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Archaeology is notoriously vulnerable to the ideological pressures of authoritarian regimes. This paper charts the political influences that shaped archaeology in Spain for some 40 years. Following the Civil War Spanish archaeologists... more
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      NationalismDictatorshipsSpain (History)Archaeology and politics
PRÓLOGO – ; 9 Margarita Díaz-Andreu y Gloria Mora; La Historiografía Española sobre Arqueología: panorama actual de la investigación; I. LOS PRIMEROS PASOS EN LA INSTITUCIONALIZACIÓN DE LA ARQUEOLOGIA: EL SIGLO XVIII; II. LA ARQUEOLOGIA... more
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      HistoriographySpain (History)Archaeology and politicsContemporary History of Spain
The role of archaeology in the creation of modern Greek national identity is a question that has drawn increasing attention in recent years. The most powerful national symbol may well be the Acropolis, an archaeological topos that was... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyGreeceArchaeology and Construction of National Identity
The first part of this volume deals precisely with ‘International relations in the history of archaeology’. The eleven contributions collected for the session organised by Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Víctor M. Fernández tackle a... more
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      Cultural HistoryTransnationalismIntellectual and cultural historyHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Rassegna analitica della produzione filatelica con rimandi evocativi al passato emessa in Turchia, Libano, Siria, Iraq dall'inizio del Novecento al 2015
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      Nationalism and ArchaeologyArchaeology and Construction of National IdentityNationalism in ArchaeologyPhilately and national identity
En este trabajo se analizan los debates sobre la cronología del arte levantino a lo largo del siglo XX en el contexto político del nacionalismo e imperialismo informal. Secciones: x El hallazgo del arte levantino; x La reacción al... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryRock Art (Archaeology)Archaeology and politicsPrehistoric Rock Art
My main thesis in this paper is that Greek prehistory became entangled in debates about culture, race and identity at a period when the process of nation making in Europe was still far from being completed. At the same time, the... more
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Nationalism and ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeology
[ES] El desarrollo del «Estado de las Autonomías» tras el restablecimiento de la democracia en España ha potenciado la proliferación de narrativas sobre el pasado que buscan legitimar las nuevas estructuras administrativas y homogeneizar... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
Se cumplen 50 años de la Guerra de los Seis Días y mucho se ha hablado sobre el conflicto que cambió completamente el balance de poder político-militar en el Medio Oriente. Poco se habla, sin embargo, sobre la importancia que tuvo la... more
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      ArchaeologyNationalismSyro-Palestinian archaeologyNationalism and Archaeology
Institutionalization and Professionalization of Archaeology: The article shows the development of the still young discipline "archaeology" in Germany as a separation of the "beautiful" from the "patriotic" antiquity. Three questions... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyWilhelm von Humboldt
Archaeology is a discipline that has to promptly react to the current social climate. An archaeologist himself is a product of his time and is thus not able to completely disregard the current social discourse. Moreover, we know examples... more
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      ArchaeologyNationalismEarly Medieval ArchaeologyNationalism and Archaeology
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyArchitecture and politics
Nel XIX e XX secolo i nazionalismi si sono appoggiati all'archeologia e a una particolare lettura della storia antica per sostenere l'esistenza di radici antichissime dei popoli di cui volevano sostenere la supremazia. Molto spesso... more
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      Nationalism and ArchaeologyArchaeology and Construction of National Identityarcheologia e nazionalismostoria antica e nazionalismo
Reconsidering Ethnicity: Material Culture and identity in the Past, Volume editors Susanne Hakenbeck and Steven Matthews, General Editors David Barrowclough and Mary Chester-Kadwell. Papers: S. Hakenbeck: Reconsidering Ethnicity J.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNew Zealand StudiesArchaeological Method & Theory
People are proud of their own cultural heritage that became part of the current political and cultural life and often contributes to the shaping of national cultural identity. However, in the present study, different points of view will... more
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      Saudi ArabiaNational IdentityArchaeology and Construction of National Identity
This article analyses whether the development of classical archaeology in Spain and Italy was connected during the 1920s, at a time when both countries were ruled by right-wing dictatorships. Despite having similar political regimes, it... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyFascismSpanish HistoryDictatorships
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      Invented TraditionsArchaeology and Construction of National IdentityArchaeology and society