Papers by Gleb Schmidt
Books of Knowledge in Late Medieval Europe: Circulation and Reception of Popular Texts, 2021
A concept ‘book of knowledge’ delimits a wide range of monuments of medieval written culture that... more A concept ‘book of knowledge’ delimits a wide range of monuments of medieval written culture that comprise both original texts and different types of practically oriented compilations that circulated widely and were used as reference books in everyday work. The process of becoming a 'book knowledge' is an interesting and significant pattern in the history of many medieval best-sellers. In this article I consider what I believe to be the most important milestones of this process. As a concise example of such a path I am going to analyze major stages of the history of the Elucidarium written at the turn of the twelfth century by Honorius Augustodunensis (d. c. 1154), one of the most overseen figures of the Renaissance of the twelfth century. I think many episodes of the history of this particular text serve as good illustrations of this complex and multifaceted transformation into a bestseller.
Call for Papers open!
Scriptorium, 2020
The article considers the corpus of 57 copies of Honorius Augustodunensis’s Elucidarium from Ital... more The article considers the corpus of 57 copies of Honorius Augustodunensis’s Elucidarium from Italian libraries. Despite its importance and the obvious interest to this text among medieval audience, the work remains scarcely studied. The present research aims, by analyzing manuscripts and medieval catalogues, to answer the question what the Elucidarium has been to its medieval readers. As the studied corpus suggests, the text has never become obsolete as it remained popular and widely used throughout the Middle Ages in very different milieus varying from parochial clergy to high ranked secular lords. This conclusion slightly nuances the vision of the Elucidarium’s editor Yves Lefèvre and invites to further researches of this theological “bestseller”.
Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World: Manuscripts, Makers and Readers, c.1066-c.1250, ed. by Laura Cleaver and Andrea Worm, York, 2018
Le Sens du Temps - The Sense of Time Actes du VIIe Congrès du Comité International de Latin Médiéval - Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the International Medieval Latin Commitee (Lyon, 10-13.09.2014), ed. by Jean-Yves Tilliette, Pascale Bourgain, Jan M. Ziolkowski, Geneva, Droz, Jul 2017
The paper deals with the fragment of glosses on Prudentius’ Psychomachia in the manuscript of the... more The paper deals with the fragment of glosses on Prudentius’ Psychomachia in the manuscript of the National Library of Russia Lat. O. v.IV № 1, which is labelled in Russian catalogues as “Handbook of chronology”. Analyzing the choice of glosses which were copied by the scribe, one can conclude that the glosses on Psychomachia had been considered in the second quarter of XIIth century as a source of encyclopedic knowledge, applicable to any thematic domain. In the manuscript under investigation the glosses on Psychomachia comment different fragments of chronological treatise contained in the codex.
В статье рассматриваются фрагменты глосс к «Психомахии» Пруденция, входящие в состав кодекса РНБ, Lat. O. v. IV № 1, известного, как «Руководство по хронологии». Тщательный анализ состава рукописи, а также подробное рассмотрение выбора определенных глосс из всего корпуса позволяет сделать вывод, что составитель рукописи использовал глоссы к прославленной позднеантичной поэме в качестве источника энциклопедических справок и выбрал из них те, которые поясняют что-то в прочих текстах, входящих в состав рукописи.
Translations by Gleb Schmidt
Деяния Дагоберта, короля франков // Династия Каролингов. От королевства к империи, VIII-IX века. Источники / пер. с лат., вступ. статья, коммент. Г. А. Шмидта, под ред. А. И. Сидорова. СПб-Москва: Евразия-Клио, 2019. С. 96-170. ISBN: 978-5-8071-0442-7, 2019
«Деяния Дагоберта, короля франков» (Gesta Dagoberti regis Francorum)-жизнеописание короля из дина... more «Деяния Дагоберта, короля франков» (Gesta Dagoberti regis Francorum)-жизнеописание короля из династии Меровингов Дагоберта I (629-638 гг.), созданное в монастыре Сен-Дени в первой половине 830-х гг.
Full commented Russian translation of the Gesta Dagobert, a biography of Dagobert I (629-638), the most powerful king of Francian during the rule of the Merovingian dynasty. The text was written at Saint-Denis abbey in 830s.
"Хроники Фредегара" / пер. Г. А. Шмидта. СПб: Евразия, 2015. ISBN 978-5-91852-097-0, Mar 2015
Full commented Russian translation of "Fredegar's Chronicles", the most important narrative sourc... more Full commented Russian translation of "Fredegar's Chronicles", the most important narrative source for Late Merovingian France. This chronicle was created about 660 year and it provides us with account on Francs and on nations neighboring to them.
Адемар Шабаннский "Хроникон" / Пер. А. В. Банникова, А. Н. Слезкина, Г. А. Шмидта. СПб.:Евразия, 2015. ISBN 978-5-91852-096-3, Jan 2015
ББК 63.2/63.3(0)4 УДК 09/94(44 )0 1 4 -0 1 8 А 29 Научный редактор серии: к. и. н. Карачинский А.... more ББК 63.2/63.3(0)4 УДК 09/94(44 )0 1 4 -0 1 8 А 29 Научный редактор серии: к. и. н. Карачинский А. Ю. Адемар Шабаннский А 29 Х роникон. -СПб.: ЕВРАЗИЯ; М .: ИД Клио, 2015. -384 с. ISBN 978-5-91852-096-3 (ЕВРАЗИЯ) ISBN 978-5-906518-21-7 (ИД Клио)
Conference Organizer by Gleb Schmidt
On the Way to the Future of Digital Manuscript Studies, 2021
Over the last decades, the ability to exploit digital potential has radically impacted research i... more Over the last decades, the ability to exploit digital potential has radically impacted research in the field of manuscript studies. From the most basic facilities, such as the increasing availability of digitized images and documents, to sophisticated attempts at automatizing the entire process of critical editing, the development of digital tools is extraordinary: it has created unprecedented opportunities to mine the data, achieve innovative results, and display them in ways which previously could only be imagined. In such a dynamic context, the number of valuable enterprises continues to grow: the time is ripe for a consideration of the achievements already obtained, and of the foundations that our current work is laying for long-term development of the field. Through the organization of this workshop, the ERC Project PASSIM seeks to provide an occasion to pursue this goal.
The meeting gathers scholars who engage in groundbreaking projects in the field of digital manuscript studies. It brings together colleagues who work from methodological and theoretical perspectives with those who apply digital techniques to specific subjects, and thus hopes to facilitate fruitful interactions between bottom-up and top-down approaches. The conference environment is designed to stimulate dialogue and knowledge exchange: we consider cooperation, interoperability and integration at the largest scale as essential to realize the potential of digital manuscript studies, and to help each other in the search for a dynamic, secure and cooperative future for the field.
Papers by Gleb Schmidt
В статье рассматриваются фрагменты глосс к «Психомахии» Пруденция, входящие в состав кодекса РНБ, Lat. O. v. IV № 1, известного, как «Руководство по хронологии». Тщательный анализ состава рукописи, а также подробное рассмотрение выбора определенных глосс из всего корпуса позволяет сделать вывод, что составитель рукописи использовал глоссы к прославленной позднеантичной поэме в качестве источника энциклопедических справок и выбрал из них те, которые поясняют что-то в прочих текстах, входящих в состав рукописи.
Translations by Gleb Schmidt
Full commented Russian translation of the Gesta Dagobert, a biography of Dagobert I (629-638), the most powerful king of Francian during the rule of the Merovingian dynasty. The text was written at Saint-Denis abbey in 830s.
Conference Organizer by Gleb Schmidt
The meeting gathers scholars who engage in groundbreaking projects in the field of digital manuscript studies. It brings together colleagues who work from methodological and theoretical perspectives with those who apply digital techniques to specific subjects, and thus hopes to facilitate fruitful interactions between bottom-up and top-down approaches. The conference environment is designed to stimulate dialogue and knowledge exchange: we consider cooperation, interoperability and integration at the largest scale as essential to realize the potential of digital manuscript studies, and to help each other in the search for a dynamic, secure and cooperative future for the field.
В статье рассматриваются фрагменты глосс к «Психомахии» Пруденция, входящие в состав кодекса РНБ, Lat. O. v. IV № 1, известного, как «Руководство по хронологии». Тщательный анализ состава рукописи, а также подробное рассмотрение выбора определенных глосс из всего корпуса позволяет сделать вывод, что составитель рукописи использовал глоссы к прославленной позднеантичной поэме в качестве источника энциклопедических справок и выбрал из них те, которые поясняют что-то в прочих текстах, входящих в состав рукописи.
Full commented Russian translation of the Gesta Dagobert, a biography of Dagobert I (629-638), the most powerful king of Francian during the rule of the Merovingian dynasty. The text was written at Saint-Denis abbey in 830s.
The meeting gathers scholars who engage in groundbreaking projects in the field of digital manuscript studies. It brings together colleagues who work from methodological and theoretical perspectives with those who apply digital techniques to specific subjects, and thus hopes to facilitate fruitful interactions between bottom-up and top-down approaches. The conference environment is designed to stimulate dialogue and knowledge exchange: we consider cooperation, interoperability and integration at the largest scale as essential to realize the potential of digital manuscript studies, and to help each other in the search for a dynamic, secure and cooperative future for the field.