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This is a biography of a Nova-Scotian black soldier who served in the British Army during the Napoleonic War, and later settled in Liverpool when working as a sailor. It will be source led in format, and comments from myself will be... more
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      African StudiesCanadian HistoryMaritime HistoryAfrican Diaspora Studies
The 1760s was a period of innovation when new instruments such as the square piano and the clarinet appeared on the musical stage. As players of the new clarinet arrived in England, primarily from Germany, composers incorporated its novel... more
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      Performance PracticeEighteenth-Century MusicMusic in eighteenth-century EnglandMilitary Music Bands
A comprehensive list of books, articles, theses and other material covering the brass band movement, its history, instruments and musicology; together with other related topics (originally issued in book form in January 2009)
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      Brass InstrumentsWind bandBrass Band HistoryBrass Bands
The abandonment in the early nineteenth century of the Ottoman military bands (mehterhâne and tabl-khāne) that had provided ceremonial music for the Romanian princes, and the establishment of Western-style military bands in the newly... more
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      RomaniaMilitary Music Bands19th century Romanian Music
Portada, índice y resumen de la tesis de Doctorado en Música (Etnomusicología) Facultad de Música.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
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      Military HistoryGender StudiesPerformativityMusic and Politics
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      Music and PoliticsStalinist HistoriographyMilitary Music BandsTotalitarian regimes
Η στρατιωτική μουσική έχει εμφανιστεί από τους αρχαίους χρόνους, σε όλους τους στρατούς, διαφορετικών λαών και πολιτισμών. Όπως η μουσική, υπάρχει και επηρεάζει τη ψυχολογία του ανθρώπου και τον τρέπει στη συγκίνηση,... more
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      Military MusicMilitary bandsΜουσικηMilitary Music Bands
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      Military Music BandsRomanian Music19th century Romanian Music
The studies in this volume were written over the course of a decade, and have been presented at various musicology symposiums and workshops in Romania and internationally; some are the fruit of research projects undertaken at institutes... more
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      Church MusicMusicologyMusic and PoliticsByzantine Studies
<Summaries in English are included in the attached .pdf document> To έτος 2019 συνέπεσε με την επέτειο των 200 ετών από τη γέννηση του Ιωσήφ Λιμπεράλη (1819-1899), συνθέτη και αρχιμουσικού της μπάντας της Φιλαρμονικής Εταιρείας Κερκύρας... more
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      Music EducationMusic HistoryMusicologyGreek History
This article contains an analysis of the repertoire that the Ban- da del Batallón Guardia Presidencial played in concerts as part of the cultural policies of the Liberal Party governments in Colombia between 1930 and 1946.The study of the... more
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      MusicHistorical MusicologyMúsica ColombianaMilitary Music Bands
Information about the fifteen ‘brass’ bands that have had their home in Harrogate from the mid-19th century to the current day, with details of their activities
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      Brass Band HistoryBrass BandsMilitary Music BandsHarrogate
Începând cu 23 august 1944, sub presiunea continuă a Comisiei Aliate de Control (sovietică), a Partidului Comunist Român şi a diverşilor oportunişti, s-au început subordonarea şi controlul direct ale instituțiilor de stat care, paradoxal,... more
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      MusicologyCommunismMusic and IdeologyTotalitarism
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      TotalitarianismMusic and PoliticsCommunismMusic and Ideology
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      Military MusicAmerican Civil WarMilitary Music BandsAmerican Civil War Music
The article assesses the role of the military in the global dissemination and exchange of music in the long nineteenth century. It shows that, first, Western military music and its instrumentation were influenced by cross-cultural... more
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      Military MusicImperialismCommercialisationProfessionalization
Presses de Sciences Po (P.F.N.S.P.) | « Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire » 2005/1 n o 85 | pages 85 à 101
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusic
Zvučni zapisi vojne glazbe u Hrvatskoj 1 U ovom radu autori obrađuju historijat proizvodnje ploča na području Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, a time i Hrvatske, pri čemu je posebna pozornost posvećena detektiranju brojnih izdavača i njihovih... more
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      DiscographyCroatiaAustro-Hungarian EmpireMilitary Music Bands
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      Military MusicOrganologyBand musicOttoman Military History
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      Military HistoryMusicMigrationSerbian
In the context of this year’s centenary of World War I, the focus of this text is the music activities of the Serbian army in North Africa (1916−1918), where they recuperated from their retreat across the mountains of Albania. This paper... more
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      Military HistoryMusicMusicologyAfrica
MILITARY MUSIC RECORDS IN CROATIA The first phonograph records in Croatia were made by Franz Hampe for the then already-renowned company Gramophone Record in the Hotel Royal in Zagreb in 1902; he made more in 1907. According to the... more
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      MusicFirst World WarBrass BandsMilitary Music Bands
The article assesses the role of the military in the global dissemination and exchange of music in the long nineteenth century. It shows that, first, Western military music and its instrumentation were influenced by cross-cultural... more
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      HistoryMilitary MusicImperialismCommercialisation
This thesis aims to identify how British army bands in the interwar years were a primary stakeholder in the music industry and to explore their role in projecting soft power for the British military. There were approximately 7,000... more
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      Cultural MusicologyBritish MusicInterwar Period HistoryCultural History of Music
An exploration of band music on the Virgin Islands at the time of their purchase by the United States, focusing on the band led by Alton Augustus Adams. This juvenile band was inducted into the navy creating a remarkable and exceptional... more
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      Caribbean StudiesAfrican American StudiesAmerican musicAfrican-American Music
Prenant une revanche culturelle sur la défaite de Waterloo, la France met au point le premier orchestre de plein air fonctionnel quand elle adopte, en 1845, l’organisation et les instruments proposés par Adolphe Sax. Résultat d’une... more
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      Military MusicMilitary Music Bands
Almost a million Australians served in World War II. Military bands were, in many ways, the public face of the armed forces, performing in departure and welcome home ceremonies, recruitment drives and to pacify potential enemy... more
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      Military HistoryMusic HistoryMusicologySecond World War
We współczesn ej historiogra fii polskiej nie dostrzega się roli i znaczenia muzyków wojskowyc h w armiach epoki nowożytnej , w przeciwień stwie do cywilnej części tej grupy zawodowe j 1 . Zjawisko to można wytłumaczyć nieatrakcyj ności2t... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary MusicHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthMilitary Music Bands
Chapter 1: Introduction Part 1: Culture Chapter 2: The gentlemen of the regiment: Musicians in the regular army Chapter 3: ‘Breaking in’ the young hands: The dependence on band boys Part 2: Performance Chapter 4: Seaside, ceremonial,... more
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      Military MusicInterwar Period HistorySound RecordingSoft Power and International Relations
This is a biographical case study of a black soldier, and former Royal Navy sailor, who spent his service in nineteenth century London, and settled there after discharge. It is inspired by Fryer’s “Staying Power, The History of Black... more
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      HistoryAfrican Diaspora StudiesHistory Of LondonBlack British History
The article assesses the role of the military in the global dissemination and exchange of music in the long nineteenth century. It shows that, first, Western military music and its instrumentation were influenced by cross-cultural... more
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      HistoryMilitary MusicImperialismCommercialisation
Ανιχνεύοντας τις ιστορικές ηχογραφήσεις του γραμμοφώνου (78 στροφών) θησαυρίζονται και ηχητικά τεκμήρια όπου καθίσταται δυνατή για πρώτη φορά η ακρόαση της Στρατιωτικής Μουσικής της Φρουράς Αθηνών. Η νυκτερινή εορτή και τελετή της... more
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      Byzantine MusicMilitary Music Bands
The story of the events surrounding the drowning of an African American soldier in the River Humber in August 1820. The idea for this paper came out of my talk at a study day exploring The Stories of People of African Descent in Hull and... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPolice HistoryYorkshireNineteenth-Century British Army
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      Woodwinds, Brass, And PercussionBrass InstrumentsBrass BandBand music
A través del presente artículo se pretende estudiar el proceso mediante el cual un género musical de carácter religioso, como es la música procesional, se introduce en un ámbito totalmente diferente, como es la música de cine.... more
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      MusicologyMilitary MusicPopular MusicSpanish Music
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      Woodwinds, Brass, And PercussionBrass InstrumentsBrass BandBand music
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      MusicologySpanish MusicEtnomusicologyMusical Analysis
Almost a million Australians served in World War II. Military bands were, in many ways, the public face of the armed forces, performing in departure and welcome home ceremonies, recruitment drives and to pacify potential enemy... more
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      Military HistoryMusic HistoryMusicologySecond World War
Author for entry: Military Bands
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      Us MilitaryMilitary Music Bands
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      MusicMilitarismColonialismMilitary Music Bands
During the First World War, British troops were landing in Salonika in the fall of 1915 and were stationed at the region until the ceasefire in 1918. Apart from the military activities at the “Macedonia Front,” also known as the “Salonika... more
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      Music HistoryGreat WarBritish MusicHistory of music
Bands of the British military adapted a number of popular songs for use in particular ceremonies. The Girl I Left Behind Me was used in farewell ceremonies for soldiers and sailors from the late 18th century until the early 20th... more
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      Military HistoryMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
ERAS was founded in 2001 to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue amongst postgraduate and early career researchers working across all areas of history, archaeology, religious studies, international studies and philosophy. The seventeenth... more
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryArt HistoryMedieval History
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      MusicMusicologyBand musicWind band