Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing with novel neutron detectors

2019, Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing with novel neutron detectors

The method of cosmic ray neutron sensing - measuring soil moisture non-invasively at the hectometer scale has turned out to be feasible by detecting the environmental albedo neutron density. The key feature of the method is that neutrons generated by cosmic rays show an exceptionally different behavior interacting with hydrogen. It slows down fast neutrons whereas any other heavier element, independent of the chemical composition, rather reflects them. In the recent years the understanding of neutron transport by Monte Carlo simulations led to major advancements in precision, which have been successfully targeted meanwhile by a manifold of experiments. We are now developing boron-lined neutron detectors using spin-off technologies from the upcoming European Spallation Source and instrument design experience from past experiments. These detectors shall also offer an alternative platform to current Helium-3 based systems. In order to reduce costs we recently have developed readout electronics and data acquistion systems based on Arduino microcontrollers.

1 [1] [2] 2 3 Neutron Flux 4 Σ: 100 pro (m2 s) soil 4 soil Neutron Flux 4 soil Neutron Flux 4 soil Neutron Flux 4 soil Neutron Flux 5 M. Köhli et al. Footprint characteristics revised for field-scale soil moisture monitoring with cosmic-ray neutrons Water Resources Research, 51, 5772-5790 DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017169 5 6 6 range D M. Köhli et al. Footprint characteristics revised for field-scale soil moisture monitoring with cosmic-ray neutrons Water Resources Research, 51, 5772-5790 DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017169 7 D depth M. Köhli et al. Footprint characteristics revised for field-scale soil moisture monitoring with cosmic-ray neutrons Water Resources Research, 51, 5772-5790 DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017169 8 9 10 11 12 In collaboration with Dazhi Li FZ Jülich D. Li et al., to be published 12 In collaboration with Dazhi Li FZ Jülich D. Li et al., to be published 9 Weißsee, Austria In collaboration with Paul Schattan Uni Insbruck P. Schattan et al., to be published 9 Weißsee, Austria In collaboration with Paul Schattan Uni Insbruck P. Schattan et al., to be published 16 M. Schrön et al. Intercomparison of cosmic-ray neutron sensors and water balance monitoring in an urban environment Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. 7, 83-99 DOI: 10.5194/gi-7-83-2018 16 M. Schrön et al. Intercomparison of cosmic-ray neutron sensors and water balance monitoring in an urban environment Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. 7, 83-99 DOI: 10.5194/gi-7-83-2018 17 [1] 17 + [2] [1] 18 19 amplifier 20 nCatcher (Pulse Analyzer + Digitizer) Arduino Nano - ADC: pulse height measurement - Time over threshold: pulse length measurement - Communication with data loggers possible via I2C HV unit (prior) Analog ouput and serial communication allows for read-out and control 21 Data logger Arduino Due Sensor Units Detector Slow Control Temperature Humidity Pressure GPS & Communication + Data Units Pulse Analyzer Data Processing High Voltage GSM nCatcher (Preamp+Digitizer) Arduino Nano SD-Card (Flash) Power Supply WLAN New: - upgrade to Due (larger) - GSM Modem - shielded design for nCatcher 22 Live-Display for Webbrowser GSM-Modem + MQTT-Server (Internet of Things) + Influx-DB (Time series data base) + Grafana (Frontend) 23 In collaboration with Heye Bogena and Jannis Jakobi FZ Jülich Measurements @ Wüstebach (Eifel) 17 17 Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing New CRNS Sensor Outlook Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing provides an average soil moisture measurement over several hectares and 0.5 m in depth can be understood by Monte Carlo transport modelling small scale variations, inhomogeneous soil moisture patterns can now be understood New CRNS Sensor Outlook Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing provides an average soil moisture measurement over several hectares and 0.5 m in depth can be understood by Monte Carlo transport modelling small scale variations, inhomogeneous soil moisture patterns can now be understood New CRNS Sensor First prototypes based on boron coatings and Open Hardaware readout electronics developed and successfully tested Outperforms existing systems by approx. factor 3 Outlook Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing provides an average soil moisture measurement over several hectares and 0.5 m in depth can be understood by Monte Carlo transport modelling small scale variations, inhomogeneous soil moisture patterns can now be understood New CRNS Sensor First prototypes based on boron coatings and Open Hardaware readout electronics developed and successfully tested Outperforms existing systems by approx. factor 3 Outlook development of larger detectors for mobile sensing