Japanese music history
Recent papers in Japanese music history
In this completed draft I explore the ways in which gagaku, Japanese Imperial Court music, is deemed as other and not a part of Japanese culture. Utilizing the concepts of place as advanced by Jeff Malpas and practice as advanced by Todd... more
This chapter considers the posthumous duet as a performance medium in relation to the visual as well as aural. It considers the positive and negative rhetoric of ‘resurrection’, from a miraculous Christ-like second coming which... more
A look at the genre of music that is considered "Japanoise". The paper in question is a person reflection of what is "Japanoise" and how it influenced my work as a composer. The meat of the paper is reflections on Japanoise on a Canadian... more
The work of Toshio Hosokawa (born 1955 in Hiroshima) exemplifies a connection between silence and the sphere of the sacred which is characteristic of Far East cultures. The goal of this paper is to determine the role of silence in the... more
Revised and expanded version of a paper read at the 15th EAJS International Conference 2017 (Lisbon, Aug. 30 – Sept. 2, 2017) - Section 5, Panel S5b_15: Sound and music as medium. For the published version, see... more
In conversation with Arvo Pärt Enzo Restagno rightly noted: ‘I believe that a real point of contact between Japanese musical tradition and your music is to be found in the role that silence plays in both.’ Indeed, the comparison of... more
A brief history of Gagaku music and instruments.
The Occupation of Japan by Allied forces following World War II marked an unprecedented incursion of outside (soto) influence into Japanese affairs. From the Meiji Restoration through WWII, the Japanese government had practiced... more
Taiko is the Japanese word for drum...
This paper traces a single f apanese folk song, the herring-fit\ing song 'S6ran -Bushi', as it suriives the loss of its original function to flourish in versions suited to a number of different contexts and musical genres. No longer a... more
Among the myriad of writings on Takemitsu, the theme of the Japanese garden, conceptualized here as the “Musical Garden”, is not infrequent, but is seldom examined as an aesthetic end in Takemitsu’s works. This essay’s goal will be to... more
Minoru Miki’s orchestral work Jo no kyoku, Prelude for Shakuhachi, Koto, Shamisen and Strings (1969), exemplifies the postwar synthesis of atonality and Japanese tradition. Miki adopted pitch-class sets from the Japanese modes as dominant... more
大都市・東京における「都会的」で「洗練」されたライフスタイルを具体的に表現し、こ んにち主流となっている J-POP のトランスナショナルで消費主義的な特色を先取りするも のとして、日本の「シティ・ポップ City Pop」は最初に登場した 20 世紀最後の四半期から 現在にかけ、様々な再文脈化を経験してきた。本稿ではこのシティ・ポップを、ポピュラー 音楽のジャンル概念が出現し存続していくプロセスにおける、間メディア的(intermedial)... more
"This article examines the songs that Japanese schoolchildren learned during World War II and their impact on children’s lives. These songs were filled with propaganda such as Japan’s superiority over other nations, the glory of dying for... more
Keywords: Maori music / Brass bands / Ratana bands / Juji Nakada Genre: Original cross-national historical research. Discusses: "some musical implications of the historical relations between Maori prophet Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
15th EAJS International Conference 2017 (Lisbon, Aug. 30 – Sept. 2, 2017) - Section 5, Panel S5b_15: Sound and music as medium. For the paper to this presentation, see... more
Music in The Tale of Genji and the Heian Period is not only conveyed by traditional instruments such as the flute, koto, and strings, but also deeply affected and enveloped by the sounds of nature. The euphony of the surroundings... more
The music of Tōru Takemitsu is often stated to be essentially Japanese. However, previous studies on Takemitsu tend to highlight the composer’s reception of Japanese aesthetics and philosophy rather than his preoccupation with Japan’s... more
Concluding chapter of book on traditional Japanese folk song in modern Japan
This seminar examines Japanese popular culture from historical and theoretical perspectives. It offers a deeper understanding of various pop-cultural phenomena as they developed in historical and contemporary Japan. While introducing... more
This article discusses the state of music theory in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Japan, where musicians were invested in finding ways to map theories of traditional Japanese music and those of European tonality onto each... more
Hide es quizá una de las figuras mas influyentes en la historia de la música japonesa contemporánea porque más allá de su trabajo y luego de su muerte su figura se elevo a alturas nunca antes vistas en su país. Hide is maybe one of the... more
Chapter available in Music in Video Games: Studying Play (Routledge, 2014). "The Temporary Avatar Zone: Pico-Pico Parties in Tokyo" examines the ways the aesthetics and experiential affordances of gaming can re-emerge as components of... more
Integral to the multifaceted and arguably elusive contextuality of musicology is a network of shifting dynamics between musical and extra-musical forces. Ironically, Stravinsky’s writings on his early cross-cultural explorations – namely... more
It is often pointed out that Japanese religion centers on “worldly benefits” (genze riyaku) and on practices allowing a petitioner to attain divine boons. Since high and low, rich and poor, young and old have always pined for such... more
The musicians attached to the Music Department of the Japanese Imperial Household are responsible for the performance of many kinds of music: Western music for the Emperor's banquets, the various types of court music, Gagaku for... more
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Dear colleagues, We invite expressions of interest for the role of interlocutor for the Study Session "Decoloniality and the Global Turn: New Perspectives for the History of Early Music" that will take place at the next Quinquennial... more
Ценова-Нушева, Миглена. "Японски разбирания за музиката и проявлението им в театър Кабуки (歌舞伎). Влияние на дзен (禅) върху японската традиционна музика и върху театър Кабуки". - В: Музикални хоризонти, 2017, № 6, с. 16 - 21.... more
Taiji Sawada el rebelde bajista japonés cuyo final aun permanece tan enigmático como su vida misma.
Sawada Taiji the rebel japanese bassist whose final still be an enigma like his life.
Sawada Taiji the rebel japanese bassist whose final still be an enigma like his life.
Gagaku is a centuries old tradition, dating as far back as 453CE. I examine the history and development of Japan's ancient court music, demonstrating how it has responded to cultural and political events, including the Meiji Restoration.... more
This article interrogates how the small Japanese island of Enoshima (江の島) signifies island heritage across space and place. Applying a critical approach at the intersection of island studies and heritage studies, Enoshima is explored... more
This article takes a look at the role of tone-colour in Japanese traditional music, in particular in shakuhachi music, suggesting that the solo pieces o the honkyoku repertoire are first of all tone-colour melodies, and not melodies as... more
When punk impressed itself upon Japanese youth culture in the mid-to-late 1970s, it arrived at a time when the nation’s film industry was in crisis. The studio system that had presided over film production for decades was in serious... more
This paper illustrates an endemic vision of musique concrète that rises in 1950's Tokyo. By means of historical research and the analysis of two works by Toru Takemitsu, it deepens into aesthetical questions about Japanese musique... more
Elements in Hugo Riemann’s late universalist music theory - disclosed in condensed form in his "Folkloristische Tonalitätsstudien" (1916) - took a surprising, even nationalistically biased turn in Japan during the 1930s and 40s. Riemann’s... more