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Based on the two-dimensional (2-D) least squares method, this paper presents a novel numerical method to calculate the magnetic characteristics for switched reluctance motor drives. In this method, the 2-D orthogonal polynomials are used... more
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      EngineeringNumerical MethodPhysical sciencesSensorless Control
Sensorless operation of permanent magnet brushless direct current (BLDC) motor drive controls the rotating speed with different applied voltage. No phase lagging is produced which leads to increase the efficiency and minimize the torque... more
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      Sensorless ControlBrushless DC Motor (BLDCM)
In the present paper the complete process of grid connection of a Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) based wind energy generation system without position sensors is described in detail. A sensorless position estima- tion algorithm based... more
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      Wind EnergySensorless ControlDoubly fed induction machine
In the motor control industry, digital signal processor (DSP) systems offer major improvements compared to analogue designs, notably enabling to replace speed or position sensors by the implementation of sensorless control algorithms. A... more
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      Dc MotorAdaptive FilterSensorless ControlElectrical And Electronic Engineering
This paper develops a simple sensorless control algorithm for an induction motor. An observerless controller is proposed, which guarantees local asymptotic speed tracking-flux regulation under condition of constant load torque. The... more
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      Electromagnetic modelingElectromagnetic InductionElectromagnetic FieldsSteady state
This paper presents a sensorless technique for highperformance induction machine drives based on neural networks. It proposes a reduced order speed observer where the speed is estimated with a new generalized least-squares technique based... more
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      EngineeringNeural NetworkWorking ConditionsSteady state
Induction motor (IM) speed sensorless control, allowing operation at low and zero speed, optimizing torque response and efficiency, will be presented in this paper. The magnitude and the orientation angle of the rotor flux of the IM are... more
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      EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessorSensorless ControlInduction machine
The paper presents a method of accurate indirect position estimation for switched reluctance machines suitable for starting and continuous operation. The position estimation and control of the SRM is accomplished in terms of a few sectors... more
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    • Sensorless Control
This paper proposes a new approach to a sensorless speed control and an initial rotor position estimation a salient pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drive. The estimation of the position and of the speed in dynamic rate were... more
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      Nonlinear control systemsNonlinear ObserverSensorless ControlStructural Properties
This paper proposes a novel and simple direct power control of three-phase pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifiers with constant switching frequency using space-vector modulation (DPC-SVM). The active and reactive powers are used as the... more
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      EngineeringPower QualityIEEEReactive Power
The paper presents a comparison of methods of the back EMFs estimation for the permanent magnets synchronous motor in a case of position estimation at the low speed range. These methods are based on the following structures for back EMF... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesObserverSensorless Control
Control techniques for PWM rectifiers in ac adjustable speed drives are presented. In particular, the so-called virtual flux-oriented control (VFOC) and virtual flux-based direct power control (VF-DPC) schemes are described and compared... more
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      Power ElectronicsPower QualityComparative StudyComputer Simulation
This paper presents a new sensorless method for the vector control of Doubly-Fed Induction Machines (DFIMs) without using speed sensors or rotor position measurements. The proposed sensorless method is based on the Model Reference... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringVector controlDynamic Response
The paper proposes a motion-sensorless control method for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives when only the DC-link current is measured instead of the motor phase currents. A two-phase pulse-width modulation method is used, allowing... more
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      High FrequencyLaboratory experimentVector controlSensorless Control
In this paper, a low-time-consuming and low-cost sensorless-control algorithm for high-dynamic performance permanent-magnet synchronous motors, both surface and internal permanent-magnet mounted for position and speed estimation, is... more
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      EngineeringSensitivity AnalysisSensorless ControlElectric Drive
The aim of this thesis is to develop a sensorless control strategy for an oscillating linear permanent magnet synchronous motor. The state-of-the-art sensorless methods are examined and their reliability to linear drives is discussed.... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesControl TheoryNonlinear ControlElectrical Drives
This paper provides a technical review of position and speed sensorless methods for controlling Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor drives, including the background analysis using sensors, limitations and advances. The performance and... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSpeedHall Effect SensorsPosition
In this paper, the position-sensorless direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless dc (BLDC) motor with nonsinusoidal back electromotive force (EMF) has been extensively investigated. In the literature, several methods have been... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringLow FrequencyManufacturing EngineeringBrushless DC Motor
In every developing and developed nation the utilization of automobiles is a maximising day by day and apparently the accidents relating to automobiles have increased drastically too. In our projectawe identify the problem of leakages of... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsWireless sensor network- lifetime and coverage4G, New generations networks, QoS, protocolos IPv6 and extensions, Application in new generation networks, routing protocolos, congestion control, Wireless, MANET, sensor networks
This paper develops a brushless DC motor control technique without using any sensors. Back emf of motor is considered as a parameter for commutation. Also this system incorporates cuk converter as a power factor correction converter for... more
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      Electrical EngineeringRenewable EnergyPfcSensorless Control
This paper presents a method for the rotor speed and position estimation of permanent magnet synchronous motors in a wide speed range including standstill. The proposed method is based on a modified voltage model at high speeds, and... more
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      High FrequencySteady stateHigh SpeedDynamic Response
This paper proposes a method that estimates rotor position by using an unknown input observer over a full speed range. In this method, a trapezoidal back emf is modeled as an unknown input and the proposed unknown input observer... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringRenewable Energy
A new dual stator winding induction machine drive is described in this paper. The proposed induction machine consists of a standard squirrel-cage rotor and a stator with two separate windings wound for a dissimilar number of poles. Each... more
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      EngineeringSensorless ControlInduction machine
This paper addresses control of commutation of switched reluctance (SR) motor without the use of a physical position detector. Rotor position detection schemes for SR motor based on magnetisation characteristics of the motor use normal... more
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This paper proposes a new position sensorless drive for brushless DC (BLDC) motors. Typical sensorless control methods such as the scheme with the back-EMF detection method show high performance only at a high speed range because the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringBLDC MotorSensorless ControlUnknown Input Observer
The paper presents results of a research on the sensorless drive with PMSM supplied through the sinusoidal filter. The back electromotive force based observer is used to the shaft position estimation. Used in the study, the observer's... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesMotion controlObserverSensorless Control
The paper deals with the problem of speed and position estimation in SRM drive equipped with hysteresis band current controller. Instead of measured current the observer utilize reference current. The voltage is calculated from switching... more
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      ObserverSensorless ControlSRM
In this paper, a sensorless neural network speed control strategy of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) is introduced as an alternative to conventional control techniques. The control strategy achieves accurate tracking by... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsNeural NetworkSteady stateControl Strategy
It has been well established in the literature that inverter nonlinearity effects afflict saliency-based sensorless drives. The inverter nonlinearity leads to the generation of signals that corrupt the useful position information. The... more
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      EngineeringIndustrialIndustrial electronicsAxial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine
A problem of rotor speed and position detection for sensorless PMSM drive was analysed in the paper. The concept based on detecting back EMF, induced in the stator windings, was developed and modified. A general structure of observer,... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesObserverSensorless Control
In this paper, a control method is presented for induction motor which offers high efficiency and high dynamics even considering the influences of iron loss. Recently, research to consider the influences of iron loss has been made in the... more
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      Parameter estimationUncertaintyReactive PowerVector control
Stator flux oriented vector control of induction motor (IM) drives for speed sensorless control has several advantages. But, theapplication of a pure integrator for the flux estimation is difficult due to the presence of measurement noise... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyMotor Control
A robust high speed algorithm, RHSA, applied in the field oriented vector control strategy, is presented in this paper for the PMSM sensorless control loop. The present algorithm, RHSA, is formed for online generating the direct and... more
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      Robust controlComputer SimulationResistanceVector control
A new control structure is presented for use at the sensorless control of speed for low speed range. That method uses an observer for position estimation. Such structure does not require the calculation of the speed value from the... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesVector controlObserverSensorless Control
Rotor angle calculation using flux estimation is a straightforward approach to sensorless control of synchronous reluctance motor (SYRM), but the dc offset can cause an increasing error in pure integrator used in this estimator. In this... more
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      Vector controlSensorless ControlSensorless Vector Control
Efficient and precise sensorless speed control of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) requires accurate knowledge of rotor flux, position, and speed. In the literature, many sensorless schemes have been presented, in which the... more
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      Control TheoryConvergenceStabilityParameter estimation
– The field oriented based vector control (FOC) and the direct torque (DTC) are well used control strategies in modern AC systems these days. They can create a decupled flux and torque control and achieve good performance for AC motor... more
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      Induction Motor DrivesMatlab/SimulinkVector controlSensorless Control
This paper deals with the speed sensorless vector control of an induction motor in a special case where the output voltage of the pulsewidth-modulated inverter is filtered by an inductance-capacitance (LC) filter. The system states are... more
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      EngineeringDynamic AnalysisVector controlHigh Speed
... H. Abu-Rub is with Texas A&M University at Qatar, Doha 23874, Qatar (e-mail: haitham.abu-rub@ ... 2008. [10] KM Al-Hussain, “Dynamic stability of two rigid rotors connected by a flexible coupling... more
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      EngineeringIndustrialHigh Speed TrainSensorless Control
In this paper, a sensorless speed control for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM) is designed by combining a robust backstepping controller with integral actions and an adaptive interconnected observer. The IPMSM control... more
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      Electric Drives (Engineering)Lyapunov Stability TheoryNonlinear ObserverSensorless Control
This paper presents a comparative study of sliding mode, artificial neural network and model reference adaptive speed observers for a speed sensorless permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) in wind energy conversion system (WECS).... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsWind EnergyEnergy Conversion
The paper presents a method for estimating the shaft position of a synchronous motor with permanent magnets (PMSM) for the zero and very low speed range. The method is based on the analysis of the high frequency currents, which are... more
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      Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesArtificial Neural NetworksSensorless Control
Based on Simulink/Modelsim co-simulation technology, the design of a sensorless control IP (Intellectual Property) for PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) drive is presented in this paper. Firstly, a mathematical model for PMSM is... more
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      EngineeringIntellectual PropertyElectronic Design AutomationHardware Description Languages
This paper proposes a wind speed estimation based sensorless maximum wind power tracking control for variable-speed wind turbine generators (WTGs). A specific design of the proposed control algorithm for a wind turbine equipped with a... more
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      Power ElectronicsWind EnergyAerodynamicsInduction Generators
This paper presents a modified model reference adaptive system (MRAS) speed estimator for induction motors (IM) based on regulation of the instantaneous rotor magnetizing reactive power, which does not use integration or stator resistance... more
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      Reactive PowerConstant Time DelaySensorless ControlInduction Motor
This paper proposes a sensorless vector control scheme for general-purpose induction motor drives using the current error space phasor-based hysteresis controller. In this paper, a new technique for sensorless operation is developed to... more
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      EngineeringError CorrectionSteady stateVector control
This paper presents system analysis, modeling and simulation of an electric vehicle with different sensorless control techniques. Indeed, sensorless control is considered to be a lower cost alternative than the position or speed... more
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      Modeling and SimulationKalman FilterSystem AnalysisComparative Analysis
Matrix converters are becoming a real alternative to traditional topologies for many ac-ac power conversion applications. One of the less well-known advantages is the potential for reduced waveform distortion that arise from device... more
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      EngineeringIndustrialSensorless ControlPower Converter
In this paper a sensorless closed-loop speed control for the synchronous reluctance motor is presented. The sensorless control is based on the torque vector control algorithm. It has been implemented using a high-speed digital processor... more
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      EngineeringVector controlHigh SpeedSensorless Control