Recent papers in Noh
I compare two of the most classical aesthetic expressions: Russian icons and Japanese Noh-plays. Though the former are pictorial and the latter theatrically enacted, both turn out to be highly compatible on several levels: both require a... more
京都学派の哲学者たちは、後の現象学的身体論を先取りするような身体観を提示した。本稿は、こうした京都学派の身体論の生成と展開を西田幾多郎や田辺元のテキストに沿って内在的に読解しながら、その本来の近代認識論批判の立場(日本的「身体論」)が文化本質主義的イデオロギー(「日本的身体」論)へと転じる機制を明らかにした。そのうえで、20世紀後半になって古典芸能の身体性や世阿弥の能楽論を安易に「日本文化」に還元して解釈する「日本的身体」論が横行する言説状況が到来したことを批判した。... more
Il faut sauver la tragédie grecque de toute la gnose philosophique et tragique qui l'accable depuis près de trois siècles. Il faut la sauver de notre conception moderne de la littérature et du théâtre. Il faut la sauver de nous-mêmes pour... more
อธิบายภาพประวัติศาสตร์ บริบททางสังคมและวัฒนธรรมของญี่ปุ่น ผ่านคำศัพท์ 8 คำ คือ กิโมโน พิธีชงชา สวนญี่ปุ่น ละครโน ละครคาบูกิ หุ่นกระบอกบุนระกุ เกอิชา และภาพพิมพ์อุคิโยเอะ ซึ่งคำศัพท์ทั้ง 8 คำนี้ มีความเชื่อมโยงเกี่ยวข้องกันอย่างน่าประหลาดใจ
It is well known that theatre on Christian themes was performed in the churches established across Kyūshū by Jesuit missionaries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, the only primary sources through which this performance... more
True. At the core of Rashomon is the unreliability of the narrators. But the thing which is unreliable about them is how their tales differ upon fixed matters. One such issue is the dagger. The account of the dagger of which the four... more
能に独特の不動の身体性は、〈カマエ〉と呼ばれる姿勢構築技法によって実現される。これが成立したのは江戸初期と考えられる。本稿は、〈カマエ〉のなかった世阿弥時代から能の身体がいかにして変容してきたのかを検証した。とりわけ、世阿弥が近江猿楽から導入し、後に大和猿楽の舞の身体性を根本的に規定した「天女舞」を詳細に分析した。それを通じ、(1)「腰を据える」という技法が天女舞に特有のものであった、(2)腰を据えることは、現在のカマエのそれとは異なり、ダイナミックな身体運動を可能にする技法... more
Tesis doctoral. Phd. disertation
The status of women performers in Noh has been a subject of debate before women's entry into the Nohgaku Kyokai (Nohgaku Performers' Association) in 1948. In 1948, just a few years after the Second World War, several women were allowed to... more
The ama are women who dive for pearls. This bilingual paper renders the ancient Japanese folktale "Ama" into English, investigates its origins, and attempts to interpret its timeless significance. From a prehistoric oral tradition it... more
"世阿弥伝書の範例的な注釈書となった『世阿弥十六部集評釈』(1940-1944年)は、『能楽源流考』によって知られる能勢朝次の、いま一つの主著である。この『評釈』や、それと密接な関係にある彼の理論的論著は、質量共に近代日本における思想的な世阿弥受容の一つの極点をなすものであり、今日に至る世阿弥伝書の理解やそれに基づく日本文化論のあり方を、暗黙裡に規定してきたと言える。本稿は、こうした能勢による世阿弥解釈の分析を通じて、それが身体表現をめぐる〈近代の超克〉と言うべき思想的関心に... more
This paper deals with the issue of aging as reflected in the Noh theatre repertory. It analyses plays about elderly women based on the aesthetic concept of the beauty of old age (rojaku) as one of the forms of the ephemeral. The paper... more
Suzuki Daisetsu interprets the Noh play Yamamba to be about the Buddhist principles of compassion. However, the play, through its narrative and use of multiple identities does not represent these principles in an ‘artistic’ way but... more
The classical canon of noh is a corpus of over two hundred plays divided into five categories for the purpose of programming; these categories are largely determined by the nature of the main character. How might this classification... more
A study of the new noh Fumigara by Tsumura Kimiko
In medieval Japanese noh theater, narration is chanted on stage and often fuses with characters’ speeches. This paper aims to examine how this fusion affects the stage–audience relationship, first by applying theater semiotics and... more
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In their introduction to Buddhas and Kami in Japan: Honji Suijaku as a Combinatory Paradigm, Mark Teeuwen and Fabio Rambelli observe that, while ‘Japanese religion is often categorised under the twin headings Buddhism and Shinto,’ the... more
Mae Smethurst’s work has largely aimed to articulate Noh (nō) theater in Western terms from their very roots, for example through Aristotle’s On Tragedy. Her detailed examination of the shared structure of the content of these... more
Il y aurait deux façons de se demander ce que le comparatisme fait à l'Antiquité : l'une pleine de modestie, l'autre résolue et conquérante. La première consisterait à évaluer ce qu'une approche comparatiste peut éventuellement apporter à... more
Come l’architettura e la scultura, anche la letteratura ha le sue rovine. Rovine da interrogare, ma anche da preservare dalle invenzioni del regime dell’arte del linguaggio. A partire dall’Edipo a Colono, l’ultima delle tragedie attiche... more
日本側に記録がなく、イエズス会日本報告にはあるものに、大坂城本丸の能舞台がある。天野文雄氏は以前、日本報告に基づくと思われる末代のイエズス会正史の明治時代の和訳を引き、この能舞台について論じている... more
This book is the first to deal with the subject of Ezra Pound’s relationships with Japanese literature as a whole. It provides a wealth of new scholarship on this subject, including on the nineteenth-century Japanese contexts that led to... more
In this paper, I demonstrate how I blend theoretical concepts from six fields—CLIL, rhetoric, cognitive linguistics, psychology, cultural studies, and gender studies—to inform my teaching practice in three areas: English academic writing... more
1. Rhetorical Literacy in Translation This essay is the third in a series of studies on Rhetorical Literacy. Throughout this series, I argue that awareness of the linguistic choices involved in rhetoric empower us as communicators in both... more
A talk given at the Rhetorical Society of the School of Language and Culture, Osaka University, November 2, 2017
The Anime Paradox: Patterns and Practices through the Lens of Traditional Japanese Theater is an examination of the form of Anime—the repeated visual, aural, and narrative conventions performed in Anime texts—exposed through a comparison... more
On new noh by Tsumura Kimiko and Baba Akiko
Noh has been considered an essential preparation for political and other leadership since its full development in the thirteenth century. I introduce some important events from the political history of noh while providing an introduction... more
La collezione Proserpio di maschere giapponesi del teatro Noh.
ISBN 88-7547-547-4
ISBN 88-7547-547-4
The present text focuses on the performances of Shinsaku Noh (新作能) plays in Bulgaria. Performances such as The Circle of Water and Orpheus by Akihiro Yamamoto and performed by Yamamoto Nogaku-do Theatre with the special participation of... more
This intervention will comment upon a duo performance combining gestures and movements of Nō theatre and of sigillography (seal carving) by Monique Arnaud and Lia Wei on April 17th, 2018, in the occasion of the « Ink Riders » exhibit... more
Recent research has begun to explore the ways in which early-modern missionaries met the challenges of adapting Latin Christian doctrinal works in the Japanese language, but the missions also produced a great volume of narrative... more
I am currently serving as Principal Investigator of the Rhetorical Literacy Project, a four-year research project funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.