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Agriculture is heavily contributing towards the economy of Pakistan. Water deficiency and drought conditions, long duration load shedding issue, poor extension services, absence of land reforms, absence of distribution of certified... more
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      EconomicsSustainable agricultureAgricultureFood Security
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      Information TechnologyInternational DevelopmentInternational TradeTelecommunications
Tax is a compulsory levy to the people who do not directly provide contra to the public. Tax collection in general should be set in the agreement between the government and the public. Withholding Income Tax Article23 is a reflection of... more
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      Income TaxNet Profit
Problem statement: Jordan's agricultural extension service is seriously under-staffed and its effectiveness is consequently compromised. Reservations are being expressed about the performance and capability of the agricultural extension... more
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      Biological SciencesNet Profit
This paper examines the impact of CSR spending on the firm's financial performance. The government has made CSR spending mandatory by which the organizations can significant contributions to the benefit of the public. The data for the... more
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      Financial PerformanceNet Profit
Adult literacy, male (% of ages 15 and older) 77 95 72 Adult literacy, female (% of ages 15 and older) 61 87 50 Gross primary enrollment, male (% of age group) 124 115 108 Gross primary enrollment, female (% of age group) 109 113 96... more
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      Information SystemsPublic FinancePublic AdministrationIntellectual Property
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      AGRONOMIANet Profitvariable cost
The aims of this study comprise energy optimization, economic analysis and life cycle assessment in converting paddy to white rice by data envelopment analysis (DEA) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). For these purposes, 60... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyOptimization techniquesOperations research and Optimization
Continuous increase of population in Egypt, limited fresh water, poor maintenance and low efficiency of irrigation systems lead to a real burden on the Egyptian natural water resources. Accordingly, for Egypt, land and water resources... more
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      Optimization (Mathematics)Linear programming (Optimization Techniques)Cropping PatternNet Profit
This paper explores Impact of information technology on profitability of airlines industry “a case study of Royal Jordanian Airlines, The data collected from the financial statement of Royal Jordanian Airlines is analyzed by using... more
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      ProfitabilityNet Profit
The study examines board size and corporate performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between board size and total asset of quoted Nigerian banks; to examine the relationship... more
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      Corporate PerformanceNet ProfitSize of the BoardTotal Assets
This work is dedicated to the late Mr. Jose "Pepe" Estenssoro, formner President of Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF). Argentineans like him were responsible for making the privatization program a reality and a success.
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      Natural ResourcesUtilitiesProductivityAuditing
obotic Intervention (RI) strategy is critical to organizational profitability. The R documented high cost of production resulted in slower attainment of financial success through continuous surges prices of goods and services. This have... more
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      BusinessArtificial IntelligenceAccountingHistory of Technology
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      Artificial IntelligenceManufacturingHistory of TechnologyTaxation
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      BusinessTransaction CostsMicrofinanceHuman Resource Management
Agriculture is heavily contributing towards the economy of Pakistan. Water deficiency and drought conditions, long duration load shedding issue, poor extension services, absence of land reforms, absence of distribution of certified... more
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      EconomicsSustainable agricultureAgricultureFood Security
En la region de la cordillera del Tentzo, en el estado de Puebla, Mexico, un sistema de produccion que los agricultores utilizan para aminorar las adversidades del ambiente es la asociacion maiz-frijol. El objetivo del presente trabajo... more
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      GeographyMultiple CroppingNet Profit
The financial sector, as an administration area and as a component of the monetary framework, plays a crucial role in the presentation of any economy. Banking institutions in our country have been entrusted with a crucial role in... more
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      BankingIncomeAdvances in NeonatologyNet Profit
The study examines board size and corporate performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between board size and total asset of quoted Nigerian banks; to examine the relationship... more
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      Corporate PerformanceNet ProfitSize of the BoardTotal Assets
The study examines board size and corporate performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between board size and total asset of quoted Nigerian banks; to examine the relationship... more
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      Corporate PerformanceNet ProfitSize of the BoardTotal Assets
This paper explores Impact of information technology on profitability of airlines industry “a case study of Royal Jordanian Airlines, The data collected from the financial statement of Royal Jordanian Airlines is analyzed by using... more
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      ProfitabilityNet Profit
The banking sector in India has come under the scanner following some key changes in monetary policy. With the Reserve bank of India (RBI) raising interest rates to support the falling Indian currency the Rupee, the cost of funds of banks... more
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      BusinessBankingKey Performance IndicatorsDeterminants
Agriculture is heavily contributing towards the economy of Pakistan. Water deficiency and drought conditions, long duration load shedding issue, poor extension services, absence of land reforms, absence of distribution of certified... more
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      Sustainable agricultureAgricultureFood SecurityAgricultural Development Problems in Developing Countries