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Within the classicising mindset of many Late Antique Gallo-Roman writers, we witness examples of the learned minority appropriating the right to represent the alleged historical memories of the majority’s pagan past. Distrust towards... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgePeasant StudiesSocial RepresentationsHistory and Memory
By the late fifth century, there were two primary barbarian powers in Gaul, the Visigoths and the Franks. Both were enlarging their territories in the wake of the final precipitous decline of Roman authority during the 470s. The... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman GaulBarbarians
Dossier multlimédia sur les fouilles de Saint-Dizier sur le site de la Tuilerie avec un focus sur le mobilier de trois riches tombes du VIe siècle accompagnés d'une sépulture de cheval
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      History of ElitesMerovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianThe Merovingians
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      Medieval Church HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryMerovingian periodMerovingian and Carolingian
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryArchaeologyMedieval Literature
International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 7-10 July  2014
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      Merovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianMerovingian Gaul
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      HagiographyCult of SaintsEarly Middle Ages (History)Merovingian period
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureEarly Medieval HistoryGender and Sexuality StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
Jonas of Bobbio was an Italian monk, author, and abbot active in Lombard Italy and Merovingian Gaul during the seventh century. He is best known as the author of the Life of Columbanus and His Disciples, one of the most important works of... more
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      Irish StudiesTheologyCeltic StudiesMedieval History
Coins and commerce in Northern Gaul (2nd century BC - 5th century AD) What is known about the monetary circulation and trade in Northern Gaul, from the period of Gallic Independence until the disappearance of the Roman Empire of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryRoman HistoryCeltic Studies
(english below) Ce document est un travail de synthèse et d'étude personnel, sans prétention à concourir avec les professionnels de l'archéologie, concernant les fers de haches mérovingiens asymétriques. L'étude porte sur l'angle... more
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      Merovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianThe MerovingiansArchéologie Mérovingienne
A cluster of letters written in the name of the Merovingian dowager queen Brunhild, preserved in the late-sixth century letter collection Epistolae Austrasicae, concern her separation from her grandson, a hostage held at the court of the... more
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      EmotionLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireByzantium
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityMerovingian period
The establishment of Christianity in the late- and post-Roman world caused an economic as well as a religious revolution, but, while a great deal of attention has been paid to the religious developments of the period, the impact of the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArtGarnetsThe Merovingians
Full commented Russian translation of "Fredegar's Chronicles", the most important narrative source for Late Merovingian France. This chronicle was created about 660 year and it provides us with account on Francs and on nations... more
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      HistoriographyEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval HistoryByzantine Studies
Depuis 2008, date de la première édition de cet ouvrage, nombre de découvertes ont été faites, mais aussi nombre d’hypothèses ont été soulevées concernant la religion à Lisieux à l’époque du paganisme et à l’heure de la christianisation.... more
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      ArchaeologyHigh Middle AgesCeltic StudiesRoman Gaul
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryByzantine Studies
This article demonstrates that early medieval exchange networks can be studied through the research of Merovingian beads. Hundred-thousands of beads have been deposited in inhumation graves of the period 400-750 AD across Europe. They... more
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      ArchaeologyGift ExchangeEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMerovingian period
Bibliographie de Jean-Pierre Laporte au 15/11/2016
Afrique du Nord, France, Turquie
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      Roman HistoryCarolingian StudiesRoman ArmyRoman Architecture
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      Avignon (Medieval Church History)Merovingian periodHistoire et archéologie du haut Moyen-âgeMerovingian Archaeology
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      Biological AnthropologyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
Pour décrire l’avènement de la dynastie et du royaume mérovingiens, les historiens se sont avant tout fondés sur les « Histoires » de Grégoire de Tours, qui écrivait plus d’un siècle après les faits et n’en avait qu’une connaissance... more
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      GenealogyEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityMerovingian period
Tour d'horizon de la pratique du dépôt de vaisselle de terre cuite dans la tombe à l'époque mérovingienne à partir de l'exemple de la Bourgogne et de la Franche-Comté.
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      Funerary ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Medieval ceramics (Archaeology)Merovingian period
in S. Diefenbach, G. Müller, eds., Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter.  Kulturgeschichte einer Region (de Gruyter, 2013), 455-469
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      Merovingian periodRoman GaulDark Ages HistoryThe Merovingians
Imperial authority is inextricably linked with Roman coinage. This association acts as a guarantee of quality and of its acceptance as currency. Imperial imagery and administrative codes function as mechanisms of accountability. After the... more
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      Ancient HistoryLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireVisigothic Spain
Introduzione 5 1. La contemporaneità di santa Radegonda 7 1.1. La Turingia: storia e rapporti con il mondo franco 7 1.2. Leggi e usanze germaniche 11 1.3. Donne e clero un'unione necessaria 16 2. Il percorso di santa Radegonda 23 2.1. Gli... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyWomen's HistoryGender History
In the early 660’s, a Frankish chronicler wrote that the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius, learned through astrology that his empire would be devastated by a circumcised nation. He decreed that all Jews be baptised and wrote to the Frankish... more
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      Jewish StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)
Few past civilisations have had such a central notion of government as the Roman Empire, with the possible exception of the Han Empire in China. One person, the Roman emperor, at the helm of a single city, Rome, was meant to rule the... more
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      ArchaeologySocial SciencesUrban PlanningComplex Systems
Philippe Schiesser, Des deniers mérovingiens de Rennes imitant des sceattas, un exemple parmi d’autres d’imitation, dans les textes publiés par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, Numismatique bretonne / Les faux monétaires, actes du Colloque... more
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      Merovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianAncient CoinsIconography of ancient coins
Abstract This chapter considers Columbanus’s cultural background and how this influenced his dealings with women, both in early medieval Ireland and on the Continent. In particular, women as inspiration, patrons, and antagonists are... more
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      Celtic StudiesEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval Ireland
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      Merovingian periodBurgundyArchéologie MérovingiennePériode mérovingienne
Agnellus [p.35]; Aldius [p.44]; arimannus [p.127]; Athala [p.170]; Bertulf (abb. Bobbio) [p.233]; Carmen de Synodo Ticenensi [Papiae] [p.293] ; charters, Lombard [p.318]; Cunincpert [Cuninpert] [p.438]; fara [p.582]; Faroald I of Spoleto... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Late AntiquityVisigothic Spain
Già da qualche tempo si è ritenuto opportuno proporre per la scul-tura ad incrostazione di mastice, tecnica di decorazione basata su un consapevole e schietto approccio coloristico e polimaterico, l'adozione di un vocabolario che non... more
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      SculptureRomanesque ArtEarly Medieval Sculpture (Archaeology)Early Christian Art
En 2002, un groupe de sépultures, composé de deux hommes inhumés dans des chambres funéraires et d'une jeune femme dont le cercueil avait été déposé en fosse, a été mis au jour à Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne). Ces trois tombes recelaient un... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryMerovingian periodMiddle Ages
In this paper, I connect the Vita Eligii with Columbanian monasticism, hoping to shed some light on how this account was used for Chlothar II's propaganda campaign to defame the previous regime.
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      HagiographyThe MerovingiansColumbanusJonas of Bobbio
Hypothèse d'une autre interprétation.
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      Merovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianArchéologie MérovingienneMerovingian Gaul
Productions monétaires en territoire carnute, la place de Cenabum : premiers résultats. Le projet ATMOCE « L'ATelier MOnétaire gaulois de CEnabum. Production des bronzes carnutes, ii e -i er siècles av. n. è. » 204 Maryse BLET-LEMARQUAND,... more
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      NumismaticsCarolingian StudiesAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Merovingian period
Résumé – L’étude de nouveaux exemplaires conservés dans des collections privées en même temps que ceux cités dans la bibliographie, fait apparaître un groupe de bronzes lourds de 2,57 g en moyenne et de 15 à 20 mm de diamètre. Le revers... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
Ein Großteil des Wissens über die Geschichte der Goten in Gallien und Spanien ist uns durch die merowingische Geschichtsschreibung überliefert. Die modernen Historiker sind daher an die Sichtweisen und Urteile der merowingischen... more
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      Self and IdentityHagiographySocial IdentityNarrative
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireMerovingian periodLate Roman Army
the conference on the Merovingian kingdoms in Mediterranean perspective brought together an impressive number of internationally renowned adepts, early career scholars, and doctoral students from many corners of the world to reconsider... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
This article presents a Merovingian Period silver spoon that was recently discovered in an opulent female chamber grave in the “Niederfeld” row grave cemetery of Ichtratzheim (Bas-Rhin). The spoon has no less than three different... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyGender StudiesLiteracy
Review of V. Alice Tyrrell, 'Merovingian Letters and Letter Writers', Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 12. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityEpistolary literature
Please send me a message with your e-mail if you would like to have the entire paper. Merovingian society lacked longer periods of peace as during the Pax Romana. The military was of central importance, not only on the field. Although... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryRoman military archaeology
Silver Coins of the 5th-6th Century Found in Gaul: New Considerations about Mint Sites and Mint Authorities The study deals with the main types of 5th-6th-century silver coins found in Gaul. The find sites and above all the dielinks... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyMerovingian periodCoins finds as archaeological artefactsOstrogoths
Bibliography and sources, descriptions, historical and archaeological, of the bishops' see of Maastricht from the 4th until the 8th centuries. Detailed knowledge of the status quaestionis of early christian Maastricht: the development of... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Christian Archaeology
En passant par la Lorraine. Le projet diachronique MONELOR : monnaies et monnayages dans l'espace lorrain. Présentation des axes de recherches et des objectifs 316 François REINERT, Cécile ARNOULD Un parcours messin à travers les... more
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      German HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval Europe
Book Description by the Editors (Stefan Esders, Yitzhak Hen, Pia Lucas, Tamar Rotman): The book explores the place of the Merovingian kingdoms in Gaul within a broader Mediterranean context. Their politics and culture have mostly been... more
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      Merovingian periodMerovingian and CarolingianGregory of toursAmicitia
This paper takes a fresh look at the broader context of the Council of Orléans (549 AD). This church council represents the first and only collective response by the Merovingian episcopate to the Three Chapters controversy, a... more
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      Canon LawTheologyDiplomacyChurch History