Military Landscape
Recent papers in Military Landscape
Az oszmán-megszállta Kanizsával szemben a Mura mentén felállított őrházak számos forrásból ismertek, ezek közt több térképi ábrázolás is található, amelyek GIS alapokon történt vizsgálata még nem történt meg. A tanulmány kísérletet tesz... more
A táborozási kép georeferálásának adott eredményei járulékosan kellő alapot adnak egy a korabeli forrásokban említett előcsatározás helyszínének lokalizációjára, ezzel a tanulmány adatokat származtat a mohácsi csata (1526) helyszínére... more
Public television : politics and the battle over documentary film I B. J. Bullert. p. cm.-(Communications, media, and culture) Includes bibliographical references and index. This is a case-study of how 'Dark Circle,' a provocative... more
Bu çalışma sosyal altyapının kentsel eşitsizliklerin önemli bir özelliği olduğunu ilçe ölçeğinde göstermektedir. Ekonomik olanaklarının yanı sıra bir kenti iyi yapan şeylerden birisi de insanlara sunduğu sosyal altyapı hizmetleridir. 21.... more
Queensland. His teaching and research intersect with a number of disciplines: creative writing, publishing studies and cultural studies. Dallas is also a writer with creative work published in a number of journals and anthologies. His... more
This edition also contains historical elements of our programs that aim to shine a light on our forerunners and demonstrate our legacies of responsibility, cooperation, dedication, progress, education, safety, and more. When it's all put... more
- by Eric Boyle
"Store (the Strangeness of Storage is Silent)" critically explores the paradoxes and distortions of containment and storage in the context of both the physical environment and the digital realm. This study unpacks the problematic... more
This paper uses Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) as an example to explain the various terminologies of native and non-native invasives and their issues. I provide a couple of pictures to help you understand the scale and nature of the... more
A már Rómer Flóris által is felismert, Patay Pál (MNM) által részletesen dokumentált „dunántúli hosszanti sáncok” nyomvonalára vonatkozóan a legutóbbi összefoglaló tanulmány óta számos légifotó, műholdfelvétel került ki az internetre, a... more
A Hungaricana internetes térképi adatbázisában számos település, így Lippó község XVIII. szd-i birtoktérképe is megtalálható. A település területén feltüntetett castellum helye ma is ismert, így a térképmű georeferálása alkalmas az... more
This article draws together empirical case studies from Britain, France, and the United States to develop the nascent history of landscapes used to prepare for war and national defense. Although environmental historians have explored the... more
Az újkori vesztőhelyek térképi ábrázolásainak tanulmányozása során több Kaposvárhoz közeli jelet lehet azonosítani. A jelek helyének meghatározása érdekében, a Kapos-folyót ábrázoló, 1778-ban készült térképvázlat és az Első Katonai... more
Mére középkori település (máshol Mere, Mérő, ma Kaposmérő, Somogy vármegye) területére korabeli források alapján több említés nevez meg végvárrá kiépült földesúri erősséget, castellumot, amelynek helyét az eddigiekben nem, vagy csak... more
MARKED BY THE SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY of atomic energy, the nuclear age, which spans the twentieth century, has changed the nature of culture as well as the landscape.l Vast, secret landscapes play host to nuclear arms and commercial energy... more
Marked by the scientific discovery of atomic energy, the nuclear age, which spans the twentieth century, has changed the nature of culture as well as the landscape. I Despite recent talks on nuclear disarmament, the dread of nuclear arms... more
- by mira Engler
Identifying appropriate restoration goals has long posed a challenge in ecological restoration. The task becomes even more difficult in settings with diverse land use histories. After two decades of remediation, a former chemical weapons... more
Este artigo cientifico tem por objetivo investigar o tipo penal inserido no § 1° do art. 180 pela Lei 9.426/1996 do Codigo Penal brasileiro, com o nomen juris de receptacao qualificada que aumentou significativamente a pena aplicavel ao... more
Although the Cold War is commonly considered 'over,' the legacies of that conflict continue to unfold throughout the globe. One site of post-Cold War controversy involves the consequences of U.S. nuclear weapons production for worker... more
The relationship between humans and wetlands has sometimes been vexatious. English Wetlands takes up the discussion of this general issue by foregrounding the dialectical and dialogical relationship between humans and wetlands, and the... more
A csata korabeli, sokszor művészi igényű ábrázolásai, térképvázlatai olyan azonosítható földrajzi elemeket, terepjellegeket tartalmaznak, amelyek a terepen, a korszerű térképműveken azonosíthatók. Egyes csataképek a madártávlati nézetük... more
Geographical space must be understood as a progressive and conscious construction in which the geographical elements and the relationships between the elements themselves are placed. From the post-World War II period and for the following... more
Over the past year, an intensive effort has been undertaken to improve the basis and accuracy of the out year decommissioning cost estimates for the closure of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Rocky Flats Environmental Technology... more
Marked by the scientific discovery of atomic energy, the nuclear age, which spans the twentieth century, has changed the nature of culture as well as the landscape. Despite recent talks on nuclear disarmament, the dread of nuclear arms... more
Utvar (Földvár?) település helyének térinformatikai meghatározása a siklósi uradalom 1700. évi birtoktérképe alapján A mohácsi csata (1526) centrális területének kutatása során többféle megközelítés képezi vita tárgyát. A korabeli,... more
The work includes studies and projects for the architectural recovery and completion of the Renaissance period monastery of S. Sepolcro by inserting spaces for a new university of medicine and nursing within the overall regeneration... more
Emotional landscapes in the imagery of Campania university students Landscape and emotion This paper will attempt to study the relationship between landscape and emotionalism, which has not been studied enough or in depth by subjects and... more
Rocky Flats (RF) is a former nuclear weapons manufacturing complex in Colorado, 26 km northwest of downwind Denver, at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains’ Front Range. At RF, between 1952 and 1989, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)... more
A „dunántúli hosszanti sáncok” kérdéskörében folytatott kutatómunkám során a Baranya megyei Regenye község külterületén sáncra, árokra utaló megírást találtam a Második Katonai Felmérés térképén. A terület átvizsgálása során felmértem a... more
A harsány-hegyi csata oszmán táborának sáncművét leíró forrásmű elemzésével, a földrajzi tartalmat képző adatok kiemelésévével, a leírás számszerű adatainak térképi alapon történő értelmezésével lehatárolható volt az a területrész,... more
A Szent Liga serege 1687. évi hadmozdulataiban kiemelt szerep jutott a Dráván való átkelésnek, Eszék ostromára készülve, majd a rendezett visszavonulás is ezen az útvonalon történt. A szakirodalomban elő-elő bukkanó tévedés, mely szerint... more
A térképmű Földvárt egy stilizált, saroktornyos (bástyás?) castellum jellel ábrázolja. A megjelölt hely azonosítása egy megoldást adhat a mohácsi csata egy kritikus kérdéskörében előállt megoldásokhoz. A térkép arányossága – a nyilvánvaló... more
The New Dutch Waterline represents an emblematic case of how a military landscape can determine a significant trace in the defensive history of a place, becoming at the same time the symbol of modern landscape protection in the... more
faces an unusually difficult challenge in estimating life-cycle costs at former weapons sites because of the uncertainties of technology, stewardship, future land use, laws and regulations, and value and availability of money. Further, it... more
A survey of 1351 people at six U.S. Department of Energy nuclear weapon sites showed that the nuclear waste legacy was not the number one environmental concern.
Edited by Sarah Kanouse and Shiloh Krupar “A People’s Atlas of the Nuclear United States” is a digital public humanities project that documents and interprets the relational geographies of nuclear materials used by the United States... more
The fringe belt concept that has been handled morphologically by urban geographers since the 1960s has recently gained increasing attention in the urban planning and design spheres. Fringe belts are the former urban peripheries that are... more
Communication scholars have variously heeded the call for study of environmental and nuclear issues. A somewhat neglected line of inquiry, however, is the nexus among nuclear weapons, environmental communication, and (post-) Cold War... more
This chapter examines the role of “stewardship” discourse in shaping relationships between the Department of Energy and its stakeholders. I focus on the discourse of “Long Term Stewardship” (LTS), which surrounds the development of... more
This chapter studies the relationship between militarism and conservation in Vieques, a municipality island in the unincorporated territory of Puerto Rico. Large areas of Vieques were confiscated from the local inhabitants and used for... more
Long-term stewardship uses a number of mechanisms to ensure sustainability of significant features at a site. Mechanisms include the use of physical and institutional controls, records management, monitoring programs and environmental... more
This paper explores the question of subjectivity, of who or what counts as a subject, bringing three feminist science studies frameworks into dialogue: feminist postcolonial science studies, new feminist materialisms, and queer ecologies.... more
CVSN: Field Guide to Color/ University of Cincinnati
Pre-Riso Printer Cop
Pre-Riso Printer Cop
This article focuses on the material and discursive constructions of nature and chil dren in the city. While dominant representations and idealizations of nature and child hood depend on the binary logic of the nature/culture and... more
faces an unusually difficult challenge in estimating life-cycle costs at former weapons sites because of the uncertainties of technology, stewardship, future land use, laws and regulations, and value and availability of money. Further, it... more
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University at Albany. Lewis' research interests have focused on the intersection of innovation and regional development, business incubation, and sustainable... more