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An inspection game is a mathematical model of a situation in which an inspector verifies the adherence of an inspectee to some legal obligation, such as an arms control treaty, where the inspectee may have an interest in violating that... more
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      Game TheoryMultidisciplinaryNorth KoreaMathematical Analysis
We consider various forms of the mass term that can be used in the Skyrme model and their implications on the properties of baryonic states. We show that, with an appropriate choice for the mass term, without changing the asymptotic... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSkyrmionsBinding Energy
The Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) is a continuous series of unitary transformations that can be implemented as a flow equation. When the relative kinetic energy (T rel) is used in the SRG generator, nuclear structure calculations... more
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      Field TheoryEffective Field TheoryNuclear StructureKinetic Energy
A cohesive unifying theory of the atom does not currently exist in Quantum Physics. In this research, the atomic spectra are allowed to determine the model for the atom based upon the finding of patterns of the Balmer-Rydberg formula in... more
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      Quantum MechanicsSpectral analysisAtomStrong force
A formula, generating the Spinning Magnetic Field (SMF) has been derived, the interaction of two SMF by two protons, using the recently derived unified formula of fields, produced Spinning Magnetic Force (SMFs); while at each step, the... more
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      Grand UnificationStrong forceNuclear Force
Precise measurements of deuteron vector and tensor analyzing powers A y d , A xx , A yy , and A xz in d-p elastic scattering were performed via 1 H(d ជ ,d)p and 1 H(d ជ ,p)d reactions at three incoming deuteron energies of E d lab ϭ140,... more
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      Chiral Symmetry BreakingSpin-Orbit CouplingNuclear ReactionsElastic Scattering
We discuss lattice simulations of light nuclei at leading order in chiral effective field theory. Using lattice pion fields and auxiliary fields, we include the physics of instantaneous one-pion exchange and the leading-order S-wave... more
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      AlgorithmsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo MethodsEffective Field Theory
We study the possibility of producing a new kind of nuclear systems which in addition to ordinary nucleons contain a few antibaryons (B = p, Λ, etc.). The properties of such systems are described within the relativistic mean-field model... more
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      KineticsQuantum Field TheoryBinding EnergyRelativistic Mean Field Theory
We are looking for a holographic explanation of nuclear forces, especially the attractive forces. Recently, the repulsive hard core of a nucleon-nucleon potential was obtained in the Sakai-Sugimoto model, and we show that a generalized... more
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      High Energy PhysicsGauge-Gravity CorrespondenceMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Spin observables in proton deuteron breakup reactions at low energies offer a rich testing ground for the modern theory of nuclear forces, the chiral effective field theory (EFT). In the three-nucleon continuum the experimental data and... more
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      EngineeringEffective Field TheorySampling methodsPhysical sciences
Observables in elastic proton-deuteron scattering are sensitive probes of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and three-nucleon force effects. The present experimental data base for this reaction is large, but contains a large discrepancy... more
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      PhysicsExperimental ResearchInelastic Neutron ScatteringCross Section
High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV are presented for 72 kinematically complete configurations. The data cover a large region of the available phase space, divided into a systematic grid of... more
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      System DynamicsChiral Perturbation TheoryNuclear ReactionsPhase Space
Current calculations of nuclear shadowing for parton distributions are reviewed. The analysis of pA data is performed using exact QCD sum rules for the total momentum and baryon charge of nuclei. Evidence is found for an overall... more
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    • Nuclear Force
We prove that any bilinear coupling of a massive spin-3/2 field can be brought into a gauge invariant form suggested by Pascalutsa by means of a non-linear field redefinition. The corresponding field transformation is given explicitly in... more
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      Field TheoryPhysicsQuantum MechanicsEffective Field Theory
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    • Nuclear Force
High precision vector and tensor analyzing power data of the deuteron-proton elastic scattering at 130 MeV deuteron beam energy have been measured in a large range of angles. They are compared with theoretical predictions obtained in... more
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      Chiral Perturbation TheoryNuclear ReactionsElastic ScatteringNuclear Force
High precision data for vector and tensor analyzing powers of the 1 H(d, pp)n breakup reaction at 130 and 100 MeV deuteron beam energies have been measured in a large fraction of the phase space. They are compared to the theoretical... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsSystem DynamicsNuclear ReactionsPhase Space
ABSTRACT Calculations of Levinson and Banerjee using the direct-interaction model for the inelastic scattering of protons indicated that the optical potential seen by the scattered particle is weaker than for the corresponding elastic... more
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      Mathematical SciencesInelastic Neutron ScatteringNuclear StructurePhysical sciences
Nuclear forces are considered based on chiral perturbation theory with and without explicit ∆-isobar degrees of freedom. We discuss the subleading corrections to chiral three-nucleon forces in the ∆-less formalism which contain no... more
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      Chiral Perturbation TheoryDegree of FreedomNuclear Force
A tagged medium-energy neutron beam has been used in a precise measurement of the absolute differential cross section for np back-scattering. The results resolve significant discrepancies within the np database concerning the angular... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMathematical SciencesTime of Flight
Cross sections were measured for the near-threshold electrodisintegration of 3 He at momentum transfer values of q = 2.4, 4.4, and 4.7 fm −1. From these and prior measurements the transverse and longitudinal response functions RT and RL... more
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      Cross SectionMomentum TransferElectron scatteringNuclear Force
... Angular-momentum-dependent fission barriers in the rare-earth region F. Plasil, T. C. Awes, B. Cheynis, ' D. Drain, ' RL Ferguson, F. E. Obenshain, A. J. Sierk, SG Steadman, ' and Q. R. Young ... Lett. 78B, 17 (1978).... more
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      Beta decayRare EarthCross SectionStatistical Model
Recent advances in ab initio quantum many-body methods and growth in computer power now enable highly precise calculations of nuclear structure. The precision has attained a level sufficient to make clear statements on the nature of... more
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      Quantum ChromodynamicsQuantum Field TheoryNuclear StructureNuclear Reactions
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      Nuclear EnergyMathematical SciencesBeta decayPhysical sciences
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    • Nuclear Force
In the modern description of nuclear forces based on chiral effective field theory, four-nucleon operators with unknown coupling constants appear. These couplings can be fixed by a fit to the low partial waves of neutron-proton... more
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      Effective Field TheoryCoupling ConstantNuclear Force
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    • Nuclear Force
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    • Nuclear Force
Multi-electron production is studied at high electron transverse momentum in positronand electron-proton collisions using the H1 detector at HERA. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 115 pb −1. Di-electron and tri-electron... more
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      Molecular modelingHartree fock methodKinetic EnergyNuclear Force
The chiral low-energy constants cD and cE are constrained by means of accurate ab initio calculations of the A = 3 binding energies and, for the first time, of the triton β decay. We demonstrate that these low-energy observables allow a... more
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      Field TheoryEffective Field TheoryBeta decayThree body problem
We start from a low-energy effective field theory for interacting fermions on the lattice and expand in the hopping parameter to derive the nearest-neighbor interactions for a lattice gas model. In this model the renormalization of... more
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      PhysicsEffective Field TheoryNearest NeighborNuclear matter
We start from a low-energy effective field theory for interacting fermions on the lattice and expand in the hopping parameter to derive the nearest-neighbor interactions for a lattice gas model. In this model the renormalization of... more
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      PhysicsEffective Field TheoryNearest NeighborNuclear matter
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      PhysicsAmerican physical societyDegree of FreedomEquation of State
The differential cross sections and vector analyzing powers for nd elastic scattering at E n = 248 MeV were measured for 10°-180° in the center-of-mass (c.m.) system. To cover the wide angular range, the experiments were performed... more
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      PhysicsElastic ScatteringCross SectionNeutron Scattering
We study the many-body effects in the propagation of the scalar meson in the nuclear medium arising from its coupling to two pion states. We identify the source of the medium effects as the influence of the individual nucleon response... more
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      PhysicsChiral Symmetry BreakingNuclear Force
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      Political ScienceSpace PolicyNuclear Force
The discrete quantum properties of matter are manifest in a variety of phenomena. Any particle that is trapped in a sufficiently deep and wide potential well is settled in quantum bound states. For example, the existence of quantum states... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum Theory
The impact of a (I = 0, J P = 1 2 +) Z + (1540) resonance with a width of 5 MeV or more on the K + N (I=0) elastic cross section and on the P 01 phase shift is examined within the KN meson-exchange model of the Jülich group. It is shown... more
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      PhysicsCross SectionPhase ShiftNuclear Force
Quark-model descriptions of the nucleon-nucleon interaction contain two main ingredients, a quark-exchange mechanism for the short-range repulsion and meson-exchanges for the medium-and long-range parts of the interaction. We point out... more
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    • Nuclear Force
In this work we revisit the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer (ONS) anomaly in the context of four parametrizations of effective hadronic models, two of them with constant couplings between the nucleons and the mesons and two with density-dependent... more
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      PhysicsNuclear StructureDensity dependenceEffective mass
Excluded volume effects are incorporated in the quark meson coupling model to take into account in a phenomenological way the hard core repulsion of the nuclear force. The formalism employed is thermodynamically consistent and does not... more
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      ThermodynamicsEquation of StateNuclear matterNuclear Force
Measured and calculated cross sections for spin-exchange between alkali atoms and noble gases (specifically sodium and helium) are used to constrain anomalous spin-dependent forces between nuclei at the atomic scale (∼ 10 −8 cm). Combined... more
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      Mathematical SciencesNoble GasesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV are presented for 72 kinematically complete configurations. The data cover a large region of the available phase space, divided into a systematic grid of... more
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      System DynamicsChiral Perturbation TheoryNuclear ReactionsPhase Space
High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV are presented for 72 kinematically complete configurations. The data cover a large region of the available phase space, divided into a systematic grid of... more
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      System DynamicsChiral Perturbation TheoryNuclear ReactionsPhase Space
We have calculated the atomic electric dipole moments (EDMs) induced in 199 Hg, 129 Xe, 223 Rn, 225 Ra, and 239 Pu by their respective nuclear Schiff moments S. The results are (in units 10 −17 S(e fm 3) −1 e cm): d(199 Hg) = −2.8, d(129... more
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      Weak interactionMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
We follow our previous paper on possible cosmological variation of weak scale (quark masses) and strong scale, inspired by data on cosmological variation of the electromagnetic fine structure constant from distant quasar (QSO) absorption... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsBig Bang NucleosynthesisNuclear reactor
There are several factors which lead to a huge enhancement of parity and time invariance violating effects in the Ra atom: very close electronic levels of opposite parity, the large nuclear charge Z and the collective nature of T,Podd... more
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      Weak interactionMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesTime Reversal
The data from the DISTO Collaboration on the exclusive pp → pK + Λ production acquired at T p = 2.85 GeV have been re-analysed in order to search for a deeply bound K − pp(≡ X) state, to be formed in the binary process pp → K + X. The... more
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    • Nuclear Force
A "theory of everything," in modern physics, is a mathematical theory which attempts to explain or fit all of the laboratory data available today, from the level of elementary particles and nanochips, to the level of gravitational effects... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum OpticsQuantum InformationQuantum Field Theory
We present results for the 3 P 2-3 F 2 pairing gap in neutron matter with several realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials, in particular with recent, phase-shift equivalent potentials. We find that their predictions for the gap cannot be... more
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      Phase ShiftNuclear matterNuclear Force