Neutron Detection
Recent papers in Neutron Detection
Two, 111 GBq (3 Curie) radium-beryllium (RaBe) sources were in underground storage at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) since 1988. These sources originated from Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) where they were used to... more
JRC has developed the Scrap Neutron Multiplicity Counter (SNMC): an advanced neutron multiplicity counter for the verification of inhomogeneous Pu samples, such as scrap material in MOX fuel fabrication plants. The innovative features of... more
Research investigating the application of pressure-cycled bubble chambers to fast neutron detection is described. Experiments with a Halon-filled chamber showed clear sensitivity to an AmBe neutron source and insensitivity to a 137 Cs... more
The method of cosmic ray neutron sensing - measuring soil moisture non-invasively at the hectometer scale has turned out to be feasible by detecting the environmental albedo neutron density. The key feature of the method is that neutrons... more
We present new results on the measurement of correlated, outgoing neutrons from spontaneous fission events in a Cf-252 source. 16 EJ-309 liquid scintillation detectors are used to measure neutron-neutron correlations for various detector... more
In this paper, we propose a technique for the detection of neutrons that relies on the sensitivity of SRAM cells to particle radiation. In particular, we introduce a system based on a memory test bench that records the neutron reactions... more
An effect, which has been considered for more than 50 years as a detector background, turns out to be one of the promising spin-off technologies to access our most important resource: water. The method, called cosmic-ray neutron sensing... more
The globally increased demand of Helium-3 along with the limited availability for this gas asks for the development of alternative technologies as the nowadays standard technology is still based on the Helium counter tube. In this article... more
Cerium-doped LiCaAlF 6 (Ce:LiCAF) crystals have been studied as scintillators in application to thermal neutron detection. Three crystals: high-doping Ce:LiCAF, low-doping Ce:LiCAF with 50% enrichment of 6 Li (both 10 mm  10 mm  2 mm,... more
A recent shortage in 3 He for neutron detection has caused an increase in research efforts for a viable replacement. Three materials, borosilicate aerogel, 6 LiF saturated foam, and natural lithium foil, have been investigated as neutron... more
Neutrons can be indirectly detected by high-energy photons. The performance of a 4 00 Â 4 00 Â 16 00 NaI portal monitor was compared to a 3 He-based portal monitor with a comparable cross-section of the active volume. Measurements were... more
The world of detectors used in thermal neutron scattering instrumentation has changed. By alerts on the future Helium-3 supply, critical to perspectives of the large-scale research infrastructures, the run on substitutional technologies... more
The research work presented here includes our efforts to develop a useful neutron detection device using He-3 detectors, a standard neutron detection methodology widely used in homeland security applications. The design of a He-3 neutron... more
1-Radiation portal monitor systems have been deployed to screen for illicit trafficking of radioactive materials at international border crossings. This report reviews some of the neutron detection requirements and capabilities of passive... more
The Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Safeguards (NA-241) is supporting the project "Coincidence Counting With Boron-Based Alternative Neutron Detection Technology" at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the development... more
In this paper, a hand-held neutron radiation sensor application is described. The sensor system utilizes a new class of boron-carbide diode that interacts with incoming neutrons. To interface with the boron-carbide diode an integrated... more
The world of detectors used in thermal neutron scattering instrumentation has changed. By alerts on the future Helium-3 supply, critical to perspectives of the large-scale research infrastructures, the run on substitutional technologies... more
Description and testing of novel Dynamic Path Generation Monte Carlo technique. Characterization of the physical structure of RVC foams with various porosities. Preliminary validation of Dynamic Path Generation by comparison to MCNP6.... more
Perforated silicon diodes with two different etched patterns were tested for neutron counting efficiency and angular response. The etched patterns consisted of circular holes on a square lattice or continuous sinusoidal waves. Normal... more
The globally increased demand of Helium-3 along with the limited availability for this gas asks for the development of alternative technologies as the nowadays standard technology is still based on the Helium counter tube. We report on... more
Optical and scintillation properties of Pr-doped Li-glass, 20Al(PO 3) 3-80LiF:Pr 3%, have been studied for applications in neutron detection systems. Based on optical transmission and reflectivity, the absorption coefficient and... more
This work describes an innovative solid state device structure that leverages advanced semiconductor fabrication technology to produce an efficient device for thermal neutron detection which we have coined the ¿Pillar Detector¿.... more
ABSTRACT Experimental verification of simulated results of series and parallel diamond detector arrays is reported. Eight commercially available electronic grade single crystal CVD diamond plates were used in series and parallel array... more
A novel and evolutionary multiplexing technique is introduced in this work where electronic grade single crystal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond plates are multiplexed together in both a series and parallel configuration, sending... more
Two, 111 GBq (3 Curie) radium-beryllium (RaBe) sources were in underground storage at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) since 1988. These sources originated from Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) where they were used to... more
One of the main uses for 3 He is in gas proportional counters for neutron detection. Radiation portal monitors deployed for homeland security and non-proliferation use such detectors. Other uses of 3 He are for research detectors,... more
The shortage of 3He has triggered the search for effective alternative neutron detection technologies for national security and safeguards applications. Any new detection technology must satisfy two basic criteria: (1) it must meet a... more
Radiation portal monitor systems based upon polyvinyl toluene scintillator gamma-ray detectors and pressurized 3 He-based neutron detector tubes have been deployed to detect illicit trafficking in radioactive materials at international... more
Inorganic scintillators play an important role in the detection and spectroscopy of gamma and X-rays, as well as in neutrons and charged particles. For a variety of applications, new inorganic scintillation materials are being studied.... more
ABSTRACT Reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) foams coated with 3-11 μm thick layers of boron carbide (B4C) are experimentally characterized for use as an active material for neutron detection. The potential advantage of this material over... more
Techniques have been developed to exploit abundant prompt emissions from photonuclear reactions for the identification of special nuclear material (SNM). These enhancements are designed to reduce inspections times and delivered dose in... more