Papers by francesco benedettucci
A lst ofWikipedia items referring to archaeology of Jordan
Links added at the website
Links added at the website in the last weeks
of the archaeological activities at Tell al-Mashhad during the 2011 season The archaeological act... more of the archaeological activities at Tell al-Mashhad during the 2011 season The archaeological activities of the 2011 season were concentrated inside the large squared building, in the sector close to the north-western corner, called "Area A" (Plates A and B). Plate A. Plan of the Building A. Plate B. Plan of the Area A.
A selection of links added at the website in the last ... more A selection of links added at the website in the last weeks.
Liber Annuus Studii Biblici Franciscani, 2010
The main results of the 2010 campaign at Tell al-Mashhad (Jordan). Liber Annuus Studii Biblici Fr... more The main results of the 2010 campaign at Tell al-Mashhad (Jordan). Liber Annuus Studii Biblici Franciscani 60 (2010), pp. 419-424.
Offprint from Hmoud, Fares al-(chief editor) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF JORDAN XI:... more Offprint from Hmoud, Fares al-(chief editor) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF JORDAN XI: Changes and Challenges Amman, Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 2013
Published in Archeo 184 Giugno 2000 pp. 12-13.
Papers by francesco benedettucci
Espera Publisher, Rome (november 2022)
Francesco M. Benedettucci.
Prefazione di Claudio Saporetti.
CSM 7.
ISBN 979-12-5994-097-1 (paper); 979-12-5994-098-8 (pdf).
Roma, Aracne 2021.
Francesco M. Benedettucci
Atlante del Vicino Oriente Antico 3
Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
Roma, Artemide Edizioni, 2020
formato cm 21X28, pag. 80, illustrazioni 35 in bianco e nero
ISBN 9788875753597
Sapienza Università di Roma - DIpartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità
Roma, 2017, Artemide editore
"IL PAESE DI MOAB NELL'ETÀ DEL FERRO (Atlante del Vicino Oriente Antico)"
Roma, Museo del Vicino Oriente, Egitto e Mediterraneo (SAPIENZA Università di Roma)
Martedì 30 gennaio 2018, ore 17.00
Roma, Pontificia Università Antonianum, 17 novembre 2018