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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMonastic Studies
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchitectureByzantine monasticismByzantine and Medieval Cyprus (History and Art)
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      Monastic StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
The priory of Dalby and the economic landscape – Resources, production and consumption The text deals with a priory that reaches out far beyond its precinct walls in search of an “economic landscape”, that is a landscape of... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMonasticismMonastic Landscapes
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesSettlement archaeology
Summary Studies on the history of convents in the State of Teutonic Order in Prussia, Royal Prussia and the Province of West Prussia (the 13th – the middle of the 19th centuries) 1. The monastic landscape of the State of the Teutonic... more
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      CisterciansMonasticism19th Century Prussia/GermanyTeutonic Knights
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape HistoryLandscape UrbanismMonastic Landscapes
A kolostori tájhasználatról
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      Landscape ArchaeologyHungarian ArchaeologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)Monastic Landscapes
The study proposes to test and to present the preliminary results on whether a Benedictine and a Cistercian abbey's landscape shaping activities can be compared or confronted in any way, and if so, what information/data can be retrieved... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval Water ManagementCistercians
Resumo da comunicação apresentada no Colóquio de Arqueologia, Património e Turismo no Vale do Minho. Monção. 30 de Abril a 1 de Maio, 2015.
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      HistoryArchaeologyCultural HeritageMonastic Landscapes
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      High Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEnvironmental Studies
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMonastic Studies
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval HungaryBenedictines
This paper aimed to explore the transformation of the monastic landscape in the southeast of Ireland following the arrival of the Anglo-Normans, by focusing on the monastic foundation in Ferns, examining its physical and territorial... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMonastic StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Ireland
SPINDLER, Konrad (ur.). Mensch und Natur im mittelalterlichen Europa : archäologische, historische und naturwissenschaftliche Befunde : Akten der Akademie Friesach "Stadt und Kultur im Mittelalter", Friesach (Kärnten), 1. - 5. September... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMonastic LandscapesCarthusian Order
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      Medieval HistoryInland NavigationMonastic StudiesMedieval Hungary
Religieuze instellingen hebben het landschap beinvloed, maar het landschap heeft ook invloed uitgeoefend op hun inplanting en hun activiteiten. Landschappen ondergingen verandering als gevolg van economische strategieen en exploitatie, en... more
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      Economic HistoryArtCisterciansEcclesiastical History
La Regola di Benedetto non prescrive come debba essere il paesaggio circostante il monastero, ma ispira un rapporto con la natura e, di conseguenza, uno stile di vita destinato a modellare lo spazio interno e quello esterno ai... more
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      GeographyArt HistoryMonastic StudiesArchitectural History
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      CisterciansMedieval LandscapesCistercian StudiesMonastic Landscapes
The 8th and 9th centuries AD Po valley (northern Italy) represents an ideal case study area in which to analyse the link between monastic institutions and the rural landscape. In fact, the increase in forest, changes in river courses, the... more
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      WetlandsLandscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
From time to time I will post 'bite size' chunks of the material I am preparing for my PhD thesis: works in progress, but content which I feel may be of interest to a wider audience. All will be very much draft versions, not necessarily -... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMonastic StudiesCultural LandscapesLandscape History
Based on the study of written sources, historic maps and archaeological field work, the present article discusses the reconstruction of a single Pauline monastic landscape situated on the territory of the medieval Szekler land. The... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMonastic StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Estudio de los principales puntos de abastecimiento de agua en los monasterios cistercienses femeninos castellanos con hidráulica autónoma.
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      Monastic StudiesCistercian architectureCisterciansMonasticism
The papers deals with the issue of monastic landscape reconstruction in Eastern Europe and presents the latest research results made by the author at the site of the Cistercian abbey Kerc.
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMonastic StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyCistercians