Mirror Images
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Most downloaded papers in Mirror Images
This paper treats objects and their mirror images as two distinct objects (or stages of one and the same object) that are identical in every respect, except one is the mirror-reversed twin of the other. It asks, "Can an object differ... more
Perceiving the orientation of objects is important for interacting with the world, yet little is known about the mental representation or processing of object orientation information. The tendency of humans and other species to confuse... more
Humans and primates can quickly recognize mirror images of previously exposed pictures. This spontaneous mirror invariance, though advantageous for visual recognition, makes it difficult to distinguish the orientation of letters (e.g. to... more
1 Since many subject areas are covered in this article, detailed literature reviews are not possible due to space limitations. 2 We are not describing bullying in a clinical sense but refer to a set of behavioural traits as defined in the... more
Based on the neuronal recycling hypothesis (Dehaene and Cohen, 2007), we examined whether reading acquisition has a cost for the recognition of non-linguistic visual materials. More specifically, we checked whether the ability to... more
Locomotion and foraging on the wing require precise navigation in more than just the horizontal plane. Navigation in three dimensions and, specifically, precise adjustment of flight height are essential for flying animals. Echolocating... more