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Kikladlar, Ege Denizinin güney kesiminin ortasında bulunan küçük adalar topluluğu olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Kiklad Adaları olarak bilinen adalar grubu, Ege Denizinde Girit adasının kuzeyinde, Yunanistan’ın Attika bölgesi ile... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)ProtohistoryArkeoloji
The paper discusses a special category of zoomorphic miniature representations, the two-headed large animal figurines, common in the Neolithic site of Dikili Tash during Late Neolithic II. A thorough investigation of these objects,... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBalkan prehistoryNeolithic figurines
Tell Sabi Abyad is one of the best-known Neolithic sites in Upper Mesopotamia. The site has a long-term settlement sequence spanning nearly two millennia, from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic up to the Halaf period. Over this period, the... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic figurinesTell Sabi Abyad, Syria
This paper discusses a small group of figurines found in the Early Pottery Neolithic levels of Operation III at Tell Sabi Abyad in Syria. This group of 18 objects forms a unique group within the larger corpus of figurines discovered at... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNeolithic figurinesTell Sabi Abyad, SyriaWest Asia
This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic TransitionNeolithic Europe
This article is based on an EAA session in Kiel in 2021, in which thirteen contributors provide their response to Robb and Harris's (2018) overview of studies of gender in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, with a reply by Robb... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesArchaeology of GenderIdeology
Paper presented at Session G21 - Icons in Transition. The Role of Signs and Symbols During the Great Transformation.
Session Organisers: Marion Benz, Barbara Helwing, Ewa Dutkiewicz
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      SymbolismNeolithic ArchaeologyMateriality (Anthropology)Prehistoric Figurines
In the past few years, radiological analyzes carried out on artifacts belonging to prehistoric civilizations become more and more common, since these non-invasive methods can highlight various technological aspects, without causing damage... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)
Εκτύπωση: ΙΔΕΑ & ΤΥΠΟΣ-Φίλιππος Σπ. Λένης © Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού & Αθλητισμού-Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων & Απαλλοτριώσεων και Εργαστήριο Αρχαιολογίας Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας Ο τόμος τυπώθηκε με δαπάνες του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού &... more
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      Burial Customsarchaic Greek Pottery
The main objective of this study was the archaeometric analysis of eleven ceramic fragments discovered in the archaeological site of Suplacu de Barcău/Porț-Corău, situated in the Northwest part of Romania, more precisely in the Sylvanian... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometry
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeAnthropomorphic Figurines
Kadın söz konusu olduğunda geçmişe doğru iz sürüldüğünde arkeolojinin karşılaştığı en eski veriler Üst Paleolitik Çağın venüs heykelcikleridir. Avrupa'dan Sibirya'ya geniş bir alanda bulunmuş olan bu heykelcikler genellikle dişilik... more
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      SymbolismNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropeAnthropomorphic Figurines
The excavations at Ur conducted by C. L Woolley in the 20's yielded a large number of terracottas. Among these, many clay figurines came from the site of Diqdiqqah, whose stratigraphy was considerably disturbed, and documentation... more
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      zoomorphic FigurinesClay Figurines
People living at Sovjan and other locations in the Korça Basin have continually negotiated a dynamic landscape in which vegetation was altered not only by climatic shifts, but also by the direct impact of human activities. Over the course... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Vegetation History and ArchaeobotanyAlbanian archaeologyPalaeoethnobotany
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyTerracotta FigurinesPPNA PPNB sitesNeolithic Art
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Στις 22 Ιούνη, ολοκληρώθηκαν οι “Δελφικοί Διάλογοι” με ομιλητές όπως ο L. Floridi και η K. Hayles, υπό την αιγίδα της Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας και τίτλο: “Δημοκρατία και Πολιτισμός στην Εποχή του Μέτα-ανθρώπινου” Βρισκόμαστε στην εποχή... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCornelius Castoriadis
Abstract: Italian Neolithic Art: state of art and new evidences - This paper presents recent (post-1991) finds in Italian Neolithic art. The analysis and revision consider more than 200 objects and the majority are anthropomorphic... more
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      NeolithicItalyNeolithic Figural Art
MOVE: Rekonstrukcija kretanja prvih zemljoradničko-stočarskih zajednica i njihovih naslednika tokom neolita u južnom delu Karpatskog basena
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      Human-Animal RelationsStable Isotope AnalysisAnimals and non-humansNeolithic
Excavations by Georgios Bakalakis and Dimitris Lazaridis in Kavala's old town (Panagia peninsula) in the mid-20th century brought to light impressive finds from the sanctuary of Parthenos, the patron deity of ancient Neapolis, one of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionApotropaic Objects
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)EneolithicBaden culture
This article is based on an EAA session in Kiel in 2021, in which thirteen contributors provide their response to Robb and Harris's (2018) overview of studies of gender in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, with a reply by Robb... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesArchaeology of GenderIdeology
Vorlage von linearbandkeramischen anthropomorph gestalteten und fragmentiert erhaltenen  Plastiken sowie einer wohl früheisenzeitlichen Schweineplastik. Fundort Nikitsch, Burgenland.
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      Prehistoric religion and r ritual aReligion and ritual in prehistoryLinearbandkeramikPrehistoric Figurines
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    • Archives
The opening of the final excavation area in Çatalhöyük and the zooarcheological research conducted there have revealed an equid phalanx with incision marks shaped to resemble eyes. We argue that the choice of bone as raw material for the... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyGeologyCentral Anatolian Neolithic
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From the 1970s to the 1990s, archaeologist Marija Gimbutas developed the “Goddess Theory,” focusing on a divine female figure worshipped in “Old Europe” and displaced by Metal Ages’ patriarchal warrior cultures. Influenced by Joseph... more
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      Gender StudiesHistory of ReligionJoseph CampbellNeolithic Archaeology
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyAlpine ArchaeologyReflectance Transformation ImagingCopper age
Πρακτικά του Συνεδρίου "Ταμπού - Παράβαση - Υπέρβαση στην Τέχνη και την Επιστήμη. Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο, Κέρκυρα 2016. Ένα τρίπτυχο-ταμπού, αλληλένδετο με την ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη. Τρία αδιαχώριστα ζητήματα που συνθέτουν ένα προβληματικό πλέγμα... more
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Çatalhöyük East, a Neolithic site in Central Anatolia, has often been referred to as the place of the Mother Goddess. This is because of interpretations made by Mellaart, who discovered and excavated the site in the 1960s, when he... more
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This article is based on an EAA session in Kiel in 2021, in which thirteen contributors provide their response to Robb and Harris's (2018) overview of studies of gender in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, with a reply by Robb... more
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesArchaeology of GenderIdeology
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    • Biology
Hundreds of cruciform figurines have been found in Chalcolithic sites across Cyprus, and these were produced in a variety of media that include clay, limestone, and picrolite. These stunning figurines continue to fascinate people today,... more
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Bilgi, insan aklı ve eylemleri ile doğrudan ilişkilidir ve her zaman kaynağı olan bir peyzaj içinde gelişmiştir. İnsanın öğrenme çabası ile doğa ve doğal faktörler ile etkileşimi bilginin oluşumunda çok önemli rol oynamıştır. İnsan doğa... more
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    • Peyzaj
ABSTRACT The island of Cyprus has attracted the attention of archaeologists, historians, artists and many researchers from different disciplines due to its cultural diversity. The aim of the research is to obtain information about the... more
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      CyprusFigurinesArchaic PeriodMetropolitan Museum of Art
Colour and decoration were prominent features of Neolithic figurines. However, many such details and colours have faded over time, and it is only on close inspection that traces of colour are vis­ible. This paper presents the innovative... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic EuropePrehistoric ArtPrehistoric Rock Art
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    • ΤΠΕ στην εκπαιδευση
Introducere Obiectul studiului de faţă îl constituie un artefact ce pare să facă parte din categoria pieselor extrem de rar relevate în contexte arheologice. Acesta a fost descoperit în situl arheologic de la Limba-Oarda de Jos 1 şi a... more
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Антропоморфна фигура-Дуранкулак Глава от антропоморфна фигура-Селищна могила Панаята, Каблешково Глава от антропоморфна фигура-Селищна могила Козарева могила, Каблешково Гръб: Антропоморфна фигура-Селищна могила Козарева могила,... more
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      ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyBalkan prehistory
The island of Cyprus has attracted the attention of archaeologists, historians, artists and many researchers from different disciplines due to its cultural diversity. The aim of the research is to obtain information about the lifestyle... more
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      History of CyprusVisual ArtsMuseumsFigurines
Femmes d'hier: images, mythes et réalités du féminin néolithique focuses on the depiction of anatomical female bodies in the form of figurines, anthropomorphic stelae, rock art and anthropomorphic vessels from prehistoric Southwest Asia... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyGender ArchaeologyPrehistoric Figurines
This article is based on an EAA session in Kiel in 2021, in which thirteen contributors provide their response to Robb and Harris's (2018) overview of studies of gender in the European Neolithic and Bronze Age, with a reply by Robb and... more
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      Gender ArchaeologyNeolithic figurines
Presentation presented at the LXI National Archaeological Conference in Pleven, Bulgaria. The organizers are the Municipality of Pleven, the Regional History Museum - Pleven and the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
Marija Alseikaitė-Gimbutienė (Gimbutas) (1921-1994) was born and raised in Lithuania within a family of physicians and intellectuals devoted to the preservation of Lithuanian folk culture. She studied archaeology with Professor Jonas... more
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The work examines the position of the settlements within the urban structure of the Outer Town of Pliska. The history of research shows that the settlements revealed through archaeological excavations are 7 in total. However, the... more
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Φωτογραφία εξωφύλλου: Γυναικείο ειδώλιο με ερωτιδέα από λαξευτό υπόγειο τάφο του ανατολικού νεκροταφείου της Πέλλας. Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πέλλας ΒΕ 1978/178 (φωτ.: Σ. Μαυρομμάτης). Ο παρών τόμος πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται από... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Aegean Archaeology