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A formula, generating the Spinning Magnetic Field (SMF) has been derived, the interaction of two SMF by two protons, using the recently derived unified formula of fields, produced Spinning Magnetic Force (SMFs); while at each step, the... more
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      Grand UnificationStrong forceNuclear Force
ON APRIL 14, 2000, THE SI'ART II TREA1Y was finally ratified by the Russian Duma, opening the way for a possible START Ill Treaty. START 11 was signed in January 1993 and ratified by the U.S. Senate on January 26, 1996. After his election... more
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    • Nuclear Force
A cohesive unifying theory of the atom does not currently exist in Quantum Physics. In this research, the atomic spectra are allowed to determine the model for the atom based upon the finding of patterns of the Balmer-Rydberg formula in... more
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      Quantum MechanicsSpectral analysisAtomStrong force
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    • Nuclear Force
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      Modern physicsNuclear StructureThree body problemPhysical sciences
We investigate an asymmetry in the angular distribution of hard elastic proton-neutron scattering with respect to 90 0 center of mass scattering angle. We demonstrate that the magnitude of the angular asymmetry is related to the... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum ChromodynamicsPhysical sciencesElastic Scattering
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      PhysicsParticle PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsEffective Field Theory
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      Political ScienceSpace PolicyNuclear Force
An inspection game is a mathematical model of a situation in which an inspector verifies the adherence of an inspectee to some legal obligation, such as an arms control treaty, where the inspectee may have an interest in violating that... more
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      Game TheoryMultidisciplinaryNorth KoreaMathematical Analysis
We show that the QCD van der Waals interaction due to multiple gluon exchange provides a new kind of attractive nuclear force capable of binding heavy quarkonia to nuclei. The parameters of the potential are estimated by identifying... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum ChromodynamicsNuclear Structurevan der Waals interaction
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      Field TheoryQuantum ChromodynamicsNuclear ReactionsMathematical Model
The concept of microstructure of the real space, considered as a mathematical lattice of cells (the tessel-lattice), and notions of canonical particles and fields, which are generated by the space, are analyzed. Submicroscopic mechanics... more
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      Statistical MechanicsQuantum MechanicsMicrostructuresNuclear Force
The accuracy of the Lipkin-Nogami version of the BCS method is examined and compared with other methods, for the ground and 0 + excited states of a symmetric two-level model. Unlike many other methods which fail for either very weak or... more
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      Nuclear StructureExcited statesEnergy LevelsNuclear Force
High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV are presented for 72 kinematically complete configurations. The data cover a large region of the available phase space, divided into a systematic grid of... more
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      System DynamicsChiral Perturbation TheoryNuclear ReactionsPhase Space
We discuss the weak amplitudes which determine the parity violating nuclear force. By use of the quark model and the SU(6), symmetry, we unite the treatment of pion and vector meson vertices, and describe the interrelation of past... more
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      BibliographyWeak interactionMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We are looking for a holographic explanation of nuclear forces, especially the attractive forces. Recently, the repulsive hard core of a nucleon-nucleon potential was obtained in the Sakai-Sugimoto model, and we show that a generalized... more
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      High Energy PhysicsGauge-Gravity CorrespondenceMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Precise measurements of deuteron vector and tensor analyzing powers A y d , A xx , A yy , and A xz in d-p elastic scattering were performed via 1 H(d ជ ,d)p and 1 H(d ជ ,p)d reactions at three incoming deuteron energies of E d lab ϭ140,... more
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      Chiral Symmetry BreakingSpin-Orbit CouplingNuclear ReactionsElastic Scattering
Multi-electron production is studied at high electron transverse momentum in positronand electron-proton collisions using the H1 detector at HERA. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 115 pb −1. Di-electron and tri-electron... more
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      Molecular modelingHartree fock methodKinetic EnergyNuclear Force
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum OpticsQuantum InformationQuantum Field Theory