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The POLINARES project has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007(FP7/ -2013 under Grant Agreement no 244516 Purpose: To assess and determine how the risks and criteria identified in previous... more
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      MineralsMining PolicyMiningMining Law
This book explores the emergence of civil society organizations at the national level that reject neoliberal mining policies adopted in the 1990s in Latin American countries. Authors assess the impact of civil society mobilization on... more
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      Latin American StudiesMining Policy
Este trabajo presenta un marco teórico para estudiar procesos de construcción de sustentabilidad ambiental. Los tres ejes del marco teórico son; la problematización e institucionalización de problemas ambientales, el reconocimiento de la... more
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      Latin American StudiesMulticulturalismEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceMining Policy
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      MaterialsMining PolicyEconomics of Rare Earth elementsIllegal Mining and Its Impact on Environment
Turkey has very diverse mineral deposits due to its extremely complex geology. The country is a major producer of a great many industrial minerals including boron minerals. A wide variety of primary metallic minerals and a significant... more
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      Mining PolicyMining
ÖZET: Türkiye madencilik sektörünün 1980'li yıllara kadar sürdürdüğü kamu ağırlıklı yapısı, bu tarihten sonra, gerek kamu madencilik kuruluşlarına gerekli olan yatırımların yapılmaması, gerekse kapatma ya da özelleştirmeler yoluyla özel... more
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      Mining PolicyMining
En el presente artículo, el autor busca discutir la movilización social como órgano de control de las políticas ambientales. Para ello, toma en consideración el caso de San Carlos y como es que ello derivó en la sanción de la Ley... more
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      Political InstitutionsArgentinaMining PolicyEnvironmental Sustainability
Since the mid-2000s, the world has seen an unprecedented expansion in corporate resource extraction. This global phenomenon has not been restricted to the Global South, but has also been, unexpectedly and interestingly, felt in the Global... more
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      Political EconomySpatial AnalysisNatural ResourcesArctic Social Science
Mine closure is an area where the mining industry can demonstrate its commitment to the principles of sustainability. Within the minerals sector, the emphasis though has been on the need to consider strategies and activities in advance.... more
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      Mining EngineeringCorporate Social ResponsibilityMining PolicyPhilippine Cordillera
Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) is a contract entered into between government and a private company wishing to explore, develop and produce petroleum. This agreement contains clauses that stipulate agreed upon methods for allocation of... more
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      ContractsMining PolicyMining Law
The National Energy and Mining Policy of Turkey has been developed on the basis of “strong economy and national security” and is crucial in so far as it will shed light on the distance the country will cover in the regional and global... more
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      Energy SecurityMining PolicyNational Energy
Viewed as a lawless sector and an important cause of environmental damage, precious stone mining is not the activity that contributes most to the national coffers. However, it represents a significant source of income for some territories... more
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      BrazilMining PolicyInformal Economy
Nisan 2003 ÖZET 1980'li yıllardan itibaren, "ekonomi yönetiminde kamusal mekanizmaların yerine piyasa mekanizmalarının konulması gerektiği, verimlilik ve refahın bu yolla sağlanacağı" şeklindeki politikaların Türkiye'ye yansımaları... more
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      Mining PolicyMining
A B S T R A C T In this paper, we analyse the critique that has accompanied sustained efforts made in recent years by the Government of Sweden to facilitate global investment in the country's mining sector. The minerals market in the 21st... more
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      Environmental StudiesMining PolicyMiningMineral Resources
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      Mining PolicyMining communitiesSouthwest ChinaMing and Qing China
Several evaluations of contemporary left-of-center governments in South America suggest that natural resource governance in the region has become post-neoliberal only in the sense that States augmented the appropriation and distribution... more
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      Latin American StudiesCorporate Social ResponsibilityMining PolicyAdvocacy Coalition Framework
The presentation consisted of an overview of the direction that emerging trends in mining administration and regulation seems to be following. The presentation was further illustrated with a selection of contemporary regulatory... more
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      AccountabilityMining PolicyMiningParticipatory Democracy
In the last 25 years, the mining sector has become an important field of investigation and controversy for anthropologists. As an object, the ‘mine’ itself poses specific problems that make it particularly fertile ground for the... more
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      Science PolicyApplied AnthropologyMining PolicyMining
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      Mining PolicyMining
What can you say about the place of Turkey's mining industry in the world? Turkey which is among the richest countries in the world in terms of mineral diversity produces over 70 minerals. The most outstanding mineral resource of our... more
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      TurkeyMining PolicyMining
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      Mining PolicyMining
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      MaterialsMining PolicyEconomics of Rare Earth elementsIllegal Mining and Its Impact on Environment
This paper aims to provide an overview of the current status of EU non-energy raw materials policy and subsequent attempts by the EU to address risks and challenges in order to increase the potential for long-term enhancement. Previous... more
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      MineralsMining PolicyRaw materials trade
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      AccountabilityMining PolicyMiningParticipatory Democracy
Libro completo descargable (ESP) en: BASTIDA, Elizabeth; BUSTOS, Luis. Towards Regimes for Sustainable Mineral Resource Management - Constitutional Reform, Law and Judicial Decisions in... more
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      Mining PolicySocial impactGood Living, Buen VivirBuen vivir
Primer encuentro de reflexión sobre las Relaciones Internacionales "Construyendo comunidad: un balance de las RRII desde Argentina" Asociación de Estudios de Relaciones Internacionales Argentina (AERIA) 23 y 24 de mayo de 2019 Universidad... more
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      International RelationsNatural ResourcesMining PolicyOil and gas
Mongolian EITI report
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    • Mining Policy
This two day workshop is aimed at providing delegates with a concise but comprehensive overview of the mining sector and the legal agreements that govern the sector. Delegates will be introduced to the mining industry, and the many... more
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      Mining PolicyMiningMining Law