Recent papers in Morlacchi
U radu se donose nove vijesti o doseljavanju Morlaka, osmanskih podanika, na područje šibenske Zagore potkraj dvadesetih i početkom tridesetih godina 16. stoljeća. Utvrđuje se porijeklo i prostorni razmještaj pojedinih morlačkih skupina... more
ABSTRACT The paper will analyse various representations of people called by an ethnonym Les Morlaques (Morlachs), which was used by French observers to describe various populations inhabiting Croatia and Dalmatia which were a part of the... more
After the Candian War (1645-1669) Venetians expanded their government to the territory from Zrmanja to Karlobag. They populated this strategically important territory towards Habsburgs and Ottomans with Morlachs who emigrated from the... more
Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria, 114, 2017, pp. 452-454 e 473-474.
French rule over Dalmatia in the Napoleonic era (1806–1813) resulted in the gathering of the information about this region, as well as neighboring Bosnia. Travelogues and reports on those lands are so rich and detailed that they can serve... more
The author cites some examples of Morlachs' musical creativity acceptance in the framework of "morlachism": how some writers perceived the Morlachs, how did they hear the Morlachs' melos. Music (especially that of gusla) had the function... more
The author uses the account on the Morlacchi in Dalmatian hinterland (Croatia) together with extensive literature and studies on the Morlacchism in order to introduce a new perspective. Broader context of explanation is framed with the... more
Recent historiography has produced a number of notable works on the Venetian-Ottoman relations at the border of Trogir in the 16th century and the role of the newly settled Ottoman Morlachs in them. This paper is a contribution to... more
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, le fotocopie e altro) sono... more
The paper is in Croatian language. Summary: With the end of the Morean war came the aftermath, the Treaty of Karlowitz, signed in January 1699., which confirmed Venetian possesion of Kaphalonia, and Morea with the island of Algina. Also,... more
Les Morlaques de Justine W ynne Rosenberg-O rsini. Le prélude à la fascination rom antique par le m onde des Slaves du Sud et l’influence de Jean-Jacques Rousseau [résumé] En analysant l’importance de l’héritage littéraire et... more
U radu se donosi prijedlog ubikacije utvrde Ribnica (Ribniçse), čije je osvajanje detaljno opisao poznati osmanski putopisac Evlija Čelebi u svojem djelu Putopis, koje se još jedanput potvrdilo kao iznimno vjerodostojan izvor za povijest... more
The contextualisation of Ivan Lovrić's work "Obersvations on various parts of the Travel into Dalmatia of Abbot Alberto Fortis". Lovrić sought to correct some assumptions on 'Morlachism' and the topography of Dalmatia in the widely read... more
In the narrow strip of Venetian Dalmatia, the official peace that characterised the middle of the sixteenth century 1 paved the way for encounters between people, ideas and interests. 2 The agents 3 of the Christian and Islamic powers... more
It is a transciption of the famous “Letter on the customs of the Morlachs”, from Alberto Fortis’s book Viaggio in Dalmazia, printed in Venice in 1774. We made this transciption for the use of our students, and we omitted the transcription... more
910.4(497.5 Dalmacija) Izvorni znanstveni rad Autor se u ovom radu bavi kasnoprosvjetiteljskim i ranoromantičarskim interesom Alberta Fortisa, Ivana Lovrića i Balthasara Hacqueta za dalmatinskozagorske Morlake u kasnom 18. stoljeću.... more
UDK 94 (497.5 Hvar) Izvorni znanstveni članak Rukopis prihvaćen za tisak 15. lipnja 2011. "DOŠLO JE DOBA SVJETLOSTI! STRATIKO JE U HVARU!"biskup prosvjetitelj Ivan Dominik Stratiko o Hvaranima Rad obuhvaća analizu pisma o hrvatskom,... more
Diplomatics: The c Ahd-names. The historical background and the development of a category of political-commercial instruments together with an annotated edition of a corpus of relevant documents," in EJOS (1998) 2, pp. 1-689.
Transylvanian Review continues the tradition of Revue de Transylvanie, founded by Silviu Dragomir, which was published in Cluj and then in Sibiu between 1934 and 1944. Transylvanian Review is published quarterly by the Center for... more
The paper deals with some aspects of social control in the Venetian Istrian peninsula at the end of 16th century. Examining the sentences of some Istrian and Venetian courts it is possible to catch up some important dimensions of economic... more