Natural Image Statistics
Recent papers in Natural Image Statistics
Vera, Miguel; Huérfano, Yoleidy; Contreras, Julio; Valbuena, Oscar; Chacón, José; Vera, María; Wilches-Durán, Sandra; Graterol, Modesto; Riaño-Wilches, Daniela; Salazar, Juan; Rojas, Joselyn; Bermúdez, Valmore Técnicas de preprocesamiento... more
Although the human visual system can accurately estimate the reflectance (or lightness) of surfaces under enormous variations in illumination, two equiluminant grey regions can be induced to appear quite different simply by placing a... more
La vision périphérique a été souvent négligée dans les modèles, qui simulent pour une grande partie la vision centrale, et dans les expériences comportementales, qui étudient majoritairement les capacités de la vision centrale. A partir... more
The visual appearance of natural scenes is governed by a surprisingly simple hidden structure. The distributions of contrast values in natural images generally follow a Weibull distribution, with beta and gamma as free parameters. Beta... more
RESUMEN Se presenta una metodología de modelización para la generación de MDE basada en el método de simulación secuencial directa (SSD). La ventaja fundamental de este método geoestadístico es que tiene en cuenta y reproduce los patrones... more
The contribution of this work is the creation and development of a novel procedure for signals estimation, procedure LDM-G. The procedure will be developed with details and will consist of algorithms implementation for signals estimation... more
Feature representation has been widely used and developed recently. Multiscale features have led to remarkable breakthroughs for representation learning process in many computer vision tasks. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive... more
I also thank all administrators, technicians, and secretaries in the laboratory of LIMSI-CNRS which is associated to Paris Sud and Sorbonne Universities for their supports and help. We compare our methods with the state-of-the-art... more
This paper proposes an alternative approach for the problem of Arabic handwritten character recognition. The proposed model is based on Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) which are unsupervised machine learning methods. A greedy layer-wise... more
I also thank all administrators, technicians, and secretaries in the laboratory of LIMSI-CNRS which is associated to Paris Sud and Sorbonne Universities for their supports and help. We compare our methods with the state-of-the-art... more
Determining the statistical relationships of images that facilitate robust visual behaviour is nontrivial. Here we ask if some spatial relationships are more easily learned by the visual brain than others. Visually naïve bumblebees were... more
A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wa- velet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among the local frequency coefficients are explicitly included .... more
A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wa- velet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among the local frequency coefficients are explicitly included .... more
Las técnicas de reducción de ruido son ampliamente utilizadas en la grabación de audio, la edición de imágenes y en el procesamiento de señales industriales. La idea es reconstruir los datos originales a partir de la señal ruidosa... more
Reconstrucción de una señal sinusoidal y de una imagen sintética usando la transformada de wavelet discreta.
A successful class of image denoising methods is based on Bayesian approaches working in wa- velet representations. The performance of these methods improves when relations among the local frequency coefficients are explicitly included .... more
Las técnicas de reducción de ruido son ampliamente utilizadas en la grabación de audio, la edición de imágenes y en el procesamiento de señales industriales. La idea es reconstruir los datos originales a partir de la señal ruidosa... more
The object of radiation therapy as a therapeutic technique in oncology is introduced. In order to have success in the treatment of a tumor, one needs to characterize the dose (energy absorbed in mass) delivered to a patient. The knowledge... more
La radioterapia es el tratamiento más aplicado a los pacientes que padecen cáncer, donde es irradiado el volumen del tumor, tomando en cuenta diversos criterios para evitar dañar los tejidos sanos, por tanto, es importante tener la... more
Publicación anticipada El comité editorial de la revista Ingeniería y Competitividad informa que este artículo fue aprobado para publicación en el volumen 25 número 1 teniendo en cuenta los requisitos editoriales y los conceptos emitidos... more
The visual world is complex and continuously changing. Yet, our brain transforms patterns of light falling on our retina into a coherent percept within a few hundred milliseconds. Possibly, low-level neural responses already carry... more
Activation functions (AF) are necessary components of neural networks that allow approximation of functions, but AFs in current use are usually simple monotonically increasing functions. In this paper, we propose trainable compound AF... more
Student theses are made available in the TU/e repository upon obtaining the required degree. The grade received is not published on the document as presented in the repository. The required complexity or quality of research of student... more
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is an energy-based, undirected graphical model. It is commonly used for unsupervised and supervised machine learning. Typically, RBM is trained using contrastive divergence (CD). However, training with... more
In computer vision, measurement of image properties such as color or texture is essential. In this paper, we propose a solid framework for the local measurement of texture in color images. We give a physical basis for the integration of... more
Restauración de imágenes, análisis de las componentes principales, transformada discreta del coseno, búsqueda rápida de bloques similares.
Binocular fusion relies on matching points in the two eyes that correspond to the same physical feature in the world; however, not all world features are binocularly visible. Near depth edges, some regions of a scene are often visible to... more
El filtrado de señales de voz con el objeto de eliminar en lo posible los ruidos producidos por el sistema de grabación utilizado constituye una etapa previa en todo sistema de análisis del habla. En este documento se describen las... more
Data compression is the process of encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation. The main idea of compression is to eliminate the redundancy in the original representation. Data Compression technique is devided... more
Deformational plagiocephaly is a term describing cranial asymmetry and deformation commonly seen in infants. The purpose of this work was to develop a methodology for assessment and modelling of head asymmetry. The clinical population... more
análisis de reduCCión de ruido en señales eeg orientado al reConoCimiento de patrones cristian guarnizo LEmus 1 Resumen En este artículo se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción de ruido de fondo (electrónico) en señales... more
Evidence that is wrongly taken to show that perception is conceptual I have mentioned two kinds of evidence for the nonconceptuality of perception: The first-evidence that I did not discuss in detail-involved the finegrained nature of... more
The Quincunx wavelet, the lifting scheme wavelet and the second generation bandelet transform are a new method to offer an optimal representation for image geometric. In the field of medical diagnostics, interested parties have resorted... more
The Quincunx wavelet, the lifting scheme wavelet and the second generation bandelet transform are a new method to offer an optimal representation for image geometric. In the field of medical diagnostics, interested parties have resorted... more
Para usar la información sensorial de manera eficiente para emitir juicios y guiar la acción en el mundo, el cerebro debe representar y usar información sobre la incertidumbre en sus cálculos para la percepción y la acción. Los métodos... more
Speckle noise in ultrasound (US) medical images is the prime factor that undermines its full utilization. This noise is added by the constructive / destructive interference of sound waves travelling through hard-and soft-tissues of a... more
Sparse representations have been often used for inverse problems in signal and image processing. Furthermore, frameworks for signal classification using sparse and overcomplete representations have been developed. Data-dependent... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de un método de pre-procesamiento de los datos medidos por un tomógrafo optoacústico bidimensional para reducir o eliminar los artefactos introducidos por la escasa cantidad de detectores en el... more
Picture quality Measures play main role in the picture processing of a kind. Main objective is to evaluate quality that applies to estimate operations and image processing techniques. In recent years, significant effort has been made to... more
In computer vision, measurement of image properties such as color or texture is essential. In this paper, we propose a solid framework for the local measurement of texture in color images. We give a physical basis for the integration of... more
In this paper we propose to make Bayesian inferences for the parameters of the Lomax distribution using non-informative priors, namely the Jeffreys prior and the reference prior. We assess Bayesian estimation through a Monte Carlo study... more