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Le Liban est un pays méditerranéen avec une superficie de 10 452 km2, dont 65 % sont karstiques, il est considéré riche en eaux superficielles et souterraines, mais en dépit de cette richesse, le Liban montre une pénurie en eau à cause de... more
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      Groundwater Potential zonesNorth LebanonGISWater Potential
Monsieur Amine Bizri, choisi pour son nom plus que pour ses compétences pour éditer cet ouvrage, a préféré faire recomposer mes textes par ses dactylos au lieu d'utiliser la disquette que je lui avais fournie à l'époque. N'ayant pas jugé... more
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      TripoliConservation-RestaurationSymbolismeNorth Lebanon
Version numérique revue et corrigée du livre de même titre édité par les Publications de l’Université libanaise, Section des Études Archéologiques, 5, Beyrouth 2008.
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      HistoireArcheologyNorth Lebanon
A study of Lebanon at the local level, and the consequences of the deteriorating context for the more than 1 million Syrian refugees, the Lebanese communities in which they live and their local authorities? In this report, commissioned by... more
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      LebanonLocal governanceNorth LebanonSyrian Refugee Crisis
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryLebanese History
This article examines the child protection strategies of two international and one local NGO in the Tripoli governorate. It explores psychosocial care programmes and play activities that are meant to heal and integrate the refugee child.... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodMiddle East & North AfricaHumanitarianismChild Development
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaHumanitarianismRefugee Studies
This article focuses on Syrian-refugee self-reliance and humanitarian efforts meant to foster it in Halba, northern Lebanon. I argue that humanitarian livelihood programming is ‘neo-cosmetic’, as the skills refugees acquire through... more
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      HumanitarianismLebanonLivelihoodSocial cohesion
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      LebanonHumanitarian Emergency AidGulf Arab StatesNeutrality
In the framework of the recruitment of Syrian and Lebanese fighters combating today in Syria, this paper aims to further problematise the processes in which individuals decide to disrupt their ordinary lives to engage with “Jihadist”... more
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      Syrian StudiesPolitical ViolenceCounter terrorismInsurgency
In the wake of the massive influx of refugees from Syria to Lebanon (2011-2014), some international NGOs have intervened in specific regions of Lebanon to prevent Lebanese and Syrian youth from “radicalizing” themselves and joining armed... more
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      Child protectionInternational SecurityPolitical ScienceNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
In the wake of the massive human displacement from Syria (2011–), some international NGOs (INGOs) have intervened in Lebanon to prevent Lebanese and Syrian youth from “radicalizing” and joining armed groups. In the framework of... more
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      Sociology of SportFootball (soccer)Child DevelopmentAnthropology of Children and Childhood
certain nombre de vestiges qui peuvent, à Juste tifre, être considérés comme appartenant à une installation cultuelle remontant au Moyen-Age. La description et le relevé de cette grotte ont été mis au point par les membres du G.E.R.S.L.;... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)Medieval ChristianityArabic EpigraphyNorth Lebanon
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryGeomorphologyMedieval Studies
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      Social IdentityHumanitarianismIdentity politicsLebanon
In the wake of the massive influx of refugees from Syria to Lebanon (2011-2014), some international NGOs have intervened in specific regions of Lebanon to prevent Lebanese and Syrian youth from “radicalizing” themselves and joining armed... more
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      Child protectionInternational SecurityNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Children and War