Nizam Al-Mulk
Recent papers in Nizam Al-Mulk
The founders of Great Seljuqs (1040-1157) had accepted Hanifah sect while converting to Islam. Some execution against Ash'arites had been examined in the period of first sultan Tughrul Beg. That stiuation had been ended in the time of... more
As the religion of Islam spread through conquest and missionary efforts to become a major, new world religion, various theories arose as to how the umma should be governed and what the Islamic state should consist of politically. Never... more
The first book of the series — Amir Mu‘izzi Nishapuri. The Siyasat-nama/Siyar al-muluk (The Book of Government/The Vitae of Rulers): a fabrication ascribed to Nizam al-Mulk — is a classic text well known to every Iranist by the two cited... more
Öz Moğol öncesi ortaçağ İran'ını, her biri kendi alanında meşhur devrin dört sembol isim Firdevsî, Nizâmü'l-Mülk, Hasan Sabbâh ve Ömer Hayyam'ın biyografileri üzerinden irdelemeye çalışmak, bu dönemdeki İran imgesi hakkında hem bir fikir... more
ENG: In this study, the Great Seljuks, who have a very different place in Turkish and Islamic history, are discussed. We will examine the political history of the era Malikshah, so the greatest representative of Turks before the Ottoman... more
Karahanlılar, Medrese, Semerkand, Tamgaç Han, Karahanlılar, Tamgaç Han Medresesi, Nizamiye medreseleri
In this Extended Essay, the 1948 ‘hidden’ massacre of Hyderabad State was explored with the research question: Bloodless Revolution or a Bloody Massacre, What really happened in Hyderabad in 1948? Details of the annexation of Hyderabad... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı Nizâmülmülk ile Machiavelli'nin siyaset teorisi alanındaki fikirlerini belirli konular kapsamında incelemek ve karşılaştırmak; iki ismin yazdıkları en popüler eserler olan Siyâsetnâme ve Prens'i tahlil etmek; yapılan... more
Abstract This chapter is divided into two sections, dealing respectively with the Siyar al-mulūk (or Siyāsat-nāma), ascribed to the famous Saljūq vizier Nizām al-Mulk, and the bipartite Nasīhat al-mulūk ascribed to al-Ghazālī. It will... more
Meşruiyet meselesini Maverdi ve Nizamülmülk'ün fikirleri zaviyesinden tartışan bu makale 6-7 Nisan 2018 tarihinde Konya'da düzenlenen "1000. Yılında Nizamülmülk" ilmi toplantısında tebliğ olarak sunulmuştur.
Statements by medieval authors notwithstanding, the issue of counterfeiting the texts during the Islamic Medieval Ages has not been seriously discussed by modern researchers. The latter prefer to pass in silence over the possibility that... more
ÖZET Bu çalışmada; İran’da Türkçe öğretiminin tarihçesi, İran’da Türkçenin öğretildiği mekanlar, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tahran Büyükelçiliği bünyesindeki Türkçe Öğretim Merkezi, bu merkezde yapılan faaliyetler, Tahran Allame-i Tabatabai... more
This article presents six cases of conciliation (ṣulḥ) that took place in Baghdad between 460/1068 and 537/1142, in the context of the political domination of the Seljuq sultans over the Abbasid caliphate. These are the only cases for... more
Two books have been published to date in the book series – the Persian Mirrors for Princes Written in the Saljuq Period: Originals and fabrications. They are: Amir Mu‘izzi Nishapuri. The Siyasat-nama/Siyar al-muluk: A Fabrication Ascribed... more
The first book of the series The Persian Mirrors for Princes Written in the Saljuq Period: Originals and Fabrications — Amir Mu‘izzi Nishapuri. The Siyasat-nama/Siyar al-muluk (The Book of Government/The Vitae of Rulers): a fabrication... more
Scholarly observations have seemingly outlined the extreme diversity of Muslim educational institutions during the Abbasid caliphate (750–1258). A need to develop and sustain a consistent typology of educational institutions is clearly in... more
One of the breaking points in Turkish and Islamic history is the Battle of Dandanakan, which took place between the Seljuks and the Ghaznavids in 1040. After the war, the Seljuks became an effective and decisive power, especially in the... more
Özet [Nizâmü'l-Mülk lakabıyla tanınan Ebû 'Alî Hasan b. 'Alî b. İshak-i Tûsî (öl. 1092) Selçuklu devrinin en önemli vezîrlerinden biridir. İki eserin telifi ona nispet edilmiştir: Siyeru'l-mulûk (Siyâset-nâme) ve Destûru'l-vezâret. Bu iki... more
espanolEl Museo de Santa Cruz de Toledo posee una amplia coleccion de frisos, vigas y tabicas de madera de las etapas musulmana y mudejar procedentes de antiguos palacios de Toledo que hemos estudiado tratando de identificar su... more
Ortaçağ'ın siyasetnameleri, Aydınlanma devrinin ütopyaları ve modern dönemin distopyaları toplumsal ve politik kurguları edebi form halinde sunar. İçerik ve biçim olarak kendinde barındırdığı çift katmanlı kurgusallık nedeniyle... more