Recent papers in Moabite
Two sagas which shook the world of archaeology during the second half of the nineteenth century were connected with the name Moses Wilhelm Shapira, an antiquities dealer from Jerusalem who was a Jewish apostate, having converted to... more
My endeavour is to critique the glorification of sacred violence as detrimental to stories of love, life and wellbeing. In some ways, contrary to the popular versioning of sacred violence, my macro approach (Girardian Scapegoat Theory)... more
Part I of this paper seeks to address much of the poor scholastic academic research in regards to Noble Drew Ali, founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, the very first Islamic organization in the United States of America. Was... more
With the support of the Moabite god Kemosh, King Mesha of Moab recounts in KAI 181:14–18 his successful imposition of ḥērem on Nebo, an Israelite town east of the Jordan River that maintained a cult to Israel’s god YHWH during the Omride... more
A man's descendant can never be superior to the one whose seed gave him life. Just as an acorn can never claim to be greater than the Oak tree from which it fell. This paper refutes that Yahoshua is from the family of David, Tribe of... more
The collection of the Karak Archaeological Museum contains two carved basalt slabs, both of which show the rear parts and hindquarters of a leonine figure. Although the two slabs differ vastly in their state of preservation, a comparison... more
The ancient Israelites who produced the Hebrew Bible lived within a rich context of geography, language, politics, religion, and culture. This context profoundly shaped Israel, and indeed it was through the influence of the neighboring... more
The Moabite Stele text is a line by line philosophical/religious debate. It was written in Alphabetic Akkadian which was the common trading language of the ancient Mediterranean as evidenced by a growing corpus of texts. The Moabite text... more
Until about three decades ago, the historical evidence from the southern administrative unit in the land of Israel, ‘Idumea’, was relatively limited. The discovery of about 2,000 ostraca from this administrative unit in the late twentieth... more
Il territorio dell'antico paese di Moab (termine che appare designare perfettamente sia un territorio che un popolo) sembra corrispondere, approssimativamente, alla regione centro meridionale dell'attuale Regno Hascemita di Giordania, più... more
History and ethnicity have been the preferred frameworks for explaining how Levantine societies organized themselves during the early Iron Age. Consequently, opportunities are missed to understand how local economic and environmental... more
This project applies Talstra’s text grammatical search for clause hierarchies to the Mesha Inscription (MI) by manually mimicking his computer-based approach. The method offers an explanation for why certain clause patterns function... more
When barring Ammonites and Moabites from marrying Israelites, the Torah says: An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord; even to the tenth generation shall none of them enter into the assembly of the Lord for... more
Is there a biblical basis for being a conspiracy theorist or engaging in conspiracy theories? For example, is the "Black Eye" Club a conspiracy theory? What does the scripture say regarding conspiracy theorists? Proverbs 18:13
Khirbet al-Mudayna is a small, walled settlement, existing from the end of the ninth century till the end of the seventh or in the sixth century B.C.E. Mudayna may have functioned as a fortress guarding the eastern border of ancient Moab... more
This paper traces various interpretations for the reason of the Biblical shunning of the nations Ammon and Moab. The Torah in the Book of Deuteronomy seems to condemn them for not offering the Israelites food and water in their desert... more
Der Text der Mešaʿ-Stele (KAI 181) verfügt über ein zweifaches Trennzeichen-System. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass die Paragraphos-Marker absichtsvoll gesetzte Gliederungsmerkmale darstellen, wurde eine syntaktische und strukturelle... more
Atlante del Vicino Oriente Antico 1
Sapienza Università di Roma - DIpartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
Roma, 2017, Artemide editore
Sapienza Università di Roma - DIpartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
Roma, 2017, Artemide editore
Leading Experts Introduce the People and Contexts of the Old Testament What people groups interacted with ancient Israel? Who were the Hurrians and why do they matter? What do we know about the Philistines, the Egyptians, the Amorites,... more
Complex Communities explores how sedentary settlements developed and flourished in the Middle East during the Early Iron Age nearly four thousand years ago. Using archaeological evidence, Benjamin Porter reconstructs how residents... more
of the archaeological activities at Tell al-Mashhad during the 2011 season The archaeological activities of the 2011 season were concentrated inside the large squared building, in the sector close to the north-western corner, called "Area... more
In analyzing the Bible's account of the Israelites' early encounters with the Amorites (under the leadership of Sihon, king of Heshbon), one will notice that there is seemingly a contradiction between the account in Numbers and the... more
Textile production is usually found in domestic circumstances. But at Kirbeth al-Mudayna in Moab weaving was undertaken in and on two pillared buildings. Indicating weaving in public space, pointing to the possibility of weaving as a... more
Offprint from Hmoud, Fares al-(chief editor) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF JORDAN XI: Changes and Challenges Amman, Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 2013
The Mesha Inscription (MI) or Moabite Stone is an inscribed black basalt stone (a stela) dating to the ninth century BCE and now exhibited in the Musée du Louvre, Paris. It was found in 1868 in Dhiban (the ancient Dibon), a village... more
of the archaeological activities at Tell al-Mashhad during the 2011 season The archaeological activities of the 2011 season were concentrated inside the large squared building, in the sector close to the north-western corner, called "Area... more
A cylindrical stone incense altar inscribed with seven lines of text in two separate inscriptions was discovered in a cultic context during 2010 excavations at Khirbat Ataruz in Jordan. The two short inscriptions are written in Moabite... more
The Problem Components of the water system of Tall Jalul have been discovered since 2009 in Fields G and W. Although articles and reports have been written, no comprehensive study has been conducted. Therefore, this thesis will present... more
Published in Archeo 184 Giugno 2000 pp. 12-13.
Published in SOMA 2012 Identity and Connectivity, L. Bombardieri et alii (eds.), BAR 2013, vol. 1. ,pp. 11-15. ISBN 978-1-4073-1204-0
The site of Tell al-Mashhad lies at the foot of mount Nebo, just 9 km NW of the modern city of Madaba and 40 km SW of the Jordanian capital town Amman. In the antiquity, the site should be not far from the border between the ancient... more