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Multiple description (MD) coding is source coding in which several descriptions of the source are produced such that various reconstruction qualities are obtained from different subsets of the descriptions. Unlike multiresolution or... more
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      Data CompressionIndependent Component AnalysisChannel CodingSource Coding
Dimensionality reduction can be efficiently achieved by generative latent variable models such as probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) or independent component analysis (ICA), aiming to extract a reduced set of variables... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisIndependent Component AnalysisSemi-supervised LearningLatent variable
Typically data acquired through imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), structural MRI (sMRI), and electroencephalography (EEG) are analyzed separately. Each modality records brain structure and function... more
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      Brain ImagingMagnetic Resonance ImagingIndependent Component AnalysisImage Analysis
A method is investigated to directly engineer the voltage swing in SiGe resonant interband tunnel diodes (RITDs). Voltage swing, defined here as the voltage difference between the peak voltage and the projected peak voltage, is... more
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      LogicIndependent Component AnalysisSemiconductor DevicesNanotechnology
Machine condition monitoring plays an important role in industry to ensure the continuity of the process. This work presents a simple and yet, fast approach to detect simultaneous machinery faults using sound mixture emitted by machines.... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisCondition MonitoringAcoustic EmissionFault diagnosis
This thesis considers the problem of finding latent structure in high dimensional data. It is assumed that the observed data are generated by unknown latent variables and their interactions. The task is to find these latent variables and... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningIndependent Component Analysis
Mutual Information (MI) has been extensively used as a similarity measure in image registration and motion estimation, and it is particularly robust for 3D multimodal medical image registration. However, MI estimators are known i) to have... more
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      Computed TomographySignal ProcessingIndependent Component AnalysisImage Registration
We investigate the use of the Riemannianoptimization method over the flag manifold in subspace ICA problems such as in-dependent subspace analysis (ISA) and complex ICA. In the ISA experiment, we use the Riemannian approach over the flag... more
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      NeuroscienceMathematicsComputer ScienceSignal Processing
Identifying abnormalities or anomalies by visual inspection on neurophysiologic signals such as ElectroEncephaloGrams (EEGs), is extremely challenging. We propose a novel Multi-Dimensional Time Series (MDTS) classification technique,... more
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      BioinformaticsData MiningComputational BiologyEpilepsy
Short laser pulses have been used to generate elastic waves in continuous fiber reinforced aluminum or magnesium. With an optical interferometer the run-time of these waves in various directions of the samples can be measured contactless... more
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      EngineeringIndependent Component AnalysisMetal matrix compositeQuality Control
This thesis provides a theoretical description of on-line unsupervised learning from high-dimensional data. In particular, the learning dynamics of the on-line Hebbian algorithm is studied for the following two popular statistical... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisIndependent Component AnalysisStatistical machine learningUnsupervised Learning Techniques
By making an example of the earlier proposed cyclic convolution algorithms, the computational efficiency of the multidimensional techniques over finite fields is investigated. It is shown that the multidimensional techniques are inferior... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisTVComputational EfficiencyConvolution
In this communication we present the first results of a project whose goal is to remove artifacts from electroencephalographic epileptic signals. More precisely the present objective is to remove ocular (blinking) artifacts in simulated... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisWavelet Denoising
Classification of hyperspectral data with high spatial resolution from urban areas is investigated. A method based on mathematical morphology for preprocessing of the hyperspectral data is proposed. In this approach, opening and closing... more
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      GeophysicsRemote SensingStatistical ComputingPrincipal Component Analysis
The electromyography (EMG) signals give information about different features of muscle function. Realtime measurements of EMG have been used to observe the dissociation between the electrical and mechanical measures that occurs with... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsSkeletal muscle biologyIndependent Component Analysis
Charentais melons (Cucumis melo L., var cantalupensis Naud.) in which ethylene biosynthesis has been suppressed by an antisense ACC oxidase gene have been used to better understand the role of ethylene in the regulation of the ripening... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisSHELF LIFEFatty AcidCucumis Melo
The premise is that a biometric is a measurable physicalcharacteristic which are reliable than passwords. Iris biometry isused to recognize an individual in a natural and intuitive way.Secure communications and mobile commerce are some of... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisComputer ApplicationsTexture AnalysisZero Crossing Rate
With emerge of increasing research in the domain of future wireless communications, massive MIMO (multiple inputs multiple outputs) attracted most of researchers interests. Massive MIMO is high-speed wireless communication standards. A... more
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      Computer ScienceIndependent Component AnalysisError RatesApplied Sciences
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      NeuroscienceBiomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingNeuroimaging
When a system fails to function properly, healthrelated data are collected for troubleshooting. However, it is challenging to effectively identify anomalies from the voluminous amount of noisy, high-dimensional data. The traditional... more
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      Distributed ComputingData AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisIndependent Component Analysis
A computer aided neural network classification of regions of suspicion (ROS) on digitized mammograms is presented in this paper which employs features extracted by a new technique based on independent component analysis. Our approach is... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedical ImagingBreast CancerIndependent Component Analysis
Echo cancelers typically employ control mechanisms to prevent adaptive filter updates during double-talk events. By contrast, this paper exploits the information contained in time-varying second order statistics of nonstationary signals... more
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      EngineeringIndependent Component AnalysisBlind Source SeparationMaximum Likelihood
Objective Independent component analysis (ICA) has proven its applicability in both standard and resting-state fMRI. While there is consensus on single-subject ICA methodology, the extension to group ICA is more complex and a number of... more
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      AlgorithmsPrincipal Component AnalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingIndependent Component Analysis
Removing the motion artifacts from measured photoplethysmography (PPG) signals is one of the important issues to be tackled for the accurate measurement of arterial oxygen saturation during movement. In this paper, the motion artifacts... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsIndependent Component Analysis
Output-only algorithms are needed for modal identification when only structural responses are available. The recent years have witnessed the fast development of blind source separation (BSS) as a promising signal processing technique,... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringSystem IdentificationStructural Dynamics
Learning algorithms and underlying basic mathematical ideas are presented for the problem of adaptive blind signal processing, especially instantaneous blind separation and multichannel blind deconvolution/equalization of independent... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingIndependent Component AnalysisNeural Networks
This paper proposes a hierarchical modeling approach for the reliability analysis of phased-mission systems with repairable components. The components at the lower level are described by continuous time Markov chains which allow complex... more
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      Computational ComplexityIndependent Component AnalysisMarkov ProcessesReliability Theory
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      TechnologySignal ProcessingIndependent Component AnalysisBiological Sciences
The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying structure of eight working memory tests used to assess prefrontal dysfunction in schizophrenia research [Letter -Number Span (LNS), Digit -Symbol Test (DST), Trail-Making Test B... more
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      PerceptionSchizophreniaSpatial MemoryCognition
Several authors have proposed to combine movements in principal components to generate scenarios of "large" historical changes in term structures, i.e. stress-scenarios. This approach, however, has at least two shortcommings. This paper... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisIndependent Component AnalysisStress TestingScenario Analysis
Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) represent a new communication option for those suffering from neuromuscular impairment that prevents them from using conventional augmented communication methods. This new approach has been developing... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSignal ProcessingIndependent Component AnalysisBrain Computer Interface
In this paper, we review recent advances in blind source separation (BSS) and independent component analysis (ICA) for nonlinear mixing models. After a general introduction to BSS and ICA, we discuss in more detail uniqueness and... more
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      Cognitive SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisNonlinear dynamicsIndependent Component Analysis
The ability of Minkowski Functionals to characterize local structure in different biological tissue types has been demonstrated in a variety of medical image processing tasks. We introduce anisotropic Minkowski Functionals (AMFs) as a... more
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      BioengineeringArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionImage Processing
The aim of this study is to investigate the difference of EEG dynamics on navigation performance. A tunnel task was designed to classify subjects into allocentric or egocentric spatial representation users. Despite of the differences of... more
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      Statistical AnalysisIndependent Component AnalysisSpatial RepresentationTime-Frequency Analysis
Second-order blind identification (SOBI) is a blind source separation (BSS) algorithm that can be used to decompose mixtures of signals into a set of components or putative recovered sources. Previously, SOBI, as well as other BSS... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetoencephalographyIndependent Component AnalysisElectroencephalography
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      Principal Component AnalysisIndependent Component AnalysisDimensionality ReductionSingular value decomposition
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a method that transforms multiple data series into uncorrelated data series. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a method that separates multiple data series into independent data series. Both... more
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      EngineeringTime SeriesPrincipal Component AnalysisIndependent Component Analysis
In this thesis we examine linear transformations and matrices in connection to signal processing. These two concepts are very interrelated in that it is the matrix that carry out a linear transformation. We will discuss some transforms,... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisDigital Signal ProcessingNeural NetworksManifold learning
This article presents an extensive review of the existing state-of-the-art artifact detection and removal methods from scalp EEG for all potential EEG-based applications and analyses the pros and cons of each method. A general overview of... more
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      Brain-computer interfacesIndependent Component AnalysisEEGEEG Signal Processing
In recent years, numerous machinery health monitoring technologies have been developed by the US Navy to aid in the detection and classification of developing machinery faults for various Naval platforms. Existing Naval condition... more
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      Naval EngineeringHistoryAlgorithmsTechnology Management
Analisis varians (analysis of variance, ANOVA) adalah suatu metode analisis statistika yang termasuk ke dalam cabang statistika inferensi
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      Independent Component Analysisstatistics with SPSS and ExcelAnalysis of VarianceUji Normalitas Dan Homogenitas Data
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceElectrophysiologyPrincipal Component Analysis
In experiments involving small animals, the electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded during severe injury and accompanying resuscitation exhibit the strong presence of electrocardiogram (ECG). For improved quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis, it... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsIndependent Component AnalysisElectroencephalography
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      Independent Component AnalysisAtrial FibrillationElectrocardiogram
Finding the means to efficiently summarize electroencephalographic data has been a long-standing problem in electrophysiology. A popular approach is identification of component modes on the basis of the timevarying spectrum of... more
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      MathematicsIndependent Component AnalysisElectroencephalographyNeuroimmunology
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      Independent Component AnalysisFactor analysisInterference Cancellation
This paper presents an overview of the current status of use of conductive adhesives in various electronics packaging applications. Strong emphasis is placed on recent developments in surface mount and flip-chip technology, as these... more
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      ProductionIndependent Component AnalysisConducting PolymersAssembly
Remote sensing data can be effectively used as a mean to build geological knowledge for poorly mapped terrains. Spectral remote sensing data from space- and air-borne sensors have been widely used to geological mapping, especially in... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesRemote SensingPrincipal Component Analysis
primary events with unavailabilities and unreliabilities less than 0.1. However, primary events with larger failure probabilities Abstract-A simple method is given for calculating a) reliability char-are usually acceptable if they are in... more
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      Independent Component AnalysisComputer SoftwareComputer ProgramElectrical And Electronic Engineering