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The overwhelming majority of those accused of witchcraft during the early modern European witch-hunt were women. 80-percent of the accused were female with some regions seeing figures as high as 96 percent. The stereotype of the witch as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryNordic StudiesMasculinity StudiesNordic History
Unfortunately, there are very little works and researches on necromancy in our time, even though its practices are included in a big amount of religious and esoteric movements, systems and directions. The main goal of this article is not... more
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      Religious StudiesEsoteric StudiesNecromancy
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyDivinationRoman Law
The Bamiléké of Cameroon have long believed that after the corpses of their ancestors have rotted they can be exhumed and the skulls used to communicate with the spirits of the dead, as well as their godhead, to receive spiritual... more
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      Death StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)West AfricaCult of Saints
Miller and Barnes’s themes of desire and sexual infatuation are reflective of the struggle between the old world society and the modernist movement as a whole. Sex and desire are these author’s main modes of operation, implemented to... more
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      Social ChangeDjuna BarnesHenry MillerGender sexuality,pleasure and desire
This article deals with the new forms of communication with the dead which appeared in our modern world as a result of technical progress. These are the contact forms based on using a lot of different technical devices, such as photo,... more
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      EsotericismCommunication with the deadNecromancy
Montaner, Alberto, «Brujas, demonios, astrólogos y nigromantes» [entrevista por Mariano García], Heraldo de Aragón, 25.01.2015.
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      MagicWestern Esotericism (History)Superstitions and Superstitious BeliefHistory of magic
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
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      ReligionChristianityMythology And FolkloreHistory
As far as human history goes, death and dying has always been an important, though in many occasions tragic, event that influences the everyday life of the community. With the development of more complex and elaborate ideas about the... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Religion
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      Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)OccultismNecromancy
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Огден, Дэниел. Греческая и римская некромантия / Пер. с англ., коллектив переводчиков; пер. с англ., коммент., науч. ред. и статья А. А. Новиковой; предисл. Б. К.... more
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      Ancient Greek and Roman ArtGreek and Roman Gods & GoddessesGreek and Roman historiographyNecromancy in the Ancient Near East
Before we delve deeper into the topic of necromancy, it is necessary to outline a definition of the term. As opposed to Ogden, who 'defines' necromancy linguistically by the use of the words nekuomanteion and nekuomanteia, 3 Josef Tropper... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAntiquityAncient magicGreek and Roman Epigraphy
"Thierry Murcia argues that the talmudic text which describes Jesus as punished in hell in “boiling hot excrement” aims at presenting Christianity as a resurgence of ancient idolatry, which was implicitly associated with excrement."... more
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      TalmudGospelsSynoptic GospelsGehenna
Los estudios sobre filosofía antigua son pródigos en estudios sobre las concepciones en torno de la estructura antropológica. Las creencias desarrolladas en Grecia desde la época arcaica hasta el período helenístico ofrece un panorama... more
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De la nécromancie antique à la nécromancie byzantine, Les concepts de « survivance » et de « superstition » en question. Jean-Claude Schmitt avait mis en garde les historiens contre l'emploi du terme « superstition » utilisé à propos de... more
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      History of ReligionsAncient Greek ReligionSuperstitions and Superstitious BeliefGreek and Roman magic
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
The rise of the Second Apostolic Age brought about the emergence of numerous opportunities which enable the miracle-oriented individuals to connect to the spirit realm. The so-called power portals are believed to be highly influential,... more
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      PentecostalismCharismatic ChristianityPentecostalism and CharismaticsNecromancy
MONTANER, Alberto, «La magia y sus formas en la literatura del Siglo de Oro», en Brujería, magia y otros prodigios en la Literatura española del Siglo de Oro, ed. María Luisa Lobato, Javier San José Lera y Germán Vega, Alicante,... more
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      Spanish LiteratureAlchemyMagicHistory of Astrology
This paper discusses related etymology and the cultural context of the witch of Endor story in 1 Samuel of the Hebrew Bible, in which King Saul requests that the prophet Samuel be summoned from the grave. The close evaluation of the... more
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      ReligionHebrew LiteratureArchaeology of Ancient IsraelHebrew Bible
Unlike classic war epics such as the Iliad or Virgil’s Aeneid, whose heroes fight against external enemies, Lucan’s Pharsalia tells the story of a civil conflict. This circumstance makes it virtually impossible to include any gods in the... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman poetryLatin EpicLucan
MONTANER, Alberto, «Sobre el alcance del “ocultismo” renacentista», en Señales, Portentos y Demonios: La magia en la literatura y la cultura españolas del Renacimiento, Salamanca, Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2014... more
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      AlchemyMagicHistory of AstrologyWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryMythologyDivination
This paper puts 1 Samuel 28 in its context and looks into the different suggestions that have been made concerning the role of the woman of Endor, the appearance of Samuel, the consultation, and the meal afterwards. They are reconsidered... more
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      Biblical TheologyBooks of SamuelWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)Biblical Exegesis
A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as práticas dos rituais necromânticos no século VIII a.C. da Grécia arcaica, em especial, um ritual de necromancia mencionado por Homero na Odisseia. A abordagem desta pesquisa insere-se no campo da... more
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      Magia griegaNekropolisNecromancyGrecia Arcaica Y Clásica
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      MagicLa Celestina and celestinesque sequelsCelestinaLa Celestina
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldGreek and Roman magic
The Demonic Book Club: Demonology, Social Discourses, And The Creation Of Identity In German Demonic Ritual Magic, 1350-1580 This thesis will approach Christian-authored works of demonic ritual magic (c1350-c1580) as narratives that... more
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      ReligionDemonologyJewish - Christian RelationsPostcolonial Theory
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      Old English LiteratureOld Norse LiteratureRunologyRunic inscriptions
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyBiblical Studies
The interaction between the dead and the living is one of the stock scenes and most popular topics in Graeco-Roman epic since Homer (Hom. Od. 11.13–640). Many important studies have been dedicated to the analysis of the great importance... more
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      CommunicationNarratologyIntertextualityGreek Epic
En Necromancia de Luciano de Samosata, conviven cinismo filosófico y carnavalización, además de ser un receptáculo de influencias literarias, religiosas, éticas e ideológicas, por decir algunas. Con base en autores como Linda Hutcheon,... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureHellenistic PhilosophyLiterary CriticismBakhtin
Eva LARA y Alberto MONTANER (coords.), Señales, Portentos y Demonios: La magia en la literatura y la cultura españolas del Renacimiento, Salamanca, Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2014, 950 pp., 232 ils.— ISBN... more
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      Spanish LiteratureAlchemyMagicInquisition
Critical edition of Latin "Epistola de reprobacione nigromantice ficcionis" by Arnau de Vilanova (epistle against necromancy) with a study about medieval magic and the use of natural magic by Arnau de Vilanova.
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      History of MedicineMedieval Latin LiteratureMagicCritical Edition (Medieval History)
The site of ancient Tainaron has long been associated with the entrance to the underworld and the consultation of souls at an “oracle of the dead.” While Tainaron’s role as a passageway to Hades is well represented in ancient literature,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsDeath
Consideration is given to how elements of the occult: witchcraft, magic and sorcery may be identified in the archaeological record. Working definitions of occult terminology are established before proceeding to propose a new approach,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      DemonologyEuropean Witch TrialsHeresy and InquisitionHeresy and Orthodoxy
The matter of ancestry and honoring one’s ancestors looms large for many modern Heathens. However, despite this common interest (which also holds undeniable political and social dimensions), modern Heathen ideas and practices surrounding... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaOld Norse ReligionAncestor Worship
1 Sam. 28:3-25 has long been a controversial biblical narrative. This narrative-critical analysis suggests that readers may gain insight into its meaning by reading it within the context of the books of Samuel. I argue that 1 Sam. 25 and... more
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      NarrativeOld TestamentBooks of SamuelWomen of the Hebrew Bible
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryWitchcraft (Magic)Heresy and Inquisition
The media often use for commercial purposes demise of human existence as an additional mean of drawing attention and the acquisition of the variously deformed understanding of marketing communication. One of them is already more... more
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      MarketingDeath StudiesDeath (Anthropology)Necromancy
For Marcel Mauss (2001 [1902]), magic involves border-crossing, with powers founded upon the potentiality presented by the exotic and the unknown. In a similar vein, Webb Keane (2003) points to the movement of religious objects that, via... more
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The purpose of this study is to discuss the interconnected relationships among the saint, reverent, rustic, heretic, and necromancer as presented in the writings of Gregory of Tours, and to provide historical background for the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly ChurchMagic
MONTANER, Alberto, «Erictho’s spell and its use as a paradigm of demoniac conjuration in Spanish Literature of the Golden Age», en Demonology and Demonolatry in the Age of Cervantes, eds. Frederick A. De Armas y Jorge Abril Sánchez,... more
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      DemonologyMiguel de CervantesSpanish Medieval and Golden Age LiteratureLa Celestina
Aunque varios autores, entre ellos Álvarez Barrientos 1 , sitúan el auge de la comedia de magia en el siglo XVIII 2 , el teatro áureo no dejó de recurrir a representaciones de las ciencias ocultas, pactos diabólicos y a magos o brujas que... more
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      MagicSpanish Siglo de Oro DramaTeatro MexicanoLiteratura española del Siglo de Oro
Among the places where magicians can be found in the Middle Ages, trials and prisons are certainly included. Imprisonment and execution were real dangers for those who got interested in magical practices. One of the most paradigmatic... more
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      MagicMedieval MagicKrakowNecromancy
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      Mayan StudiesNahualismoNecromancySerpent Symbolism
The studies on ancient philosophy have a long tradition of analysis about the Greek views on anthropology. The beliefs developed in Greece from the archaic to the Hellenistic times offer a wide range of variants different from the... more
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Focus of this contribution is the verse 1 Sam 28,19b, «and tomorrow you and your sons (shall be) with me», a part of the prophecy that the prophet Samuel tells the king Saul after having been summoned by the necromancer of Endor.... more
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      PatristicsBible TranslationsSeptuagintHellenistic Judaism
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      VirgilKing SolomonNecromancyArs notoria
This paper deals with a special type of secondary characters in Greek plays: statues and simulacra. It starts by analysing a famous monologue in Alcestis in which Admetus proclaims his intention of having an image of his wife made after... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesanthropology of the GreeksNecromancy