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      FractalsNatural Fractals
Seminario in italiano che investiga i rapporti tra la geometria descrittiva, quella frattale, le arti visive e l'organizzazione frattale della natura e delle cellule.
Percorso adatto a terzi, quarti e quinti anni delle scuole superiori.
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      Fractal GeometryContemporary ArtBiologyCell Biology
El contenido de esta comunicación forma parte, y hace referencia, a la Unidad Didáctica titulada "GEOMETRÍA FRACTAL ¿Qué son y cómo pueden los fractales ayudar a representar y a organizar el espacio?", que incluye el desarrollo completo... more
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      Fractal GeometryFractalsNatural FractalsMicroworld
Regarding the foundations of matter as energy fields in a fractal gearing structure can redefine the foundations of quantum physics in a unique new way, while remaining consistent with modern probabilisitic theories. Further, working... more
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      Fractal GeometryQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
Fractals are built from patterns generated from immense complexity within the resonant frequencies that connect and tune the universe. Play of such frequencies would result in the exchange of energy and coupling of informational systems... more
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      VibrationsOrigins of LifeQuality of lifeConsciousness
This Matlab source makes a movie of the entropy fractal
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      Fractal GeometryStatistical MechanicsThermodynamicsTurbulence
This paper investigates an approach to the use of fractals in architectural design. Two major aspects are discussed. First, the effect of the direction of the line segments on the generated fractal, as well as, the proportions between the... more
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      Naval ArchitectureFractal GeometryComputer ArchitectureEnterprise Architecture
In this paper I will present the use of fractal geometry to design tile motifs. A fractal is a geometric figure that combines the several characteristics among others: its parts have the same form as the whole, fragmented, and formation... more
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      Fractal GeometryFractalsNatural FractalsData Mining, Data Storage and duplication and Web Development.
Los cursos cubren los principios básicos de ecología de poblaciones, fractales, oceanología, vida en el medio fluido, donde puse lo hallado, ecología marina, ecología de barrancas y arroyos, nadar sin turbulencia. Se énfasis en los... more
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      Marine BiologyOceanographyLimnologyMarine Ecology
Tumour growth can be described in terms of mathematical models from different points of view due to its multiscale nature. Dynamic scaling is a heuristic discipline that exploits the geometrical features of growing fronts using different... more
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      PhysicsFractal Interfaces and related regularizationsBiologyCancer Biology
B I O M I M I C R Y " Doing it nature's way has the potential to change the way we grow food, make materials, harness energy, heal ourselves, store information, and conduct business. " — ​ Janine Benyus The Biomimicry Institute defines... more
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      Fractal GeometryHuman Perception and PerformanceAuditory PerceptionSpirituality
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      Natural FractalsConstructal TheoryRiver GeomorphologyTree networks
1/f serial correlations and statistical self-similarity (fractal structure) have been measured in various dimensions of musical compositions. Musical performances also display 1/f properties in expressive tempo fluctuations, and listeners... more
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      Music PsychologyMusic CognitionFractalsTime series analysis
Just as religion is impassable to its own dogmatic philosophies and ideas, present day science also acts in the same manner. Embracing its reductionist approach, it loses its sight to the most beautiful and insightful possibilities... more
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      SociologyFractal GeometryPhilosophy of ScienceConsciousness
In this paper I will present the use of fractal geometry to design Indonesian batik patterns. Fractals are geometric figures consisting of several different characteristics: the parts have the same shape as a whole, are fragmented, and... more
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      Settlement PatternsDesign PatternsFractalsNatural Fractals
Two indicators of fractality, related to Hausdorff dimension, are identified. The first indicator of fractality of objects and processes, implied in the etymological meaning of the stem of the word “fractal”, is the fractional value of... more
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      MathematicsFractal GeometryGeometry And TopologyPhysics
Over the years, a number of measures have been defined for the purpose of determining the number of independent dimensions contained in a space. The most common dimensionality measures are the topological dimensionality and various kinds... more
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      MathematicsFractal GeometryGeometry And TopologyPhysics
Sobre la posibilidad del Arte Fractal Parte I Benoit Mandelbrot había descubierto la estructura que regía a la naturaleza, expuesta en su libro La geometría fractal de la naturaleza (The Fractal Geometry of Nature).[i] Descubrió en... more
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      Fractal GeometryNatural FractalsARTE DISEÑO & COMUNICACION VISUALArtes
the ever decreasing area of forests has lead to environmental and economical challenges and has brought with it a renewed interest in developing methodologies that quantify the extent of deforestation and reforestation. in this study we... more
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      Fractal GeometryFractalsNatural FractalsFractals and multifractals
This research is concerned chiefly with how global media icons as iconics assigned to terrorism are motivated, engineered, choreographed, and represented by all interested parties, and to what psycho-socio-political ends. Initially... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsReligion
Fractals are mathematical structures under exploration and development in virtually every academic discipline and beyond: “besides mathematics and science, fractals have direct applications in many fields, including music, literature,... more
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      Fractal GeometryComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionCommunication
the ever decreasing area of forests has lead to environmental and economical challenges and has brought with it a renewed interest in developing methodologies that quantify the extent of deforestation and reforestation. in this study we... more
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      Fractal GeometryFractalsNatural FractalsFractals and multifractals
We present evidence based theory for the emergence of plant structure in which CO 2 is not only the source of carbon for plant growth, but also plays a critical role as a source of charge (ionization), with charge density dictating plant... more
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      Quantum PhysicsThermodynamicsRelativityFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
A series of experiments examined auditory contour formation, investigating listeners' sensitivities to a family of random fractals known as fractional Brownian noises. Experiments 1A and IB looked at identification of contours when 3... more
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      Fractal GeometryCultural HeritageAuditory PerceptionAutopoiesis
Mathematical modeling of tumor development has become a real hype within the last decade. The abundance of mathematical models has created a great need for the validation of their biological relevance. Recently, in order to characterize... more
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      PhysicsFractal Interfaces and related regularizationsBiologyCancer Biology