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Publicado en libro: Los avatares de la modernidad, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, 2001) David Hume no sólo fue uno de los filósofos más destacados de los tiempos modernos debido a la... more
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      EthicsHumeNaturalistic EthicsDavid Hume
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      Naturalistic FallacyDoctrine of Double EffectMethodological IndividualismUniversal Moral Grammar
This paper analyses the concept of empirical ethics as well as three meta-ethical fallacies that empirical ethics is said to face: the is-ought problem, the naturalistic fallacy and violation of the fact-value distinction. Moreover, it... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsNaturalistic FallacyDoctrine of Double Effect
The social and political transition that came with the fall of apartheid in South Africa had tremendous significance for the media. The media were actively engaged in the discussion of what role they should serve in the newfound... more
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      CommunitarianismLibertarianismSocial ResponsibilitySouth Africa
Teorias normativas do jornalismo são um objeto clássico de pesquisa. Nesta área existem abordagens e esquemas canônicos, que, no entanto, estão constantemente sujeitos a dúvidas e mudanças. O estudo histórico e teórico da experiência... more
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      Russian StudiesHistory of ScienceJournalism StudiesNormative Theory
Dans les pages qui suivent, je me propose de réfléchir à une éthique pour notre temps, un temps où l'on reconnaît à chacun de nous la liberté de trouver sa propre voie, ses propres sources d'épanouissement, de choisir la forme d'existence... more
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      EthicsMulticulturalismApplied EthicsEthical Theory
The FETRAT (original nature) theory, as one of the most fundamental concepts in Islamic paradigm, portraits a nature for human being which is comprehensive, unchangeable, non-acquired and immune to human error and indeed it is somehow... more
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      Social PolicyIR Normative TheoriesNormative Theoriessocial training
Deux conceptions de la moralité dominent actuellement l’analyse des enjeux moraux internationaux : la moralité d’États et la moralité cosmopolitique. La première reconnaît les États comme unités fondamentales du système international et... more
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      Human RightsSovereigntyHegemonyDiscourses
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      Human GeographyPhilosophy of TechnologyResearch MethodologyEpistemic Normativity