Nonprofit Boards
Recent papers in Nonprofit Boards
Nährlich, Stefan (2006): Vorstands-Management. Frühstücksdirektoren oder Mädchen für alles? in: Ruckh, Mario/Noll, Christian/Bornholdt, Martin (Hrsg.): Sozialmarketing als Stakeholder-Management. Grundlagen und Perspektiven für ein... more
British professional football clubs mostly began as mutual, membership clubs, then converted to limited companies, with shares to buy and sell, in the late 19th century. In January 2000, Supporters Direct was launched to promote... more
Project for the course «The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process», offered by the State University of New York on Coursera.
British professional football clubs mostly began as mutual, membership clubs, then converted to limited companies, with shares to buy and sell, in the late 19th century. Supporters Direct was launched to promote democratic representation... more
German football has been hailed as the ‘holy grail’ of sustainable governance structures by their European counterparts. With laws favouring members’ associations, efficient nonprofit governance structures and sustainable financial... more
La place tenue par les universités dans les économies contemporaines reste au centre de nombreuses polémiques et fait partie des enjeux stratégiques du XXIème siècle, notamment au niveau européen. Au niveau national, l’offre de formation... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The Society's artistic justification and value will grow and develop over time in synchrony with the scientific content, becoming an important illustration of the... more
Project for the course «Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector, Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Leadership and Governance», offered by the State University of New York on Coursera.
Deze masterthesis heeft onderzocht in hoeverre impulsiviteit, overmoed en narcisme van invloed zijn op destructief leiderschap en bestuursfalen in non-profitorganisaties en hoe zij met elkaar samenhangen. Hiertoe heb ik een theoretisch... more
overview of KPT teaching targets and change issues
In several database applications, parameters like selectivities and load are known only with some associated uncertainty, which is specified, or modeled, as a distribution over values. The performance of query optimizers and monitoring... more
The relationship between Chairs and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) has been largely neglected in research on nonprofit governance. Yet a growing body of research on corporate governance in the private and public sectors suggests that... more
Article published in the October 2015 issue of "Board Matters" (Australian boards newsletter). Focuses on different types of inquiry, grounded in Edgar Schein's book, "Humble Inquiry." I don't hold the copyright to this article, but I can... more
Slides from 11/8/14 webinar, part of Leadership Edmonton "Beyond Board Basics" training. Grounded in my dissertation research (case study) exploring boards as communities of practice.