Moral Sentimentalism
Recent papers in Moral Sentimentalism
Thèse soutenue à l'Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin le 21 Novembre 2016
RESUMEN: El artículo presenta y contrasta el papel central de la simpatía en las teorías morales de Hume y Smith a lo largo de cinco puntos: 1) la simpatía como «fuente principal de las distinciones morales» y como contrapunto al egoísmo,... more
This paper explores the moral philosophy underlying the constitutional doctrine of popular sovereignty. In particular, it focuses on the Scottish sentimentalism that informed James Wilson’s understanding of that doctrine. Wilson, a... more
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1999. Considers the concept of sympathy from ancient Greece to the early 19th century, with special attention to its employment as an explanatory principle in physics and medicine and its shift... more
Bernard Williams' critic to utilitarianism allows us to analyze the most controversial aspects of this ethical theory. After a brief sketch of the main ideas of utilitarianism, we are going to show some of the main problems of that... more
third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have... more
Do the facts of evolution generate an epistemic challenge to moral realism? Some think so, and many “evolutionary debunking arguments” have been discussed in the recent literature. But they are all murky right where it counts most:... more
It is sometimes said that certain hard moral choices constitute tragic moral dilemmas in which no available course of action is justifiable, and so the agent is blameworthy whatever she chooses. This paper criticizes a certain approach to... more
Empirical research into moral decision-making is often taken to have normative implications. For instance, in his recent book, Joshua Greene (2013) relies on empirical findings to establish utilitarianism as a superior normative ethical... more
This paper explores the moral philosophy underlying the constitutional doctrine of popular sovereignty. In particular, it focuses on the Scottish sentimentalism that informed James Wilson’s understanding of that doctrine. Wilson, a... more
There is a tendency in contemporary (analytic) aesthetics to restrict the scope of things that can be beautiful or ugly, often claiming that many of the things that people ordinarily find beautiful or ugly are not the sorts of things that... more
Expanding on a short discussion in my Ph.D. dissertation, I argue in support of a 1934 paper by Ronald S. Crane that 18th century sentimentalism was unprecedented in its scope, even though inklings of sentimentalism have existed (more... more
In the 1790s, when Jane Austen was beginning to write fiction, there was much debate over the value and function of the novel. Some argued that novels were dangerous to their readers, inciting violent emotional responses and corrupting... more
Kate Manne’s recent book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny focuses on a topic not often addressed by philosophers: misogyny—and more broadly, patriarchy. In the book Manne describes patriarchy as ‘morally objectionable’ and invites her... more
This thesis argues that the nature of disability is, currently, fundamentally misunderstood. Current approaches to disability are nounal and seek to determine the locus of disability with the intention of better understanding the... more
David Hume, a heavy-weight in moral philosophy, is noticeably absent from the contemporary theoretical debate in disability studies — a debate which now largely revolves around the various ‘relational accounts’ of disability. I argue that... more
In this essay, I show the inadequacy of Michael Slote’s arguments for the impossibility of perfection and impracticality of moral self-cultivation. For this aim, first, I briefly introduce the development of his sentimentalist virtue... more
The opera libretto Comala (1774) by Ranieri Calzabigi has traditionally been regarded as one of the poet’s lesser creations. It has sometimes been dismissed as being too closely based on Melchiorre Cesarotti’s influential Italian... more
Chapter in Adrian Blau, ed. "Methods in Analytical Political Theory," Cambridge University Press, 2016.
This article examines the wide-ranging Scottish poetic response to eighteenth-century slavery, particularly the use of sentiment as a literary strategy designed to provoke empathetic reactions from readers. The article covers the entirety... more
This paper argues for the need to develop emotion in social robots to enable them to become artificial moral agents. The paper considers four dimensions of this issue: what, why, which, and how. The main thesis is that we need to build... more
A discussion of Eugenio Lecaldano, “Saggi di storia e teoria dell’etica”.I criticize three key-ideas in Lecaldano's proposal of new sentimentalims, namely (i) the very definition of sentimentalism, which falls short of providing a... more
By founding morality on the particular sentiments of approbation and disapprobation, Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, and Smith implied that the nature of moral judgment was far more intuitive and accessible than their rationalist... more
The opera libretto Comala (1774) by Ranieri Calzabigi has traditionally been regarded as one of the poet’s lesser creations. It has sometimes been dismissed as being too closely based on Melchiorre Cesarotti’s influential Italian... more
As universally known as the life of Robert Burns appears to be, the story of his involvement in numerous clubs and societies has remained surprisingly perfunctory and limited. However, any casual reader of Burns can attest to his genial... more
I draw on neurobiological evidence to defend the rationalist thesis that moral judgments are essentially dependent on reasoning, not emotions (conceived as distinct from inference). The neuroscience reveals that moral cognition arises... more
In 1906, Henry Stephens Salt published a short collection of essays that presented several rhetorically powerful, if formally deficient arguments for the vegetarian position. By interpreting Salt as a moral sentimentalist with ties to... more
1 Universidade Federal de Sergipe 2 Além disso, ainda que as chamadas virtudes naturais deem origem, sem a mediação de qualquer artifício, a sentimentos agradáveis de aprovação, não se vê, em Hume, qualquer tentativa real de explicação... more
Les émotions ont souvent été regardées de façon ambigüe par les philosophes. Elles ont parfois été dépréciées, notamment parce qu'on les soupçonne couramment de perturber le fonctionnement optimal de notre raison. Il nous arrive en effet... more
The idea of moral enhancement has no clear meaning. This is because the idea of being moral has no clear meaning. There are numerous ways in which one might go astray, morally speaking, and each of these ways, in turn, fragments on... more
In "Monkeys, Men, and Moral Responsibility: A Neo-Aristotelian Case for a Qualitative Distinction " , Paul Carron uses the tragic case of Travis the chimpanzee to test Frans de Waals' gradualism. If Travis is not to blame for anything... more
Понятие «моральное чувство» составляет один из основных фокусов морально-философских рассуждений Фрэнсиса Хатчесона, что хорошо видно в его раннем произведении – «Исследование о происхождении наших идей красоты и добродетели» (1725), на... more
People sometimes make moral judgments on the basis of brief emotional episodes. I follow the widely established practice of referring to such affective responses as intuitions (Haidt 2001, 2012; Bedke 2012, Copp 2012). Recently, a number... more
investigation of the possibility of altruism to further examine how to motivate altruism. When the pursuit of the gratification of one's own desires generally has an immediate causal efficacy, how can one also be motivated to care for... more
Previous version published in Will Kymlicka and Kathy Walker, eds., Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Canada and the World (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012).
In this paper, I develop an observation made in passing in my dissertation, namely that Hume used the term "extensive" in relation to sympathy in a different way in Books II and III of his Treatise of Human Nature. I argue that this has... more
Le questioni riguardanti gli animali non umani stanno guadagnando un'attenzione crescente nell'attuale dibattito pubblico. Una prova di ciò è, ad esempio, il proliferare di siti e blog sul web a favore del vegetarianesimo o del... more
Forthcoming (Champion) The object of this paper is not to study further Hutcheson’s reception, legacy, or influence in pre-revolutionary America. Rather, by using different texts from Hutcheson’s work, I intend to build a coherent... more
In this paper, I attempt to recover an 18th Century approach to moral theory that can be called Moral Taste Theory. Through an exploration of 18th Century sources I define the characteristics of moral taste theory and to distinguish it... more
Концепция надлежащего (propriety) и ее значение в моральной философии Смита нередко утекают из-под аналитического внимания исследователей. Это связано не столько с невниманием исследователей, сколько с характером присутствия концепта... more
It is popular to hold that our primary epistemic access to specific response-dependent properties like the fearsome or admirable (or so-called ‘affective properties’) is constituted by the corresponding emotion. I argue that this view is... more