Early Medieval Art
Recent papers in Early Medieval Art
Below is an article on the Tully Lough Cross, an 8th-or 9th-century Irish treasure recovered from a lake in County Roscommon. I first posted this at my former blog in 2010 and the original link no longer works.
Preface; I. Introduction: I.1 Prelude "To Imitate the Bees"; I.2 Towards an Interpretation of Spolia: Delimitations and Methods; I.3 Reuse The Development of a New Architectural Practice; II. Translatio of Materials: II.1 Fragments and... more
This note describes a lipsanotheca (a small container of relics, placed within an altar) from the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran. The container, now preserved in the Museu dera Val d’Aran, is of blown glass, and it has relief-cut... more
The brilliant and varied colours of the Lindisfarne Gospels are one of the manuscript’s most celebrated features, and yet the question of their meaning and role within the iconographic program has been largely neglected in existing... more
Liber antiphonarium Ms. 8, Archivo Capitular de León Copistas: Totmundo y Arias. Procedente del Monasterio de San Cipriano de las Riberas del Porma. s. X, aunque varios folios añadidos del s. XI. Pergamino, 306 f., 330 x 240 mm.... more
Ornament as Argument explores notions of ornamentation and materiality in 10th and 11th-century Christian manuscript illumination. In particular, the book investigates the function and metaphoric meaning of so-called textile pages—images... more
At the end of the 3rd century, private portraits of the deceased were introduced into the Christian funerary art at Rome, on sarcophagi as well as in catacomb paintings. For over a century they remained the most important, and the single... more
Rispetto all’edizione del 2009, oltre al necessario aggiornamento bibliografico, ho approfondito alcune tematiche che in quel volume erano state appena sfiorate ma che oggi mi appaiono fondamentali. Ad esempio, il tema delle chiese... more
Kniha byla vydána v Kijevě roku 1975 / The book was published in Kiev in 1975 /Книга була видана в Києві в 1975 році.
The book focuses on the most important examples of eleventh-century sculpture from Dalmatia and Croatia. This study re-evaluates figural sculptures from Zadar and Biskupija in northern Dalmatia, Solin in central Dalmatia, and Koločep in... more
The attached file is dedicated to some longobard fragments belonging to the Basilica of San Salvatore in Brescia (mid 8th Century AD), founded by Desiderius king.
christchurch a Note from the artistic Director I am delighted to welcome back Patricia Looby to Triskel for this solo exhibition made in response to Christchurch.
Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages presents a cultural history of graphic signs and examines how they were employed to communicate secular and divine authority in the late antique Mediterranean and... more
This article summarizes the main results obtained by means of the stratigraphical study of the Asturian church of San Salvador of Priesca (Villaviciosa, Asturias). After reviewing that historiography related to its study, it is clear the... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1935 v knize ,,Sbornik statej po archeologii i vizantinovedeniju izdavajemyj Seminarijem imeni N.P. Kondakova" (Díl 7) / The study was published in 1935 in the book ,,Sbornik statj po archeologii i... more
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам'яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також... more
As of June 2020, you can preview book prelims and Chapter 1 here: https://issuu.com/casematepub/docs/foster_jones2020 The uploaded text comprises the full author accepted manuscript version of this book's Contents and introductory... more
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1972 v časopise ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / The study was published in 1972 in the journal ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / L'étude a été publiée en 1972 dans la revue ,,Gladius", Vol. 10.
This paper presents a recently finished project entitled 'Iconophilia' , which engaged with the echoes that the Byzantine debate on sacred images had in Rome and in central-southern Italy. This project was funded by the European... more
האם תפקידה של האמנות לחקות את המציאות או להתרומם לגבהים נשגבים? סוגיה זו העסיקה רבות את הפילוסופיה המערבית, החל מאפלטון ואריסטו. שני עקרונות מנחים המהווים בסיס לדיון פילוסופי זה הם המִימֵזִיס והפַנְטַאזִיה, שנלמדו לאורך השנים כשני עקרונות... more
A new edition of the site guide of San Vincenzo al Volturno, replacing that published in 2005 - Published in cooperation with Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici del Molise and under the patronage of the Regione Molise. La nuova... more
Migrating Art Historians brings an embodied perspective to the study of medieval pilgrimage. Embodied readings of medieval art are on the rise since the sensual turn in art history, privileging the body as the essential instrument of... more
La revuelta de Pelayo en el 722 y su posterior núcleo de resistencia surgieron de una manera espontánea dentro del histórico carácter insurreccional cantábrico respecto al poder central peninsular. Sin embargo, en esta ocasión, la... more
Berserkism in the Merovingian Empire? For three generations of research, impressive evidence has been available: the pressblech foils from Obrigheim and Gutenstein. ‘Wolf warriors’ thus seem to have been proven not only in the... more
As large cities claimed apostolic founding of their churches, the Roman church declared that it was constituted on the "double apostolate" of Peter and PauL The concordia apostolontm which results from the final agreement between the... more
One of the great premises of medieval popular religion was the localization of the holy, the essential principle of the pilgrimage. At the same time, there was a widespread equation between excessive art and holiness. One result of... more
Katedraller, mimari, estetik, işlevsel ve aynı zamanda binanın yapısal tasarımı arasındaki bağlantıların en güzel örneklerinden bazılarını temsil eder. İnşaat için kuralları başlangıcından beri Tanrı'yı kutlamak, onu birbirine bağlamak ve... more
This is a reassessment of the Ghent altarpiece in the context of the upcoming third edition of The Gospel of John Restored and Translated, to be published in seven or eight volumes by Editores Volcán Barú, as providing clues that the... more
Nel 1998 la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, in collaborazione con il Comune di Scandriglia (RI) e con un'equipe di giovani archeologi, ha intrapreso un progetto di ricerca sulla villa romana dei Bruttii Praesentes,... more