Mining Policy
Recent papers in Mining Policy
Since the mid-2000s, the world has seen an unprecedented expansion in corporate resource extraction. This global phenomenon has not been restricted to the Global South, but has also been, unexpectedly and interestingly, felt in the Global... more
Sömürgecilik ve emperyalizm yeryüzünden yok olacak ve yerlerine milletler arasında hiçbir renk, din ve ırk farkı gözetmeyen yeni bir ahenk ve işbirliği çağı geçecektir. "
Söyleyerek paylaşmak "Su üstüne yazı yazmak" gibi bir şeydir. Her zaman yazarak paylaşmayı tercih etmişimdir. Eleştirinin olmadığı yerde demokrasiden, adaletten, özgürlükten bahsetmenin olanağı yoktur. Sorunları görmezlikten ve... more
This paper traces the temporal tactics of continually renewed coloniality—where some impasses are made to appear insurmountable while others demand swift solutions—in relation to housing and mining at Borroloola in Australia's Northern... more
Mobile phones and other high-technology communications devices could not exist without mineral commodities. More than one-half of all components in a mobile device including its electronics, display, battery, speakers, and more are made... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 100.yılında kömür madenciliğinin Cumhuriyet öncesi, sonrası ve bugünkü durumunun anlatıldığı bu yazıda kronolojik bir derleme çalışması yapılarak genel bir özet verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kömürün her dönemde... more
El artículo ensaya una aproximación teórico-metodológica a la acumulación de derechos de agua en el sector de la minería metálica en México. Se reflexiona sobre la configuración histórica del orden jurídico que, orientado hacia el... more
The mining industries of Sweden and Finland currently face several policy issues around investment, stakeholder involvement, and sustainability. Since the two countries garnered significant attention during the mining boom, research from... more
This issue of material criticality has been receiving much attention recently from governments all over the world. The United States and the European Union have two different definitions of what makes a material critical. The United... more
The main goal of this paper is to reveal the extent of the import dependency on electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply (EGSA), the basic component of energy, in Turkey. Such that growing industrialization in Turkey has... more
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde gerek kapitülasyonlar gerekse yetersiz sanayi kuruluşları sebepleriyle madenler ülke hesabına kullanılamadı. Kapitülasyonlardan yararlanan Avrupalılar, Türk madenlerini kendi fabrikaları için kullanma... more
The market of thermical coal in Colombia has a big potential throughout the world, however the actual infrastructure conditions and the high logistic prices of transport have not allowed this country to develop itself into the dominant... more
This volume focuses on how, why, under what conditions, and with what effects people move across space in relation to mining, asking how a focus on spatial mobility can aid scholars and policymakers in understanding the complex relation... more
Mining is a land-based activity and mining companies have to negotiate with local landowners their license to operate. Even when they succeed in negotiating impact and benefit agreements with local communities, and start their operations,... more
Mining has been an economic activity whose importance is increasing day by day as a driving force behind industrialization since ancient times. The Industrial Revolution owes its historically striking changes to the developments in the... more
El artículo utiliza una metodología de investigación de tipo descriptivo, analítico, en base a una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de analizar la relación entre la gestión sostenible del agua y la gran minería del oro en Perú. Se... more
This study has been prepared within the UNU-WIDER project on 'Extractives for development (E4D)', which is part of a larger research project on 'Macro-economic management (M-EM)'.
Small-scale gold mining of the nontraditional type in the area of Upper Ambalanga River basin in Benguet province in the Philippines has been going on for many years. Mercury being an illegal substance, people hide its use and the local... more
For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.... more
Swedish press debate regarding the idea of a 'circular economy' is analysed to enable critical reflection on the development and use of the concept. We examine how actor positions formed around ideas of increased circularity. Using press... more
who are members of the Groupe de recherche sur les activités minières en Afrique (GRAMA), which is part of the Centre Études Internationales et Mondialisation of the Faculty of Political Science and Law of the Université du Québec à... more
About 80% of all molybdenum mined in the world (not including units recovered via recycling) is used as an alloying element in iron and steel. In general, the intensity of molybdenum use in China is still lower than in more highly... more
Several evaluations of contemporary left-of-center governments in South America suggest that natural resource governance in the region has become post-neoliberal only in the sense that States augmented the appropriation and distribution... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
was utilized for assesing the competetion.And then, swot analysis is done chrome mining lastly, strategic evaluation is done in the context of assesments and analysis for chrome mining and various suppestions have been made about the... more
- by Yücel Erol
Publicaciones de la CEPAL Gracias por su interés en esta publicación de la CEPAL Si desea recibir información oportuna sobre nuestros productos editoriales y actividades, le invitamos a registrarse. Podrá definir sus áreas de interés y... more
Entre los debates en torno a la política minera en Argentina se destacan las referencias a la propiedad de los recursos. Se suele señalar el artículo constitucional que reconoce el dominio originario de las provincias sobre los recursos... more
En las últimas décadas, el país asiático promovió la minería aurífera y varias comunidades indígenas se vieron forzadas a abandonar sus tierras y sus formas de vida tradicionales. Desde 2015 hasta 2021, el Servicio Geológico de la India... more
James K. Polk receives far less attention than his peers shortly before or after his presidency. This alone is reason to welcome this sweeping volume on one of the most consequential early US presidents, one whose legacy continues to... more
For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.... more
Este artículo o paper académico hace un recorrido sobre la megamiería en México, dándole una interpretación a partir del concepto antropológico de "reciprocidad negativa". Es decir, cuando las empresas mineras pagan migajas a las... more
El presente trabajo expone la gestión comunitaria del agua como estrategia para enfrentar la amenaza de explotación minera desde el estudio de caso del Sistema Comunitario de Agua Tarqui-Victoria del Portete en la provincia de Azuay,... more
En terminos de recursos naturales America Latina es la region mas rica del mundo. Las multiples finalidades de la naturaleza -subsistencia para las comunidades, ingresos para los Estados, commodities para las companias, y biodiversidad... more
Los conflictos socioambientales se han multiplicado en Mexico y en otras partes del Sur global durante los primeros tres lustros del nuevo milenio. Estos conflictos giran en torno a los megaproyectos de mineria, la construccion de grandes... more
T his paper studies the relationship between mega-mining and the human right to water in Mexico, based on its role in national development. From political ecology and ecological economics, it is pertinent to investigate the water... more
The present review describes electrochemical methods for the recovery of chemical feedstocks from waste materials.
El proyecto de ley de protección de glaciares ha suscitado gran interés político, empresarial, social y científico y se ha constituido como un conflicto socioambiental que va más allá de un territorio específico y que ha permitido... more
En este artículo estudiamos el conflicto social vinculado a un megaproyecto minero en la zona de Íntag, en el Ecuador, desde una perspectiva que combina la geografía crítica y la ecología política. Analizamos en qué medida el conflicto,... more
Abstract The objective of this paper is to test the hypothesis that cyclical metal mining activity is more stable when multi-metal products are produced. A theoretical short-run supply curve for a metal is developed showing by-product,... more
The slowing of the Chinese economy and falling global commodity prices in recent years have raised questions about the future of China as a stable source of demand for commodities. Many commentators have argued that China’s growth will... more
The risk of resource depletion for future generations of humanity is often cited as an important issue. The choice of impact categories and characterization models for resource extraction in LCA is no more precise than other impact... more
Cumhuriyetin 100. yılında, 100 yıllık madencilik serüvenini özetlemeye çalıştım. Rakamlar ve grafiklerden ziyade ülkemizin siyasi tercihleri ve ekonomik koşullarına paralel olarak incelemeye çalıştım. Bir arşiv belgesi niteliğinde... more