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Social organizations are faced with an increasing diversification of funders, financial sources, and financing instruments and a growing complexity of funding relationships. They still prioritize social impact over financial returns, but... more
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      Nonprofit Management and LeadershipSocial FinanceSustainabilityscaling social impact
The approach in this edited textbook is to examine the diverse aspects of nonprofit and voluntary organizations that go beyond the dominant managerial, instrumental, and donor-friendly aspects found in mainstream textbooks on the field by... more
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      Nonprofit EducationNonprofit Management and Leadership
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipSpiritual Leadership
Abstract Even though the topic of ethical leadership has drawn many research studies in the literature, little has focused on the effect of ethical behavior and practice specifically in nonprofit organizations, on organizational... more
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      Organizational LeadershipLeadership DevelopmentNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit Organizations
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
The increasing professionalization of civil society is a global trend that stems largely from the growing role of third sector organizations in policy making and service delivery. Such a trend can also be identified in Finland, providing... more
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      Higher EducationThird SectorPolitical ScienceNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
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      Grant WritingNonprofit Management and Leadership
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      BusinessReal EstateTeacher EducationEducational Research
Fundraisers play a vital role in the success of nonprofit organizations, yet relatively little is known about the experiences, motivations, and thought processes that inform their career choice and development. This exploratory,... more
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      FundraisingPhilanthropyMultidisciplinaryNonprofit Management and Leadership
This Stanford Social Innovation Review feature is geared toward nonprofit leaders who wish to integrate revenue-generating activities into their operations.
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      Nonprofit LeadershipManagement NonprofitSocial EnterprisesNonprofit Management and Leadership
In recent years, some public officials and advocacy groups have urged that private philanthropies be subject to more uniform standards and stricter government regulation—ranging from board composition to grant distribution to... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofit LeadershipPhilanthropyNonprofit Management and Leadership
China’s rapid socio-economic transformation has generated extraordinary movements of people from rural areas to urban centres. At the peak of labour migration in the early 2000s, some 100 to 200 million people moved to cities in search of... more
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      Social MovementsDevelopment StudiesNonprofit StudiesThird Sector
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      Nonprofit StudiesLeadershipNonprofit LeadershipNonprofit Management and Leadership
Nonprofit and philanthropic studies (NPS) is a visible presence at American universities and has achieved academic credibility. This study analyzes the role of academic centers devoted to the nonprofit sector in institutionalizing NPS as... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofit Management and LeadershipPhilanthropic StudiesNonprofit management education
Despite the growing literature that explains how organization structure develops or changes, there are very few studies that seek to investigate the influence that an organization's structure has on its decision to work across sectors in... more
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      Disaster ManagementEmergency ManagementNonprofit Management and LeadershipUrban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction
Die Blunies in: Rette die Blunies Erkenntnisse für die Wirtschaft aus der Entwicklung gemeinnütziger Spiele | I Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung von professionellen Computerspielen ist ein umfangreicher, komplexer Prozess, der in der Summe... more
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      Video GamesNonprofit Management and LeadershipAgile MethodologiesProduction planning and management
Nährlich, Stefan (2006): Vorstands-Management. Frühstücksdirektoren oder Mädchen für alles? in: Ruckh, Mario/Noll, Christian/Bornholdt, Martin (Hrsg.): Sozialmarketing als Stakeholder-Management. Grundlagen und Perspektiven für ein... more
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      Nonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit BoardsVereinsforschungEhrenamt
Handbookin tavoitteena on tarjota palvelutoimintaa aloittaville tai kehittäville yhdistyksille tietoa ja tukea kehittämistyöhön.
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    • Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Project for the course «The Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards of Directors within the Governance Process», offered by the State University of New York on Coursera.
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      Nonprofit StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)NonprofitNonprofit Governance
"ABSTRACT In an effort at theoretical clarification, the authors reviewed 45 recent articles reporting empirical research employing the concept of `social capital'. The literature is roughly equally divided between those who treat social... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. This report presents effective fundraising strategies and discusses management techniques employed by... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesFundraisingNonprofitNonprofit Governance
This is the Introduction to the following book: The Nonprofit World: Civil Society and the Rise of the Nonprofit Sector DESCRIPTION John Casey explores the expanding global reach of nonprofit organizations, examining the increasingly... more
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      Global Civil SocietyThird SectorNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Third Sector Studies
With newly commissioned contributions from an international set of scholars at the forefront of nonprofit management research, this volume provides a thorough overview of the most current management thinking in this field. It... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit OrganizationsNonprofit Management
Existing change management models have been developed from research undertaken largely within the for-profit sector, with little reference to the unique challenges of the nonprofit sector. This article identifies a number of... more
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      Grounded Theory (Research Methodology)Case Study ResearchNonprofit Management and Leadership
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      VolunteerismNonprofit Management and LeadershipVolunteer management
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      Social HistoryNonprofit Management and LeadershipFundraising, growing philanthropy, donor behavior
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit Organizations
Use to analyze a nonprofit's financial health quickly and visually.
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      Management NonprofitNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit OrganizationsNonprofit Finance
Nonprofit organizations perform some of the most important functions in society that support and strengthen communities. They have broad missions and touch nearly every aspect of our lives. Donors, funders, and the general public have... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofitNonprofit GovernanceNonprofit Management and Leadership
As charities expand into social enterprises they must adapt their model to not only create value, but also capture it. This paper explores two cases of charities developing SE's and their journey in discovering how to capture value.
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsSocial MovementsNonprofit Studies
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
While silo culture is about raising individual or departmental champions, cross-silo culture is about democratizing excellence and making sure everyone is carried along and victory is more of a shared commitment. This combined... more
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      Organizational CultureLeadershipChange LeadershipCulture
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheorySocial Theory
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      Women LeadershipNonprofit Management and LeadershipWomen's Entrepreneurship
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      FundraisingPhilanthropyNonprofit Management and LeadershipCrowdfunding
A guide to creating a consistent look, tone, photo style, color, and logo usage.
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      Graphic DesignVisual CommunicationBrandingNonprofit Management and Leadership
This poster presents a conceptual framework for nonprofit integrated social accounting (NISA). In contrast to prior social accounting models, which consist primarily of individual measures of performance, we take a balanced approach where... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNonprofit LeadershipSocial AccountingNonprofit Management and Leadership
Project for the course «The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process», offered by the State University of New York on Coursera.
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      Nonprofit StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)NonprofitNonprofit Governance
Dr Alex de Voogt is a researcher and teacher at the Department of Management, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University. He specialized in expert thinking processes and problem-solving and was involved in various projects concerning non-profit... more
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      LeadershipArts ManagementNonprofit Management and LeadershipCruise Ship Management
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
For decades, non-profit and voluntary sector organisations have acted as the intermediaries between donors who want to contribute money to help a cause and the beneficiaries of a cause. The non-profits would be responsible for marketing,... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesFundraisingPhilanthropyNonprofit Management and Leadership
Die grenzüberschreitende, internationale Geschäftstätigkeit gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das Erschließen neuer Märkte und die Verlagerung von Produktionsstätten an ökonomisch vorteilhaftere Standorte sind nur zwei von vielen Gründen,... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipChange LeadershipLeadership and Mentoring
The establishing of large churches in urban Metro Manila was a phenomenon that imperceptibly began in the 80s. After more than two decades, these large churches had become a permanent, visible, and influential feature of the church... more
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      Appreciative InquiryTheological EducationQualitative ResearchLeadership Development
Formal succession planning strategies for retiring Baby Boomer generation of leaders in nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are nonexistent in many NPOs, including faith-based NPOs. Top NPO leaders possess vital organizational knowledge and... more
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      Faith Based OrganizationsNonprofit Management and LeadershipNonprofit OrganizationsSuccession Planning
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      Internal AuditNonprofit Management and LeadershipInternal ControlsBudgeting ang budgetary control
This study presents the results of a large-scale online survey and interviews on knowledge management practices within the nonprofit fundraising sector. Hurley and Green (2005) define knowledge management (KM) as the process individuals... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyNonprofit StudiesInformatics
Foundation Transparency - Opacity: It’s Complicated Abstract Private philanthropy has been referred to as one of the least transparent and accountable social institutions in the United States. Accordingly, private foundations are being... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesPartnership WorkingPhilanthropyGrant Writing
Intimate partner violence is often thought of as a feminized issue that only affects women, though there are also male victims. Unfortunately, a significantly large majority of nonprofit organizations do not acknowledge male victims and... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesDomestic ViolenceMasculinity StudiesMasculinity
This project was done in partnership with Sonshine Community Services in Calgary and examined the leadership style that is inducive of creating a trauma-informed workplace for all staff. To answer this question, the project captured the... more
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      LeadershipServant LeadershipTransformational LeadershipTrauma-Informed Care