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New Zealanders were presented with the opportunity to change the national flag and opted to retain the current New Zealand flag, despite arguments that it was unable to reflect national identity adequately. This article unpacks the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNational IdentityFlags (Vexillology)National Branding
The thesis Forensic analysis of graphic trademarks aims at using insights from Multimodal Social Semiotics (MSS) in the pursuit of trademark counterfeiters. It proposes a method of comparative analysis of graphic trademarks, which is an... more
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      Intellectual PropertyLogo DesignTrademarksCopyright
By accident, the world-famous brewery Carlsberg became a central force in global marine science during the first three decades of the 20th century. Within a core group of scientists and managers, Johannes Schmidt (1877-1933) was the key... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
When the post-war relationship began, Spain was an unlikely candidate for American influence. By the end of the 30s, the Franco dictatorship had adopted Fascist symbols and made common cause with the Axis nations. In 1948, Cold war... more
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      American PoliticsInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy Analysis
Reseña sobre la publicación del ensayo del profesor Martínez Expósito en el Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte de la UAM
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      Cinema StudiesNational Branding
In the past decade reality TV genres, notably lifestyle television and makeover texts have been the focus of considerable academic analysis through a variety of theoretical constructs. On initial viewing, the Freemantle Media series... more
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      ClassReality televisionNeoliberalismNational Branding
Immár két évtizede annak, hogy megjelent az országmárka, illetve az országmárkázás fogalma a nemzetközi szakirodalomban, majd vette át a magyar marketing akadémiai szféra, és 2009-ben a gyakorlat, az Országmárka Tanács létrehozásával. Az... more
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      Public DiplomacyPlace Branding (Economics)Nation BrandingDestination Branding
Romania’s country image is one of the most controversial topics in the media over the past few years. Soon after the fall of communism in 1989, this issue became part of the public debate about the international perception of Romanian... more
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      Media FramingNation BrandingLanguage and Media DiscoursesRomania
Este informe desarrolla una investigación empírica sobre la cobertura y tratamiento informativo de la presencia de México en tres periódicos españoles : La Vanguardia, El País y El Mundo, diarios de referencia por su capacidad para crear... more
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      Agenda-setting TheorySoft PowerAnálisis del DiscursoMexico
Bu çalışmada kamu diplomasisi perspektifiyle en etkili yumuşak güç unsurları arasında sayılan sporun stratejik değeri irdelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sorunsalı, bir yumuşak güç unsuru olarak sporun, Türkiye’nin ülke markası inşasında nasıl bir... more
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      Public DiplomacyTurkeyNation BrandingSports
Since the early years of the debt crisis in 2010, a large part of liberal intellectuals and public commentators in Greece has argued for an interpretative framework with the notion of ‘national identity’ as the root of all troubles. Their... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntellectual HistoryLiberalismNational Identity
Cultural diplomacy always links to and often overlaps with soft power and public diplomacy. Thus, the three notions have entered the lexicon of International Relations, and have become standard terms in foreign policy thinking. Drawing on... more
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      International RelationsPublic DiplomacyForeign PolicyTurkish and Middle East Studies
The work practices at a cultural diplomatic post are intriguing, particularly when seen as part of the global political relations and the international cultural policy (ICP) of a country. One of the central themes within the field of... more
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      Art HistoryCultural PolicyArt TheoryContemporary Art
В статье рассматривается один из элементов испанской «мягкой силы» - туризм, дается краткий обзор самых масштабных рекламных кампаний, представлены основные стерео-типы, связанные с туристической Испанией.
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      Tourism MarketingNational Branding
Sport – jako zjawisko społeczne – towarzyszy ludzkości od czasów starożytnych. Idea szlachetnej rywalizacji, przyświecająca organizacji wielkich zawodów sportowych, początkowo przejawiała się w rozbudowanym ceremoniale i w nagradzaniu... more
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      Political SciencePolitical communicationOlympics and OlympismSport
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      National IdentityNation BrandingBrandingNational Branding
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      National IdentityNational BrandingTurkmenistan
"After 1870, Berlin grew into a huge metropolis and soon longed for a world exposition just like the ones London, Paris, Brussels, Philadelphia and Chicago had hosted. Civic leaders and business lobbyists besieged the Imperial government,... more
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      Event ManagementPublic DiplomacyNation BrandingExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds Fairs