino más bien en la configuración de una transgresión político-jurídica que mira más de cerca a formas alternativas que pueden expresar articulaciones extremadamente reforzadas de conflicto e impulsos transformativos sin tener que decaer en configuraciones exorbitantes. Como mostraré en la última parte del trabajo, un buen candidato a este fin puede encontrarse en la explicación de la transformación político-jurídica como una política de la a-juridicidad de Hans Lindahl.
In aperta contrapposizione alle tendenze filosofiche e scientifiche del tempo, che cercavano in genere di “oggettivare” il fenomeno della vita, inquadrandolo in una qualche rigida cornice epistemologica, Heidegger propone invece una modalità d’accesso esattamente opposta: penetrare la vita nella sua «fatticità» e nelle sue effettive manifestazioni – come vita che si presenta da sé nel mondo-ambiente, nel mondo collettivo e nel mondo-del-sé – evitando a ogni costo di renderla “oggetto” di studio; coglierla nella sua pulsante vitalità, riuscendo così a restituirla, sul piano conoscitivo, senza alcuna alterazione. Si delinea, in tal modo, l’enorme posta in gioco del tentativo filosofico condotto in questo corso friburghese, che per Heidegger dovrebbe aprire la strada a una «fenomenologia come scienza originaria della vita in sé»: come elaborare un afferramento conoscitivo della vita che, lungi dal ridurla a oggetto, sappia accompagnarla nella sua vitalità fino al punto di coglierla intatta nella sua figura originaria, nel suo «mysterium tremendum»?
Svolta decisiva nel cammino speculativo del giovane Heidegger, questo corso – di cui si offre qui la prima edizione italiana integrale – non è soltanto uno strumento indispensabile per ricostruire la genesi di quel pensiero che, nel 1927, confluirà in Essere e tempo. Nell’opus magnum, infatti, non tutti i sentieri aperti in questa prima esplorazione potranno trovare adeguato sviluppo. Proprio la centralità della vita, anzi, sarà messa parzialmente in ombra, per fare spazio alla nuova analitica del Dasein. Dai “sentieri interrotti” di questi esperimenti giovanili, possono emergere, così, delle potenzialità ancora inesplorate, in grado di incidere in modo del tutto originale sul pensiero contemporaneo.
Indeed, as several positions in the current international debate have thoroughly illustrated, agonistic politics, to the extent that it embodies the radically contingent trait constitutive of any imaginable instituted collective, should be understood not as a merely derivative phenomenon, but rather as simultaneously irreducible and challenging. Contingency, in fact, while implying, on the one hand, that the political unity underlying any constituency might be always otherwise, it also entails, on the other, that this putative “otherwise” – whenever it emerges – is necessarily inaugurated by the insurgence of normative claims, which inevitably call for a radical questioning and re-definition of the extant legal configurations.
In the wake of such a perspective, TCRS welcomes contributions (in English or Italian) by scholars engaging with the following or therewith related topics:
- the forms, instantiations, and intensities in which conflicts and/or instances of resistance emerge within legal orders, thereby putting them into question, transgressing their boundaries, and consequently engendering processes of their alteration;
- the interpretive frames and responsive range of strategies legal theories deploy in order to adequately address and seize, or eventually sublimate and neutralize the radicality of agonistic dynamics;
- how and whether in the face of the widely endorsed assumption that we are now inevitably moving towards a globalized politico-legal setting, conflictive instantiations can still make a sense of – or effectively embody – the resisting element marking the ineluctable contingent and bounded trait of any legal order.