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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
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Research report
Cognitive representation of orientation: A case study
Jussi Valtonena,b,*, Daniel D. Dilksa,c and Michael McCloskeya
Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States
article info
Article history:
Although object orientation in the human brain has been discussed extensively in the
Received 17 July 2006
literature, the nature of the underlying cognitive representation(s) remains uncertain.
Reviewed 8 September 2006
We investigated orientation perception in BC, a patient with bilateral occipital and pari-
Revised 10 April 2007
etal damage from a herpes encephalitis infection. Our results show that in addition to
Accepted 14 June 2007
general inaccuracy in discriminating and reproducing line orientations, her errors take
Action editor Jane Riddoch
the form of left–right mirror reflections across a vertical coordinate axis. We propose
Published online 27 December 2007
that in BC, the cognitive impairment is in failing to represent the direction of tilt for
line orientations. Our results suggest that there exists a level of representation in the
human brain at which line orientations are represented compositionally, such that the
direction of a line orientation’s tilt from a vertical mental reference meridian is coded
independently of the magnitude of its angular displacement. Reflection errors across
Spatial cognition
a vertical axis were observed both in visual and tactile line orientation tasks, demon-
Mirror images
strating that these errors arise at a supra-modal level of representation not restricted
to vision, or, alternatively, that visual-like representations are being constructed from
the tactile input.
ª 2007 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.
Among the important functions of the visual system is that
of computing the orientation of visual stimuli. Information
about orientation is necessary for appreciating how visual
features, surfaces, and objects are arranged relative to one
another and to the perceiver. Accordingly, processing of orientation plays a crucial role in a variety of perceptual
functions, including recognizing and interacting with objects. Orientation perception has been studied extensively,
especially from developmental and neuropsychological perspectives, and a number of intriguing phenomena have been
reported, such as dissociations between knowledge of an
object’s identity and its orientation, selective impairments
in mirror-image discrimination after brain damage, and
developmental anisotropies in the perception of oblique
* Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 9, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J. Valtonen).
0010-9452/$ – see front matter ª 2007 Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
orientations (e.g., Best, 1917/Ferber and Karnath, 2003;
Rudel and Teuber, 1963; Corballis and Beale, 1976; Bornstein,
1982; Rudel, 1982; Riddoch and Humphreys, 1988; Turnbull
et al., 1995; Gold et al., 1995; Turnbull and McCarthy, 1996;
Turnbull et al., 1997; Karnath et al., 2000; Warrington and
Davidoff, 2000; Goodale, 2000; Cooper and Humphreys,
2000; Davidoff and Warrington, 2001; Riddoch et al., 2004).
However, issues concerning how orientation is represented
have not been fully discussed. In this article we report the
case of a young woman, BC, who suffered brain damage in
early childhood. We show that BC is severely impaired in
distinguishing oblique lines from their mirror reflections,
and argue that her performance has implications for
understanding orientation representation in the human
Developmental research has shown that normal infants
and young children have especial difficulty with mirrorreflected obliques (for reviews see, e.g., Bornstein, 1982;
Rudel, 1982). Four-month-old babies can discriminate between an oblique line (tilted 45 right of vertical) and a vertical
line, but not between two mirror-reflected obliques, one
tilted 45 left and the other 45 right of vertical (Bornstein
et al., 1978). In other words, the babies can discriminate
between lines differing in orientation by 45 when the stimuli
are oblique versus vertical, but not between mirror-reflected
obliques differing by 90 . The difficulty with the mirrorreflected obliques was not due to the mere obliqueness of
the stimuli; babies were able to discriminate between two
oblique lines differing by only 50 , when the lines were not
mirror images.
Rudel and Teuber (1963) reported that difficulty distinguishing mirror-reflected obliques extended well into childhood. In one experiment children 3–8 years of age were
given the following instructions:
I am going to show you two cards; one of them is ‘‘right’’
and one is ‘‘wrong’’ that is ‘‘correct’’ or ‘‘incorrect.’’ At first
you can only guess which is right, but after you’ve guessed I
will tell you whether you guessed correctly – that is,
whether you were right or wrong. After that, you must
always pick the card which is ‘‘right’’ and never the card
which is ‘‘wrong.’’ (Rudel and Teuber, 1963, p. 893)
A series of learning trials was then presented. On each trial
the same two stimulus cards were presented, the child chose
one of the cards as ‘‘right,’’ and the experimenter provided
feedback. The task ended when either the child reached a criterion of 9 correct choices on 10 consecutive trials, or 50 trials
had been administered.
When the stimuli on the cards were a vertical line and
a horizontal line, almost all of the children succeeded in
learning the discrimination, and even the youngest children
(3-year-olds) required an average of only 14 trials to reach
criterion. However, when the two stimuli were mirror-image
obliques (i.e., a line tilted 45 left of vertical and a line tilted
45 right of vertical) none of the children in a 3-year-old
group (0/12) and only one child in a 4-year-old group (1/12)
learned the discrimination within 50 trials. In older age
groups, children performed increasingly better, but even at
oldest age tested (8 years), nearly one third (5/17) of the
children failed to reach criterion in 50 trials.1 Even for human
adults, comparing mirror-image obliques takes substantially
more time than comparing horizontal and vertical lines
(Olson and Hildyard, 1977).
Difficulty discriminating oblique lines from their reflections across the vertical axis has also been reported in braindamaged patients. Riddoch and Humphreys’ (1988) patient
LM performed virtually without error when matching horizontal and vertical lines to sample, but was almost at chance
at matching oblique lines to sample when the distractors were
mirror-reflected oblique lines. LM also made mirror-reflection
errors when copying oblique lines. Patient MH (Riddoch et al.,
2004) was impaired at detecting and localizing visual targets
defined by orientation, and had particular difficulty distinguishing an oblique line from its mirror reflection. AH, studied
by McCloskey et al. (1995), McCloskey and Rapp (2000a, 2000b)
and McCloskey (2004), also confused oblique lines with their
mirror reflections.
The difficulty with mirror-reflected oblique lines may be
one manifestation of a more general difficulty in distinguishing visual stimuli that are left–right enantiomorphs (i.e., lateral mirror images). Discriminating between lateral mirror
images is difficult and sometimes even impossible for human
children and a variety of animal species (for reviews, see
Corballis and Beale, 1976; Bornstein, 1982). For example,
Bornstein et al. (1978) found that 3–4-month-old infants
discriminated between right profiles of two different faces
but not between the left and right profile of the same face.
Further, a number of studies have described impairments in
discriminating between lateral mirror images of objects (e.g.,
Riddoch and Humphreys, 1988; Turnbull and McCarthy,
1996; Warrington and Davidoff, 2000; Davidoff and Warrington, 2001; McCloskey, 2004). Even normal human adults often
confuse lateral mirror images in memory tasks, at least when
left–right orientation is considered unimportant. Interestingly, Rollenhagen and Olson (2000) found that neuronal
responses recorded from inferotemporal cortex in the
macaque monkey were more similar between members of
a left–right mirror-image pair than between members of an
up–down pair. Results such as these have been taken to
The children’s difficulty with mirror-image obliques probably
did not result from an inability to perceive the difference between
the left- and right-tilting lines. Rudel and Teuber’s (1963) discrimination procedure required children to remember from trial to
trial which of the two mirror-image oblique lines was ‘‘right’’
and which was ‘‘wrong.’’ Other studies, however, tested children
with a simultaneous match-to-sample procedure, in which participants decide which of two choice stimuli matches a standard
stimulus that remains in view while the decision is made. In
these studies 5–6-year-old children showed virtually perfect performance, and even 4-year-old children made very few errors
(e.g., Bryant, 1973; Over and Over, 1967). Also, Dilks et al. (2004)
asked 3–7-year-old children to reproduce the orientation of a target line by rotating a response line about its center. When the target remained in view throughout the trial, 5–7-year-old children
made no mirror reflection errors, and even 3–4-year-olds made
few such errors. Hence, children’s difficulty in discrimination
tasks apparently stems not from difficulty in perceiving the difference between mirror-image obliques, but rather from difficulty
in retaining from trial to trial accurate mental representations of
the ‘‘right’’ and ‘‘wrong’’ orientations.
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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
suggest that at some level(s) of processing, the perceptual system in humans and other animals treats left–right enantiomorphs as equivalent.
Corballis and Beale (1976) suggest that the problem with
left–right mirror images is a problem of labeling and remembering the mirror images as distinct, rather than an inability
to perceive the differences. In this context, it is typically suggested that generalizing across left–right mirror images is
adaptive because the left–right orientation of an object is generally irrelevant to the object’s identity (e.g., Corballis and
Beale, 1976; Bornstein et al., 1978; Walsh, 1996). According to
this argument, an apple is an apple and a predator is a predator
regardless of left–right orientation, and for this reason, the
mechanisms of pattern recognition have evolved to recognize
and label patterns independently of the specific left–right orientation of the physical sensory input. Corballis and Beale
(1976) suggest that in addition to reduction coding, storing
descriptions of shapes that are independent of their left–right
orientation, the brain may also use another mechanism to
achieve mirror-image equivalence, duplication coding, storing
information about shapes in alternate forms, one the lateral
mirror image of the other. Different versions of duplication
coding have also been suggested (e.g., Noble, 1968; Deregowski
et al., 2000). Reduction or duplication coding could contribute
to difficulties in mirror-image discrimination; however, given
that humans are not incapable of distinguishing left–right
mirror images – and given that making the distinction is often
important, as in determining which way a predator is facing –
we must assume that the brain implements some form(s) of
representation that differentiates mirror images.
Another relevant hypothesis is that the representation of
an oblique line is more complex than that of a horizontal or
a vertical. For example, Rudel and Teuber (1963), Olson and
Hildyard (1977) and Rudel (1982) discuss the complexity of
obliques with respect to linguistic expressions and point
out that there are no separate linguistic items for the two
opposite obliques as there are for horizontal and vertical.
Olson and Hildyard (1977) suggest that analogous to the
linguistic representation, the mental representation of an
oblique line may be more complex than that of a horizontal
or a vertical. In fact, a large body of literature shows that
normal human subjects and many animal species are better
at detecting, discriminating and remembering stimuli that
are horizontally and vertically oriented than those that are
oblique (for reviews, see Appelle, 1972; Rudel, 1982). This orientation anisotropy, the oblique effect, has been observed in
various experimental settings and in different sensory modalities (e.g., Mansfield, 1974; Orban et al., 1984; Heeley
and Buchanan-Smith, 1990; Saarinen and Levi, 1995; Gentaz
and Hatwell, 1995; Heeley et al., 1997; Gentaz et al., 2001;
Luyat et al., 2001), and it has been suggested to have an innate basis (Leehey et al., 1975; but see also Annis and Frost,
1973). In the visual modality, the oblique effect is believed to
arise at a level higher in the visual system than the retina
(Maffei and Campbell, 1970; Mansfield, 1974; Furmanski
and Engel, 2000), and one of the proposed accounts is that
it is due to the predominance of cortical neurons with receptive fields optimally sensitive to horizontal and vertical
stimuli (Mansfield, 1974). Whether the preference for vertical and horizontal orientations is due to a single underlying
cause in all the different tasks and settings tested, however,
is unclear.
In sum, empirical evidence shows that animals, human children and neuropsychological patients often confuse left–right
mirror images of visual stimuli, including oblique lines. Although this finding is robust and well-documented, the nature
of the underlying representations remains uncertain, aside
from suggestions that the difficulty with mirror-image obliques
is related to their more complex mental representations and to
the broader problem with lateral mirror images. In this paper,
we attempt to investigate the nature of the cognitive representation for object orientation that underlies these empirical phenomena. We present a study of a brain-damaged individual, BC,
who is remarkably impaired at perceiving, discriminating and
matching oblique line stimuli. With oblique lines, BC makes
left–right reflection errors in which the orientation of an oblique
line is mirror reflected across a vertical coordinate axis.
Through this case study, we propose that the representation
of the orientation of oblique lines has compositional structure.
According to our account, the neural processes computing the
orientation of single lines operate by representing the magnitude and direction of a line orientation’s tilt independently of
each other in the human brain.
Case report
BC is a left-handed woman, 15–16 years old at the time of the
present investigation. Medical reports show that she was
a healthy, normally developing child, when at the age of 3
years she was taken to the hospital for headache, vomiting,
fever, and seizures. She was treated for a presumed herpes
encephalitis infection for 21 days, during 4 of which she was
comatose. At the time of discharge, she was unable to walk
and was noted to have suffered complete loss of vision. She
recovered the ability to walk within a few weeks, and after 6
months also gradually began to regain her vision.
BC underwent a structural MRI at age 5. According to the
radiologist’s report, the test revealed cortical damage in both
right and left occipital regions, intruding into secondary and
tertiary occipital and parietal regions in the left hemisphere.
Both gray and white matter were affected.
An ophthalmologic evaluation at age 7 found a dense right
hemianopia and a partial left hemianopia, oculomotor apraxia
and color agnosia. Visual acuity was 20/30–20/40 with approximately 10 of visual field. Neuro-ophthalmological evaluation
at age 14 confirmed the earlier finding of right hemianopia, but
found that the left visual field extended 15 –20 from fixation. Visual acuity was 20/25 with correction for myopia and astigmatism. No other visual defects were identified, and oculomotor
functions were found to be normal. A follow-up examination
at age 15 found that BC’s vision had remained stable.
Physical and occupational therapy evaluations at ages 8
and 9 reported that BC had spatial orientation problems
such as difficulty replicating postures and walking without
a guide, and that she was easily distracted and overwhelmed
in a crowded classroom. In a neuropsychological evaluation at
age 10, BC’s performance in verbal subtests on standardized
tests of intellectual ability ranged from significantly below
average (for verbal reasoning skills) to high average (in serial
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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
digit recall). The test results included a WISC-III Verbal IQ of
85, with particularly low scores in arithmetic and comprehension. The profile was reportedly similar to previous psychological testing two years earlier. Despite problems in complex
verbal reasoning, BC was observed to present well in spontaneous conversation and vocabulary.
In the present testing at Johns Hopkins University, BC was
studied for 9 months. A profound visuo-spatial impairment
was evident in both everyday behavior and neuropsychological testing. BC was often not fully able to avoid objects while
walking, despite being always guided, and she was unwilling
even to try walking alone along a straight corridor with no obstacles. After a 2-h testing session, she still seemed confused
about the spatial properties of the room, such as the
location of the door through which she had entered or where
she had hung her coat. Although her visual acuity and visual
fields were sufficient to support reading, she had learned to
read in Braille, presumably because of her impairment in processing visual–spatial information. Informal assessment suggested, however, that BC’s Braille reading skills were well
below grade level, possibly because her spatial deficit extended to processing of tactile stimuli [see Experiment 3 (Section 6)]. She was able to write some letters and digits
accurately, but made orientation errors on others. For example, when asked to write the numbers 1–10, she wrote 1–5
and 7–10 accurately but failed to produce 6, stating ‘‘I don’t
like 6.’’ When urged to attempt the digit, she drew it left–right
reversed, and even when given a model to copy she was unable to succeed.
Despite these difficulties, BC did not present as intellectually impaired. She engaged in conversation fluently and with
a sense of humor, picking up quickly on social cues and
expressing emotion adequately. She was also an enthusiastic
writer with a vivid imagination, her stories portraying a physically disabled young woman in the throes of interpersonal
conflicts and romantic relationships. For writing, she used
computer software designed for the visually disabled.
Neuropsychological assessment
Visual object recognition
In tasks requiring recognition and naming of pictures and objects, BC’s performance suggested a visual apperceptive agnosia (see, e.g., Farah, 1990). Her efforts to name pictures gave
the impression of a piecemeal perceptual process, in which
she recognized individual details of objects but made numerous mistakes in identifying the whole. For example, on the
Boston Naming Test (Goodglass and Kaplan, 1983) she scored
within the 5–6-year-old range (24/60), with errors including
‘‘bicycle’’ for wheelchair and ‘‘chair or desk’’ for bed. BC also
showed impairment on object recognition tasks from the Birmingham Object Recognition Battery (BORB; Riddoch and
Humphreys, 1993; see Table 1). In the Foreshortened View
Test objects are shown from a perspective that foreshortens
the main axis, and thereby distorts the overall shape of the object and the relations among its parts. On this task BC scored
more than 2.5 standard deviations below the normal mean.
She also scored more than one standard deviation below the
Table 1 – BC’s performance on the Birmingham object
recognition battery (Riddoch and Humphreys, 1993)
Object recognition
Foreshortened view
Minimal feature view
Line length match A (same/different)
Large difference
Intermediate difference
Small difference
Line length match B (same/different)
Large difference
Intermediate difference
Small difference
Circle size match A (same/different)
Large difference
Intermediate difference
Small difference
Circle size match B (same/different)
Large difference
Intermediate difference
Small difference
a Score 1 SD or more below published control data.
b Score 2 SD or more below published control data.
normal mean on the Minimal Feature View task, which requires recognition of objects from an unusual view in which
the main identifying feature is obscured.
Visual–spatial perception
BC showed impaired performance on a broad range of visual–
spatial perception tasks. On BORB tasks (Riddoch and Humphreys, 1993) in which she made same–different judgments
concerning line length or circle size, she was intact at detecting large length and size differences, but her error rate
increased as the differences became smaller (see Table 1). In
addition she occasionally indicated that identical stimuli
were different. As indicated in the table, BC scored more
than two standard deviations below the mean for normal control participants (Riddoch and Humphreys, 1993) on 3 of the 6
tasks administered to her, and more than one standard deviation below the control mean on 2 of the remaining 3 tasks.
These results must be interpreted with some caution, because
Riddoch and Humphrey’s normal control participants were
older adults (age 50–80). However, it seems unlikely that normal 15-year-olds would perform more poorly than older
adults, and hence BC’s performance strongly suggests substantial visual–spatial impairment.
BC also evidenced impairment on the Developmental Test
of Visual Perception (DTVP-2; Hammill et al., 1993), a standardized test assessing a variety of visuo-spatial abilities. Ageequivalent scores for the four administered subtests were
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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
remarkably low for a 15-year-old: <3;11 for the Figure-Ground
task (finding target figures embedded in complex displays), 4;3
for Visual Closure (matching target figures with fragmented
test figures), 4;9 for Form Constancy (matching target shapes
with figures that have a different size, position and/or shading, and that may be hidden in distracting backgrounds),
and 6:0 for Position in Space (finding target figures among
rotated and reflecting distractors). BC’s percentiles relative
to the oldest age group in the DTVP-2 norms (10 years through
10 years 11 months) were <1, <1, 9, and 5, respectively.
In the DAS Block Construction test (Elliot, 1990), which
involves copying spatial patterns using colored blocks, BC
scored at the first percentile, representing an age equivalent
of 4;1. Her visuo-spatial short-term memory performance
on the Corsi Block Tapping Test (Milner, 1971) was also extremely limited: she was able to point to one block correctly
after the experimenter, but consistently erred in sequences
of two or more blocks. In contrast, her digit span was 7, arguing against the possibility of a general problem with memory
or attention (for a similar case, see Hanley et al., 1991). BC was
also tested on her ability to reach for objects placed to her left
or right on a table in front of her; in this task she always
reached to the correct side.
Drawing caused particular difficulty for BC. The qualitative
impression of her performance was that of a young child.
Her drawing of a person was unsophisticated in the extreme,
and when she was asked to draw a house, she gave up after
failing to produce a square (see Fig. 1). In the Beery–Buktenica
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI; Beery
and Buktenica, 1997), her age equivalent was less than 5 years.
She was able to copy single lines and circles but unable to reproduce a triangle (Fig. 2A) or a square. Although her copy of
a cross was reasonably good Fig. 2B, arrowheads at the ends
of the lines caused a complete breakdown in her ability to reproduce the global shape of the model (Fig. 2C).
Further exploration of BC’s drawing revealed that her difficulties were not limited to tasks with visual stimuli. Results
were similar whether BC was asked to copy a visual stimulus
shape, draw a shape presented tactually, or draw a shape from
Fig. 1 – BC’s spontaneous drawings of a person and
a house.
Fig. 2 – Examples of BC’s direct copies from the VMI (Beery
and Buktenica, 1997). In each example the target figure is
at the top, and BC’s copy is at the bottom.
dictation. Although she could draw individual lines and (usually) right angles, her performance broke down in all conditions with more complex shapes (see Fig. 3 for examples).
She was able to draw a right angle in 9/11 trials (although
3/9 were mirror-reversed), but all attempts to reproduce the
shape of a triangle, square or diamond ended in failure. Drawing a square, for example, was consistently impossible for her,
in spite of her ability to reproduce all the necessary individual
elements: vertical and horizontal lines, right angles, and even
three sides of a square. A highly similar pattern was observed
when she was asked to connect dots with straight lines to
form geometric shapes: she was able to reproduce only the
most elementary shapes (see Fig. 4). Although BC was severely
impaired in all of the drawing tasks, she showed no signs of
neglect in any of these tasks (or in any other task).
Oblique lines are often more difficult to plan and produce
than horizontal or vertical lines, and processing of diagonals
may be more easily disrupted after neural insult (e.g., Smith
and Gilchrist, 2005; Olson, 1970). However, BC’s problems with
drawing were not specifically related to oblique lines. As Figs.
3 and 4 show, she often failed to produce the required horizontal or vertical lines and incorrectly drew oblique lines instead.
BC’s poor performance in these tasks is unlikely to have
resulted solely from her restricted visual field. In the first place
her performance in drawing tasks was no better with auditory
or tactile stimuli than with visual stimuli (see Figs. 3 and 4).
Further, her difficulties in object recognition and drawing
were clearly determined not by the visual angle subtended
by the stimuli or responses, but rather by stimulus and response complexity. Compare, for example, Fig. 2B and C.
Nor is it likely that a visuo-motor deficit can explain the results. Some tasks showing impairment (e.g., object naming)
did not include a visuo-motor component, and even for tasks
with such a component a visuo-motor deficit does not offer
a plausible explanation. For example, BC was able to produce
all of the individual movements needed to draw a square (as
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Fig. 3 – Examples of BC’s attempts to draw simple geometric shapes from a visual model (A), a tactile model (B), or dictation
(C). She was asked to close her eyes when feeling the tactile model with her hand, and to open them when drawing.
evidenced by her ability to draw right angles), yet never came
close to producing an entire square correctly. Similarly, when
given three dots and asked to connect them into a triangle, she
could draw lines from one dot to another, but never succeeded
in drawing the full set of lines needed to form the triangle.
BC’s performance in visual–spatial tasks suggests that she
suffers from a profound cognitive impairment that could be
descriptively referred to as a severe limitation in the resources
available for spatial representation and processing. In tasks
with very simple stimuli her performance was often reasonably good (albeit not fully normal), as in drawing a line or right
angle. However, even a slight increase in stimulus complexity
often caused a complete breakdown in performance, as when
she was asked to draw a triangle or square. These observations suggest that BC may be virtually unable to create or process spatial representations that include more than a very few
elements (e.g., lines) or spatial relations among elements (e.g.,
intersections at particular angles). BC might, then, be described as simultanagnosic in the sense of being impaired in
combining the various elements of a complex stimulus into
a coherent percept, although not in the sense of being unable
to perceive more than one object at a time.
Fig. 4 – Examples of BC’s attempts to connect dots to draw geometric shapes. A. Copying a visual model. B. Drawing from
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Given her profound impairment in spatial tasks with any
degree of complexity, the experiments in this study were
designed to probe BC’s performance with very simple stimuli.
A potentially interesting pattern emerged from a line orientation discrimination task (Experiment 1), which led to the
study’s specific focus on orientation perception.
The experiments in this study were approved by the Johns
Hopkins University Homewood Institutional Review Board,
and they were performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. BC gave
her assent and her parents their permission for the testing.
Experiment 1: same–different judgments
of arrow orientation
In this experiment, pairs of arrows were presented visually,
and BC judged for each pair whether the orientations of the
two arrows were the same or different.
Stimuli and procedure
Each stimulus consisted of two arrows printed in black on
white paper. Each arrow was composed of a 35-mm straight
line with a pointed arrowhead at one end. At the viewing distance of 50 cm each arrow subtended a visual angle of 4 . Each
arrow was enclosed within a circle, and the two circles were
arranged vertically on the page, with a 90-mm center-tocenter distance. BC’s task on each trial was to say whether
or not the arrows were pointing in the same direction. One
hundred and twenty-four stimulus pairs were presented (40
Same pairs and 84 Different pairs). In the Different pairs the
arrows differed in orientation by 30 –180 .
difference only 60% of the time (18/30), c2(1) ¼ 13.3, p < .001.
Thus, BC was impaired in detecting orientation differences
that would be obvious to a normal observer.
BC appeared to have particular difficulty with Different
pairs in which the two arrows were left–right reflections
of one another (e.g., one arrow tilted 30 clockwise and
the other tilted 30 counterclockwise from vertical). As
shown in Table 2, her accuracy was 83% for non-reflected
Different pairs (i.e., pairs in which the arrows were not
left–right or up–down reflections), and 86% for up–down reflections; however, she was only 64% correct on the left–
right reflection pairs, c2(1) ¼ 3.94, p < .05, for the comparison
between left–right reflection pairs and the other two Different types combined. This result suggests that in addition to
difficulty apprehending small angular differences, BC may
also exhibit a tendency specifically to confuse left–right reflections. However, this conclusion must be drawn tentatively, because the stimulus set in Experiment 1 was not
designed to support systematic comparisons among
non-reflected, left–right reflected, and up–down reflected
Different pairs. As is apparent from Table 2, the absolute
orientation difference was not carefully controlled across
the three stimulus types. BC’s orientation processing was
therefore examined more systematically in the following
Experiment 2: reproduction of
line orientation
This experiment used a procedure developed by Dilks et al.
(2004): a target and response line were shown on a computer
monitor, and BC turned a dial to match the orientation of
the response line to that of the target.
Results and discussion
BC responded correctly to all 40 of the Same pairs. However,
she also responded ‘same’ to 18 of the 84 Different pairs
(21%), despite the fact that the smallest orientation difference
between the arrows in a pair was 30 . For pairs with orientation differences of 90 –180 she was 92% correct (50/54); however, for pairs with differences of 30 –60 , she detected the
Stimuli and procedure
BC sat in front of a computer screen (distance 50 cm) divided
into upper and lower halves by a horizontal line (see Fig. 5).
A target line (length 6 cm, width .3 cm, visual angle 6.8 ) was
displayed on the upper half of the screen, and a response
line (length 4.5 cm, width .3 cm, visual angle 5.1 ) on the
Table 2 – BC’s accuracy for Different Pairs in Experiment 1
Orientation difference (deg)
Trial type
Up–down reflected
% Correct
% Correct
Left–right reflected
% Correct
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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
with the target by a 10 clockwise rotation, or a 170
counter-clockwise rotation. For this trial the absolute error
was scored as 10 . Because the smaller of the two rotations
needed to align a response line with a target line cannot
exceed 90 , the maximum possible error on each trial in the
task was 90 .
Fig. 5 – Experiment 2: BC sat in front of a computer screen
showing a target line (top) and a response line (bottom).
The response line rotated about its center when BC turned
a dial on the table in front of her.
lower half; the midpoints of the two lines were aligned vertically with a midpoint-to-midpoint distance of 10.3 cm
(11.6 ). BC was instructed to make the orientation of the response line look exactly like that of the target by turning
a dial on the table. The response line rotated clockwise
and counter-clockwise about its midpoint when the dial
was turned in the corresponding direction. Both lines
remained in view until BC verbally indicated she had completed her response. Instructions made clear that the task
was non-speeded, and that BC could look back and forth between target and response lines as often as she wished. Because of her restricted visual field, the target and response
lines were pointed out to her at the beginning of each trial.
In describing line orientations we designate vertical as 0 ,
and treat tilts clockwise and counterclockwise from vertical
as positive and negative, respectively. For example, a line
tilted 45 counter-clockwise from vertical has an orientation
of 45 , and a horizontal line may be described equivalently
as having a 90 or þ90 orientation.
In Experiment 2a, BC was tested with 12 target orientations: 90 through þ75 , in 15 increments. These orientations are shown along the x-axis in Fig. 7. Three trials per
target orientation were presented in random order. On each
trial, the initial orientation of the response line was 45 or
90 from the target. Three practice trials preceded the 36 test
trials. Experiment 2b was identical except that the target
and response lines were displayed inside circles on the computer screen.
Following Dilks et al. (2004) we calculated the absolute error on each trial as the smaller of the two rotations that would
bring the response line into alignment with the target line.
Consider, for example, a trial with a target line of 15 and
a response line of 25 . The response line could be aligned
Results and discussion
BC’s mean absolute error was 31 in Experiment 2a (range 1 –
88 ) and 27 (range 3 –82 ) in Experiment 2b. For purposes of
illustration, Fig. 6 shows BC’s responses for each of the target
orientations in Experiment 2a. Because her performance was
virtually identical in Experiment 2a and b, results were collapsed across experiments for the analyses reported below.
BC’s absolute errors appear remarkably large, and results
from control participants confirm this impression. Dilks
et al. (2004) tested 12 normal adults with the procedure used
in Experiment 2a, and the mean absolute error ranged from
1.1 to 2.8 across subjects, with a grand mean of 1.6 . BC’s performance was worse even than that of 5–7-year-old children:
for 10 normally-developing 5–7-year-olds, Dilks et al. (2004)
found a mean absolute error of 4.8 , with a range across subjects of 3.0 –7.0 .
The results shown in Fig. 6 suggest that BC’s abnormally
high absolute error scores may have resulted in part from
a tendency to mirror-reflect the orientation of oblique target
lines. For example, the figure shows that BC’s responses to
45 targets in Experiment 2a all fell close to the mirror-reflection orientation of 45 .
The scatterplot in Fig. 7 presents BC’s error pattern more
fully and succinctly. The figure plots each response from
Experiment 2a and b, with the target orientation on the xaxis and BC’s response orientation on the y-axis. For each
target orientation, a correct response would fall on the diagonal with positive slope (solid line in Fig. 7), and a mirror
reflection response on the negative-sloping diagonal
(dashed line). The scatterplot shows that BC’s responses
fell in the vicinity of either the target or its mirror-reflected
orientation. Across the 60 trials with oblique target orientations, BC’s response was closer to the target orientation
than to the mirror-reflected orientation in 33 instances
(55%); these are the points in the upper right and lower
left quadrants of the scatterplot. However, on 27 of the 60
oblique-target trials (45%) her response was closer to the
target’s mirror reflection than to the correct orientation;
these responses appear in the upper left and lower right
Although the scatterplot in Fig. 7 suggests a systematic
tendency to mirror-reflect the target orientation, more formal
evidence is required. In presenting this evidence it will be
useful to characterize the orientation of a line in terms of
a tilt magnitude and a tilt direction. For example, a line
with an orientation of 30 has a tilt magnitude of 30 and
a tilt direction of negative (counter-clockwise). Given the
magnitude/direction distinction, the mirror reflection of
a line is the line with the same tilt magnitude but the opposite tilt direction.
In the scatterplot (Fig. 7) trials for which BC’s response
line had the same tilt direction as the target line are
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Fig. 6 – BC’s responses in individual trials in Experiment 2. BC’s responses were very inaccurate, errors ranging up to the
possible maximum. The response pattern suggests she frequently mirror-reflected the target when producing her response.
The thick lines depict the target orientation and the thin lines show individual responses. Depicted results are from
Experiment 2a, and mean absolute errors are averaged across all three trials per target orientation.
depicted in the lower-left and upper-right quadrants. Trials
for which the response line had a tilt direction opposite to
that of the target appear in the upper-left and lower-right
quadrants. The scatterplot shows that BC’s responses to
oblique targets were frequently tilted in the wrong direction. However, this result does not by itself demonstrate
that BC often mirror-reflected the target orientation in producing her responses. Even in the absence of a systematic
tendency toward mirror-reflection, BC could have produced
some wrong-direction responses. Perhaps, for example, on
some trials BC responded randomly, without regard to the
orientation of the target line. Random responses to oblique
targets would be tilted in the wrong direction about half of
the time by chance. Another possibility is that on some trials BC encoded an oblique target line only as ‘tilted,’ without representing the orientation more specifically (see,
e.g., Bryant, 1969, for a similar suggestion concerning young
children’s difficulty in tasks requiring discrimination of
oblique lines). A ‘tilted’ target encoding would dictate
a tilted response, but would not specify the tilt direction
(or magnitude). As a consequence, the resulting responses
would be tilted in the wrong direction about half of the
To say that BC mirror-reflected a target is to say that she
responded systematically to the target’s tilt magnitude
while nevertheless tilting her response line in the wrong direction. Accordingly, in true mirror-reflection responses, we
would expect the tilt magnitude of the response line to be
correlated with the tilt magnitude of the target line. For example, mirror-reflection responses to targets with a tilt
magnitude of 60 should have a larger tilt magnitude than
mirror-reflection responses to targets with a tilt magnitude
of 30 .
Therefore, if BC’s wrong-direction responses are true mirror reflections, we expect these responses to show a correlation between target and response tilt magnitude. In contrast,
the alternative interpretations for the wrong-direction responses – random responding or encoding of oblique target
lines only as ‘tilted’ – predict that target and response tilt magnitude should be uncorrelated. According to these interpretations, information about the target’s tilt magnitude does not
contribute to wrong-direction responses.
The scatterplot in Fig. 7 suggests that target and response
tilt magnitude are indeed correlated across BC’s wrong-direction responses: within each of the wrong-direction quadrants the response tilt magnitude appears to vary
systematically with the target tilt magnitude. Consistent
with this impression, the correlation between target and response tilt magnitude across the 27 wrong-direction responses is .63, and this correlation is significant beyond
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Experiment 2a
Experiment 2b
Response Orientation
-90° -75° -60° -45° -30° -15°
15° 30° 45° 60° 75°
Target Orientation
Fig. 7 – Experiment 2: a scatterplot of BC’s responses
( y-axis) in individual trials according to target orientation
(x-axis). Responses fall along two opposite diagonals, one
that depicts correct target orientations (solid line) and one
that depicts the targets’ mirror reflection (dashed line).
the .01 level.2 The relationship between target and response
tilt magnitude is also evident in the mean tilt magnitude of
the responses to each target tilt magnitude: for target tilt
magnitudes of 15 , 30 , 45 , 60 , and 75 the mean response
tilt magnitudes were 32 , 32 , 48 , 65 , and 70 , respectively.
These results demonstrate that BC showed a strong and systematic tendency to mirror-reflect the target orientation in
producing her responses.
BC’s high absolute error scores (mean ¼ 31 ) clearly resulted
in part from her frequent mirror-reflection of targets. However,
in addition to these tilt-direction errors she also evidenced substantial imprecision in reproducing tilt magnitude, in both correct- and wrong-direction responses. This imprecision is
evident in the scatterplot: BC’s responses usually did not fall exactly on either the correct or mirror-reflection diagonal. Her
mean tilt magnitude error was 20.3 for horizontal and vertical
target lines, 10.9 for correct-direction responses to oblique target lines, and 15.7 for wrong-direction responses to oblique
It might appear that since we are considering only the points
in the upper left and lower right quadrants of the scatterplot, we
are guaranteed to find a non-zero correlation. However, by computing the correlation over tilt magnitude values (which range
from 0 to 90 ) rather than full orientation values (which range
from 90 to 90 ) we in effect collapse the upper left and lower
right quadrants of the scatterplot into a single square region.
For example, 30 and 30 targets both enter the analysis as target tilt magnitudes of 30 . Given that the correlation was computed over a square ‘space,’ the computed value could in
principle have ranged from 1.0 to þ1.0.
targets. (For wrong-direction responses error was assessed relative to the orientation of the target’s mirror reflection.)
In contrast to BC the normal adults tested in the Dilks et al.
(2004) study showed no tendency to mirror-reflect the target,
and were far more accurate in matching the target’s tilt magnitude (mean absolute error ¼ 1.6 ). The same was true of the 5–7year-old children tested by Dilks et al.: these children made no
mirror reflection errors, and were much more accurate than
BC in reproducing tilt magnitude (mean absolute error ¼ 4.8 ).
Hence, the results of Experiment 2 suggest two forms of impairment: a strong tendency to mirror-reflect the target, and greaterthan-normal imprecision in reproducing tilt magnitude.
However, one might wonder whether BC’s restricted visual
field – rather than impairments in processing orientation information – might be responsible for her poor performance on the
task. BC’s visual field is wide enough that she could readily see
the entire target line or the entire response line at once; however, she could not see the entire target-plus-response-line display simultaneously, and so had to look back and forth between
the target and response lines. Although she was free to look
back and forth as often as she desired (and typically did so
many times on each trial) her inability to see both lines at
once may have increased the difficulty of the task.
Results from Dilks et al. (2004) indicate, however, that BC’s
poor performance cannot be attributed solely to her restricted visual field. The Dilks et al. study included not only a No-Delay condition in which target and response lines were displayed
simultaneously (as in the present experiment), but also a Delay
condition in which the target line was removed before the response line was presented for adjustment. In the Delay condition
participants first inspected the target line for as long as they
wished; the target line then disappeared from the screen, and after a 5-sec delay the response line was displayed. We would expect the Delay task to be more difficult than the task faced by
BC in the present experiment, because the Dilks et al. participants
could not look back at the target once it was removed. Hence, if
BC’s poor performance reflected only her inability to see both
lines at once, the participants in the Dilks et al. Delay condition
should have performed even more poorly.
Looking first at mirror-reflection errors, Dilks et al.’s adult
participants made none in the Delay condition, and even the
5–7-year-old children made very few. Clearly, then, BC’s tendency to mirror-reflect the target cannot be attributed to her
inability to see both target and response lines at once. With respect to matching the tilt magnitude of the target, the adults
in the Dilks et al. Delay condition were far more accurate
than BC (mean absolute error ¼ 3.8 , range ¼ 2.0 –5.2 ), and
the 5–7-year-old children were comparable to BC even though
they were about 10 years younger than she (mean absolute
error ¼ 15.9 , range 8.1 –21.1 ). Given especially that BC could
look back and forth between the target and response lines
whereas the participants in the Dilks et al. Delay condition
could not, these data strongly suggest that BC’s imprecision
in reproducing the target’s tilt magnitude is greater than
would be expected solely from her inability to see both target
and response lines at once. We conclude that BC’s frequent
mirror reflection errors, and probably also her tilt magnitude
imprecision, stem from impairments in processing orientation information, and cannot be attributed solely to her
restricted visual field.
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Experiment 3: tactile reproduction
of line orientation
The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether BC’s
tendency to mirror-reflect oblique lines extends to the tactile
modality. While seated at a table blindfolded, BC felt the orientation of a fixed wooden target stick, and then rotated a response stick to match the target orientation.
Stimuli and procedure
The experiment was conducted in two parts (Experiment 3a
and b). In both parts the response apparatus consisted of
a wooden stick (11.5 cm long, 1 cm wide, 2 mm thick) mounted
to a flat surface with a bolt through its center, such that it
could rotate about the center. BC was instructed to turn the response stick so that its orientation exactly matched the target.
She was given unlimited time to respond.
In Experiment 3a the target was a wooden stick (36 mm
long, 2 mm wide, and 2 mm thick) fixed to a flat surface. The
target was placed on the table directly in front of BC, and
the response apparatus was positioned to the left of the target.
BC felt the target stick with her right hand and adjusted the response stick with her left hand. The target orientations ranged
from 90 through þ75 in 15 increments and were tested in
1–3 trials each, with a total of 18 trials.
In Experiment 3b the target stick was the same size as the
response stick. The target was positioned on the table immediately in front of BC, and the response apparatus was directly
above the target (i.e., on the table farther away from BC). She
used her (dominant) left hand both to feel the stimulus and to
rotate the response. She was encouraged to go back and forth
between the target and response sticks whenever necessary.
Twenty-four trials were presented, with the same target orientations as in Experiment 3a.
Results and discussion
BC’s performance was very similar to that observed with
visual stimuli. Her absolute error scores ranged from 0 to
89 (max ¼ 90 ) with an average of 29.0 . As in Experiment 2,
BC’s responses showed both imprecision and a tendency toward mirror reflections (see Figs. 8 and 9). With respect to mirror reflection, responses with a tilt direction opposite to that of
the target (i.e., responses falling closer to the target’s mirror
reflection than to the target orientation) occurred in both Experiment 3a and b. These wrong-direction responses, which
appear in the upper left and lower-right quadrants of the scatterplot in Fig. 9, were observed on 41% of the oblique trials (12/
29) overall (comparable to 45% in Experiment 2). Among the
wrong-direction responses to oblique targets, the correlation
between target and response tilt magnitude was positive
(.27), suggesting that BC was responding to the tilt magnitude
of the target line even when she tilted her response line in the
wrong direction. This correlation did not, however, reach significance, perhaps due to the small number of data points (12,
vs. 27 in Experiment 2), and to the presence of a single outlier
Fig. 8 – Examples of BC’s reflection errors in tactile
reproduction of line orientation, Experiments 3a
(horizontal alignment, small stimuli) and b (vertical
alignment, larger stimuli). Thick lines show the target
orientation, and thin lines responses in individual trials.
(target 30 , response 82 ) in which BC’s wrong-direction response was quite discrepant in tilt magnitude from the target.
(With this outlier excluded the correlation rises to .47.) Nevertheless, the data strongly suggest that BC frequently mirrorreflected the target line in making her responses.
In addition to mirror reflections BC showed substantial imprecision in reproducing the target’s tilt magnitude. For response with the correct tilt direction, the mean absolute
distance from target orientation was 13.3 , and for wrongdirection responses the mean distance from the reflection of
the target location was 18.2 .
In sum, BC’s performance in the tactile line orientation reproduction task was very similar to that in the visual version. In both
versions she exhibited imprecision, and a tendency to mirror-reflect oblique lines. These results suggest that her impairments in
representing line orientation affect processing of orientation information from both visual and tactile modalities.
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Experiment 3a
Experiment 3b
reflect a particular alignment of the target and response lines
on the screen, the experiment was conducted in two conditions, in which the target and the response displays were
arranged vertically (Experiment 4a) and horizontally (Experiment 4b) on the computer screen.
Response Orientation
Stimuli and procedure
The target and response lines used in Experiment 2 were modified such that one end of both lines had a red tip. The lines
were placed inside circles. Twenty-four target orientations
(180 through 165 in 15 increments) were each tested in 4
trials in both Experiment 4a and b. One Experiment 4b trial
was discarded due to experimenter error. Stimuli and procedure were otherwise identical to those in Experiment 2.
-90° -75° -60° -45° -30° -15°
15° 30° 45° 60° 75°
Target Orientation
Fig. 9 – Experiment 3: a scatterplot depicting BC’s
responses ( y-axis) in individual trials according to target
orientation (x-axis). Responses fall along two opposite
diagonals, one that depicts correct target orientations
(solid line) and one that depicts the targets’ mirror
reflection (dashed line).
Experiment 4: visual orientation
reproduction for lines with differentiated ends
Results and discussion
As in the preceding experiments, BC’s responses were very inaccurate. The mean absolute error was 27.0 in Experiment 4a
(vertical target–response alignment) and 31.1 in Experiment
4b (horizontal alignment).
Once again the response pattern showed not only imprecision but also mirror reflection of oblique target orientations.
We first classified BC’s responses to oblique targets according
to the location of the red tip in the response line relative to its
location in the target line. As illustrated in Fig. 10, the classification was based on a division of the target and response displays into quadrants defined by horizontal and vertical axes
Experiments 1–3 demonstrated that BC made frequent mirrorreflection errors in tasks requiring her to process the orientation
of a line. However, one question that has not yet been addressed
systematically concerns the specific form of the reflections: Do
BC’s mirror-reflection errors result from left–right reflection of
target lines (i.e., reflection across a vertical axis), from up–
down reflection (i.e., reflection across a horizontal axis), or
from a mixture of both error types? Experiment 1 suggested
that BC was more likely to confuse a line with its left–right reflection than with its up–down reflection; however, this experiment
was not designed to support systematic comparisons between
left–right and up–down reflections. Nor can Experiments 2 and
3 resolve the issue. Because the stimulus lines in these experiments were identical at both ends, left–right and up–down reflections could not be distinguished. For example, a 45
response to a 45 target line (see, e.g., Fig. 8A) could have occurred via either left–right or up–down reflection of the target.
Experiment 4 was designed to investigate the direction of
reflection. The procedure was the same as that in Experiment
2, except that one end of each target and response line was
red. To rule out the possibility that BC’s error pattern might
Fig. 10 – Illustration of the four categories into which
responses were sorted in Experiment 4: correct-quadrant,
left–right adjacent quadrant, up–down adjacent quadrant,
and opposite quadrant. The black dot at one end of each
line indicates the location of the red tip.
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Table 3 – BC’s responses for oblique targets in Experiment
4, classified according to their location among the four
possible quadrants defined relative to the target
orientation (correct quadrant, left–right adjacent,
up–down adjacent, opposite quadrant)
Experimental condition
(Exp. 4a)
(Exp. 4b)
(Exp. 4a
and b)
Experiment 4
Left-Right Reflection
Up-Down Reflection
Response Orientation
through the midpoint of the line. (Note that these quadrants
should not be confused with quadrants in a scatterplot.) Responses were classified into one of four categories: correct
quadrant, left–right adjacent quadrant, up–down adjacent
quadrant, and opposite quadrant (see Fig. 10 for examples).
Left–right adjacent responses are potential left–right reflections, and up–down adjacent responses are potential up–
down reflections. Table 3 presents the distribution of
responses across categories in Experiments 4a and b. The pattern was virtually identical in the two experiments (c2 < 1).
Collapsing across experiments, 65% of the responses fell into
the correct quadrant, 26% into the left–right adjacent quadrant, 8% into the up–down adjacent quadrant, and 1% into
the opposite quadrant. One point immediately apparent
from these results is that BC was sensitive to the red tips on
the target and response lines. Had she ignored the red tips,
no difference in frequency should have been found between
correct- and opposite-quadrant responses, or between left–
right adjacent and up–down adjacent responses. (See Fig. 10
for illustrations of these orientations.) In fact, however, correct-quadrant responses were significantly more frequent
than opposite-quadrant responses (101 vs 1, respectively,
p < .001 by binomial test), and left–right adjacent responses
were significantly more frequent than up–down adjacent responses (41 vs 13, respectively, p < .001).
The finding that many of BC’s responses fell into the left–
right adjacent quadrant suggests that she frequently made
left–right reflection errors, and the scatterplot in Fig. 11 corroborates this conclusion. The scatterplot is somewhat more
complex than those from Experiments 2 and 3: because one
end of each line was marked, target and response orientations
varied from 180 to 165 , and the maximum possible error
was 180 . As in the previous scatterplots, correct responses
lie along the major diagonal with positive slope (the solid diagonal in Fig. 11), and left–right reflections fall along the major
negative-slope diagonal (dashed line in the figure). Up–down
reflections lie along the minor negative-slope diagonals in
the upper right and lower-left sections of the scatterplot
Target Orientation
Fig. 11 – Experiment 4: a scatterplot showing BC’s
responses (x-axis) in individual trials according to target
orientations ( y-axis). Responses fall along four diagonals,
one that depicts correct target orientations (solid line), two
that depict left–right reflections (dotted line) and one that
depicts up–down reflections (broken line). The majority of
the reflection responses occurred in the left–right direction.
(dotted lines in the figure). For example, the up–down reflection for a 45 target is 135 , which lies along the negative diagonal in the upper right section. The small squares in the
scatterplot are systematically related to the four response categories: correct-quadrant responses are those within the
squares lying along the correct-response diagonal (i.e., the
major positive diagonal); left–right adjacent responses are
within the squares that lie along the left–right reflection diagonal (the major negative diagonal); up–down adjacent responses are in the squares along the up–down reflection
diagonals (the minor negative-slope diagonals), and opposite-quadrant responses are in the four remaining (and virtually empty) squares.
The pattern in the scatterplot shows that the vast majority
of responses lie along either the correct-response diagonal, or
along the left–right reflection diagonal. The latter result suggests that BC often left–right reflected the target in producing
her response. To determine whether the apparent left–right
reflections were true reflections (as opposed to, say, random
responses that happened by chance to fall within the left–
right adjacent quadrant), we assessed whether BC was
responding to the target’s tilt magnitude even when she tilted
her response line in the wrong left–right direction. In particular we computed the correlation between target and response
tilt magnitude across all responses with an incorrect left–right
tilt direction: the 41 left–right adjacent responses, and the 1
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opposite-quadrant response.3 The correlation was extremely
high: .92 ( p < .001). This finding rules out the possibility that
the wrong-left–right-direction errors resulted from random
responding or encoding of the target merely as ‘tilted,’ and
strongly supports the conclusion that BC frequently made
true left–right reflections in performing the task.
The scatterplot in Fig. 11 also gives evidence of imprecision: BC’s responses rarely fell exactly on either the correct
or the left–right reflection diagonal. For correct-quadrant responses, her mean absolute error was 12.7 , and for left–right
adjacent responses the mean distance from the target’s left–
right reflection was 18.1 .
Whereas the data from Experiment 4 give clear evidence
of left–right mirror reflections, and imprecise matching of
target tilt magnitude, no clear evidence of up–down reflections was observed. Only 13 of BC’s responses to oblique targets (8%) fell into the up–down adjacent quadrant (compared
to 41 left–right adjacent responses). Furthermore, all 13 of
the up–down adjacent responses involved target orientations
within 30 of horizontal, and 10 of the 13 involved targets
only 15 from horizontal. Given the imprecision in BC’s responses, most or all of these responses could have resulted
simply from imprecise reproduction of the target’s tilt magnitude (rather than being true up–down reflections). For example, on one trial BC responded to a target of 75 (15
above horizontal) by setting her response line to 94 (4 below horizontal). This response may have resulted merely
from imprecision in reproducing the 75 tilt magnitude, instead of being a true reflection of the target across the horizontal axis.
Inspection of Fig. 11 reinforces these points. Note that responses on or near the up–down reflection diagonals (the
negative minor diagonal) occur only for targets near the horizontal orientations (90 and 90 ). Note also that these responses fall reasonably close to the correct response,
suggesting that they may result from simple imprecision.
Note in contrast that left–right reflections occurred not
only for orientations close to the vertical axis, but also for
far-from-vertical orientations (e.g., 45 ). These latter errors
clearly cannot be interpreted as resulting from simple imprecision. Hence, the results provide clear evidence of frequent left–right reflection errors but no clear evidence of
up–down reflections. Conceivably, BC occasionally made
true up–down reflection errors, but such errors, if any,
were far less frequent and less flagrant than the left–right
To summarize, the present results confirmed the finding
from previous experiments that BC exhibits imprecision and
reflection errors in processing line orientation. In addition,
the results establish that BC’s reflection errors are predominantly if not entirely left–right reflections. This result is
consistent with the findings from Experiment 1, which suggested that BC was more likely to confuse left–right reflections
than up–down reflections.
This correlation in effect collapses the upper left and lower
right quadrants of the scatterplot into a single square region. Including opposite-quadrant as well as left–right-adjacent responses ensures that the area is in fact square, and hence that
the correlation could in principle range from 1.0 to 1.0.
We investigated orientation perception in BC, a young woman
who suffered bilateral occipital and parietal cortical damage
at an early age. Results from four experiments revealed that
BC was severely impaired in discriminating and reproducing
line orientations, and that in addition to general imprecision,
her errors involved left–right mirror reflections. We presented
evidence to show that BC’s impaired performance could not
be attributed to her restricted visual field. Further, we demonstrated that the mirror-reflection errors were true mirror reflections, and not random responses or responses resulting
from encoding of oblique targets merely as ‘tilted.’
Additional results indicated that a visuo-motor impairment could not account for BC’s error pattern. The four orientation experiments encompassed three different forms of
response: same–different judgments (Experiment 1), turning
a dial to adjust the orientation of a response line (Experiments
2 and 4), and turning a wooden stick to match the orientation
of a target stick (Experiment 3). Despite the widely differing
visuo-motor requirements, BC’s performance pattern was
consistent across tasks: imprecision in processing target tilt
magnitude, and a strong tendency to mirror-reflect the target
(with left–right reflections predominating in tasks that
allowed us to distinguish left–right and up–down reflections).
Furthermore, whereas visuo-motor deficits could conceivably
cause reflection errors given some forms of response (e.g.,
drawing), it is not at all clear how visuo-motor impairment
would lead to systematic mirror reflections with the dial-turning procedure used in Experiments 2 and 4. Finally, the same–
different procedure in Experiment 1 did not require any form
of visuo-motor response, yet still revealed difficulty discriminating similar tilt magnitudes and confusion of left–right mirror reflections.
Our findings are consistent with a large body of empirical
research showing that humans and other animals confuse
mirror-reflected oblique orientations more easily than oblique
orientations that are not mirror-reflections, even when the
degree of rotation between the stimuli is the same (Bornstein
et al., 1978; Bornstein, 1982; Appelle, 1972; Corballis and Beale,
1976; Rudel, 1982). The results also extend findings from braindamaged individuals with selective impairments in lateral
mirror-image discrimination tasks with object and line stimuli (Riddoch and Humphreys, 1988; McCloskey et al., 1995;
Turnbull and McCarthy, 1996; Turnbull et al., 1997; McCloskey
and Rapp, 2000a, 2000b; Davidoff and Warrington, 2001;
McCloskey, 2004; Riddoch et al., 2004).
Previous research has suggested that occipito-parietal
areas of the brain are important for orientation perception
and mirror-image discrimination, and patients with orientation impairments often have suffered brain damage to these
areas (e.g., Turnbull and McCarthy, 1996; Davidoff and Warrington, 2001; Priftis et al., 2003; Riddoch et al., 2004). Given
that BC’s lesions implicate occipital and parietal regions, our
results are consistent with these findings. However, because
BC’s brain damage is extensive and probably diffuse, and because we lack precise lesion localization data, we cannot
draw strong conclusions about the specific lesion loci implicated in her impaired performance on the orientation tasks.
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cortex 44 (2008) 1171–1187
BC’s reflection errors may be interpreted by assuming that
the underlying orientation representations are compositional.
We suggest that at some level(s) of mental representation the
orientation of a line is represented relative to a reference axis
(e.g., vertical), with tilt direction and tilt magnitude specified
separately. For example, a line orientation of 45 clockwise
from vertical might be represented as [tilt direction þ], [tilt magnitude 45 ]. Given these assumptions, BC’s pattern of left–right
reflection errors may be interpreted by assuming that she
sometimes failed to represent the direction of tilt from a vertical reference axis. For example, she may sometimes have represented a target line tilted 45 clockwise from vertical only as
[tilt magnitude 45 ], and hence may have been equally likely to
orient her response clockwise or counterclockwise from the
vertical. The imprecision in BC’s reproduction of tilt magnitude may be explained by assuming that whereas she is able
to encode tilt magnitude, she does so with less than normal
Most if not all of BC’s reflection errors occurred in the left–
right direction (i.e., across a vertical axis), suggesting that she
represented line orientation relative to a vertical reference
meridian. A horizontal reference axis might also be used for
representing orientation; however, our data do not directly
speak to this possibility, given that BC usually or perhaps always used a vertical reference meridian.
Our hypothesis concerning representation of line orientation may be viewed as an elaboration on theoretical suggestions offered previously in the literature. McCloskey et al.
(1995), McCloskey and Rapp (2000a, 2000b) and McCloskey
(2004) have suggested that mental representations of spatial
locations have compositional structure. According to their hypothesis, spatial locations are represented in a mental coordinate system defined by reference axes projected from an
origin, with direction of displacement from the origin specified separately from displacement distance for each axis. In
addition, as mentioned earlier, Rudel and Teuber (1963), Olson
and Hildyard (1977) and Rudel (1982) have suggested that oblique line orientations have a more complex representational
structure than cardinal orientations do. In this paper we
have postulated a representational system consistent with
this suggestion, in which the complexity of obliques and the
stability and priority of a vertical meridian become explicit
and understandable. Finally, some authors (e.g., Riddoch
et al., 2004) have discussed encoding of stimulus ‘handedness’
(which corresponds to tilt direction at least in the case of simple line stimuli) in terms suggesting that handedness might be
represented separately from other aspects of orientation (e.g.,
tilt magnitude). (See McCloskey et al., 2006, for further discussion of orientation representation.)
Separate representation of tilt direction and magnitude relative to a vertical reference meridian might make a number of
symmetry-related effects understandable. While the perspective in this paper so far has been on mirror images as stimuli
problematic for the visual system, there is a second side to this
coin. The visual system is specially tuned to recognize the
principal meridians (e.g., Heeley and Buchanan-Smith, 1990),
and symmetry with respect to the vertical is easier to detect
than other symmetries (Herbert and Humphrey, 1996).
Humans detect mirror symmetries more easily than other
types of symmetries: the percept seems to emerge effortlessly
and automatically under a wide range of tasks and conditions
(Wagemans, 1995), and mirror symmetry can be computed
from structures that can take on various orientations with respect to a vertical axis of symmetry (Rainville and Kingdom,
2000). Even neuropsychological patients with visual neglect
who are incapable of making explicit symmetry judgments
may nevertheless exhibit normal symmetry perception in
tasks requiring figure-ground segregation (Driver et al.,
1992). Presumably, detection of bilateral symmetry with respect to a vertical axis might be inherently easy for an organism that operates a visual system maintaining a level of
representation at which the left–right direction of angular
orientation is coded separately from the orientation’s tilt
(and left–right direction is coded separately from distance in
location representations). A process monitoring whether [direction þ] and [direction ] components are simultaneously activated with the same tilt value (in the case of orientation
representations) or distance value (for location representations) could function as means of symmetry detection.
Finally, an interesting aspect of our results is that BC’s reflection errors with lines also occurred with tactile stimuli.
This finding indicates that vision and touch are both valid
modes of input for the mental spatial coordinate system we
have postulated for compositional representation of line orientations. Vision and touch are sense modalities that are
known to share processing resources at a cognitive and at
a physical level; for example, brain-imaging studies have
demonstrated that tactile discriminations of orientation recruit visual cortical areas of the brain (Sathian et al., 1997),
and that disrupting the function of the visual areas of the cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) interferes
with tactile discrimination of orientation (Zangaladze et al.,
1999). One possibility is that the locus of BC’s orientation deficit is visual, but the tactile orientation task is performed using
visual (or visual-like) representations constructed from the
tactile input in the visual areas of the brain. Alternatively, it
is also possible that the locus of impairment in BC is not purely
visual, but rather arises at a higher, supra-modal level of
The authors thank BC and her parents for their help, patience
and good humor. We also thank Jason E. Reiss for computer
programming, and Emma Gregory for her help in the designing the experiments. Some results from patient BC were summarized in McCloskey et al. (2006).
This research was supported by The Fulbright Center and
The University of Helsinki.
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